Kitsunesuke wanted to cry but had no tears. [Shinsen, how can you two be so angry?] It was too childish. Although his Shinsen is young, he is already an old Shinsen with six years of experience. How could he be angry with other mysterious forces?

"Hehe, look at my legs!"Ren Wang frowned and pulled open his trouser legs. There was a trace of friction on the originally clean white trousers. After pulling them open, he found that the inside was already bleeding. Now is the season of spring and summer. The first step to a good body is to keep warm on time and in a certain amount. So they wore short-sleeved shorts on the court. As soon as the game was over, Ren Wang changed into long trousers.

But he didn't expect that long trousers couldn't prevent the damage.——

"This guy is quite powerful. Unless I use the power of life and death, I can't suppress him!" Ren Wang said coldly.

The heir of the Byodoin family is naturally powerful! 】 Kitsunesuke turned his head silently and stared at the blond man in the distance.——

【Shinsengumi, how about we go back and beat him up! 】

Rinoh was stunned for a moment, then laughed,"That still requires me to remain calm... Forget it……"

His eyes were deep as he looked back into the distance,"Do you think we will meet less often in this circle in the future?"

His intuition told him that he had a deep connection with the Byodoin Phoenix!


""What are you thinking about? It's just an injury, why do you have to think about how you got injured?"

Marui Fumita tapped Niou's shoulder in dissatisfaction. Does this guy care about his own safety...

Why is he so unreliable!

"It was just an accident!"Ryo chuckled and turned to ask Yukimura,"It's said here that after the Kanto Tournament, we don't have to compete for a month, right?"

After the Kanto Tournament, the national tournament will follow. There is still a gap in between, which is convenient for local adjustments... After all, Japan is so [big]. The competition time in each region is different, and there will be a slight time difference.

"Well, what do you want to do?"Xingcun smiled

"A close friend of mine is getting married soon! He said he would let me go and see the setting when he has time!"

"That's a good thing. If you need a leave, just tell me directly!"

While they were talking, the last match on the field had already ended, and it was still Sanada who played. The match was won, and Yukimura was in a good mood and naturally agreed happily.

No one doesn't want to win the match!


"Kitsunesuke - has their wedding date been set?"After returning to Honmaru, Niou asked as he changed his clothes.

【Lord Bawei has sent a message that their agreement with God is one year from now! 】

Kitsunesuke happily buried his whole face in the fried tofu, enjoying the meal very much.

"Tell me again, when?" Ren Wang paused while flipping through his clothes.

【One year later!】 Kitsunesuke continued without raising his head,【The gods said they wanted to test their abilities as humans! So——one year limit!】

"Why didn't you tell me earlier? I thought you were going to get married soon!"

Ren Wang's eyes were full of young anger,"I'm so disappointed that I'm looking for clothes and gifts now! Phew~"

I thought something good was going to happen, but it turned out to be a waste of joy

【Hehe, you can't blame me for this! Kitsunesuke chuckled and quickly thought of something to make Nioh happy, [I saw the trick that the Shinsengumi-sama used today, it's really improved!]

It was talking about the incident when he attacked Fushimi Saruhiko from behind.

Although he had the advantage of the time and place for the attack, he also elbowed him after the attack and evacuated in time without being discovered. This is not something that ordinary people can do.

【He is the third under the Blue King! The power of the king comes from being the cornerstone of the world, and there are only seven of them. The government of time has thousands of Shinsengumi, and Nioh can perfectly play with Fushimi Saruhiko at this time.

It can be seen how powerful he is!

"Stop flattering me!" Ren Wang replied to the imperial physician with a wooden face and lay down on the quilt."There are still early classes tomorrow morning, let's go to sleep!"

【Good night!】

Kitsunesuke retreated with a wink.

In the darkness, the white-haired boy who should have been asleep silently raised the corners of his lips.

——He laughed!


Of course he is awesome!

In the future, he will be even more awesome!

Not only will he beat Yukimura in tennis, he will also crush that rude uncle who got him hurt in every way!


"My Lord, how did you get hurt?"Yakiri Hasebe was so frightened that he almost pulled his hair out."Such a big thing, why didn't you tell us?"

Nioh took a step back awkwardly. Why didn't he tell you? I was afraid that you would react so strongly.

Sometimes caring is also a sweet trouble.

"I just got a scratch during the game!" Ren Wang smiled,"You know, in a tennis game, there are bound to be bumps and bruises! It's normal!""

"Oh~" Yakiri Hasebe nodded and was about to accept it.

"Really?" Just then, the wooden door next to him opened, and a sinister voice came from inside,"If it is a normal injury, why didn't the lord tell us when he came back last night?" The young man in a white coat was a few centimeters shorter than Niwang, but his words showed the momentum of a 2.8-meter-tall man, and Niwang instantly became shorter.

"Lord, please give us a reasonable explanation. Please also tell us the detailed information and tactics of your opponent so that we can analyze whether you should be injured in this match.——"

Yagen Toushirou put on his glasses very professionally, took out his notebook and started to take notes.

Behind him, the little knives who were watching the fun were talking about it.

"What happened to Yaoyan brother? It's so scary!"Wuhu retreated in fear. Yaoyan Toushirou was now covered in a terrible black aura, with purple in the black, which was particularly weird.

"Because the master lied to him! Brother Yaoyan, as a doctor, of course he will be angry!"Rantong Shiro covered his mouth and laughed

"Okay, okay, let's stop watching the fun and leave quickly, or the lord will cause trouble for us later.……"


The short swords ran away, leaving Ren Wang alone to face the criticism from the 2.80 meter tall man.

In the end, he didn't attend any morning classes and was scolded all morning.

Ren Wang thought that this concern was really tiring and sweet.

However... he didn't intend to stop it, as it was a sign of becoming a family. He didn't attend the wedding as he wished, and he thought he would be extra free in the next two weeks.


"What is this?"Looking at the training form handed over by Kitsunesuke, Niou raised his eyebrows. Why can't I remember when I filled out this kind of form~

【They said that considering your age and future achievements, you should aspire to higher education! So within the scope of promise, we will provide you with the greatest help.——】

Of course, these are just high-sounding words, and the real things cannot be said.

"How long will it take?" Ren Wang asked

【Two or three weeks, not too long!】 Kitsunesuke scratched his paws.

The Shinsengumi is in a relaxed state, about to agree. Nioh picked up the little fox on the ground with a puff,"Kitsunesuke, please don't let me find out that you are lying to me!"

He gently touched Kitsunesuke, and every light touch made Kitsunesuke shudder. At this point, the government of time also considered that the Shinsengumi would not suffer any loss, so——

【Haha, how could I lie to you? I am your most powerful helper!】

"Well, that's better.——"


"Byodoin, who do you want that quota for? The association disagrees, so you bring in strange people.……"Kurobe stroked his hair and asked

"It's okay, it's not needed now!" Byodoin Phoenix sneered at the message on the phone.

If one way doesn't work, try two - there will always be a result.

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