The UK on the other side of the ocean is a completely different country.

The Western civilized atmosphere is fully displayed in this country. Everyone is warm and cheerful. In just a short journey from the airport to the hotel, the young Niou was greeted by many people.

""Hey, Boy, you don't look very old, but you must be careful when you stay here at night!"

The uncle who helped him move his things said kindly.

Renwang chuckled, and with a whoosh, he pulled out his suitcase,"Uncle, I'm already 1.78 meters tall, how can you tell I'm young?"

"Haha, you Oriental people look young, and you sound even younger when you speak.——"The uncle winked at Niou, showing that he had a good eye.

Niou accepted his kindness with a smile, dragging his suitcase to check into the hotel, which was arranged by the Time Government for him - free of charge.

In fact, it didn't matter whether it was free or not, he had no father or mother, and was brought back to the Time Government at the age of six, and was raised by them.

All expenses from childhood to adulthood were provided by the Time Government.���After all, he is a minor, and raising a child is very expensive!

Of course, he also achieved a 1000% return on his efforts.

Neither side suffered a loss.——

"Sir, your room is on the 16th floor, welcome to our hotel!" After looking at her attire, the waiter reminded,"There are various competition venues near our hotel, so the hotel facilities are very complete. There are not only parking lots on the first and second underground floors, but also tennis courts, basketball courts, football fields, etc. I hope you have a pleasant stay and stay healthy!"

Ren Wang casually glanced at her overly enthusiastic smile, and suddenly said,"Is there anyone playing a game here recently? - Tennis game!"

He emphasized deliberately, and really got the information.

"Yes, the Under seventeen U17 world round-robin tournament is being held here recently!" The waiter is obviously a loyal tennis fan,"You can go and watch it then. By the way, the hotel's check-in voucher includes a free ticket, and the location is very good. Please check it later!"

Nioh curled his lips, accepted the things and left

""Pu Li~"

The service attitude is very enthusiastic, but a little too enthusiastic!

Even if the facilities are perfect, the attitude is extremely unnatural

——There's a ghost!

From the beginning, Kitsunesuke's attitude to everything now, all seem particularly abnormal. But there is a saying that Kitsunesuke said is right, it won't harm him.

So there should be some other factors in this. Next, let him wait and see who is behind it...

Let him go abroad, and arrange this hotel specifically. That is related to tennis... In terms of financial resources, the only one he can think of is Atobe.

But - being able to have a connection with the government of time is not something that an ordinary family in the world can do. It must be a related force of mystery, plus he just finished the Kanto Tournament and met an inexplicable person!

The mastermind behind this is about to stand out - the ticket for the tennis match is for the next day, and he had a good rest in the hotel for a night. Nioh was in a very good mood and did a morning exercise in the room.

His room is a top-level suite with a special equipment room, running, barbells and a series of them, and he even saw a boxing ring.

He doesn't play this, but this place is good for practicing swords...

The crackling sound of breaking through the air sounded in the innermost room.

Half an hour later, Niou came out with a thin layer of sweat on his face and took a cold shower.

The morning sun had already passed, and he had to go back to sleep or watch the game. Niou raised his eyebrows and finally chose to walk into someone else's trap.

He had been invited so kindly, and it would be a shame not to go and have a look - the competition venue was a semi-enclosed and semi-open tennis court near the sports center in the capital of London, England.

Maybe it was because today was not the last day of the competition, so the place was not very big.

Surrounded by woods, the scenery was unique, and it was very suitable for hiding sounds. Niou heard the sound of cold breaths and the hitting of tennis balls only when he approached.



"Damn, where on earth did you come from? How could a few Orientals have such great strength!"

Ren Wang heard this as soon as he stepped into here,"Tsk——"

This damn British guy is really annoying!

No matter who this opponent is, he must be beaten up... otherwise he will take action!

"Ah ah ah ah ah……"

Just as Ren Wang was thinking this, a long series of painful screams resounded throughout the sky.

He took two quick steps to find out what was going on.

In the semi-open venue, a tall white man with blond hair and a crew cut was sweating and his cheeks were pale, but there was a strange red smudge in the center of his cheeks, as if he was in pain. He was covering his arm and sucking in a breath of cold air. The person who just screamed must be him.

""Pu Li~" I thought he was such a powerful person, but after all this time, this is all!


With a sneer of contempt, Ren Wang turned around to see which guy was so relieved to beat him up.

"The boss of Byodoin—mighty!"

"The Byodoin Phoenix did a good job!"


Once again, who are they talking about?

Is there someone in the world with the same name and surname who also loves to play tennis?

Inoue turned his head in disbelief. His neck was like a robot, making a crackling sound with every turn, as if telling of hardship and pain.

Unfortunately, the world will not give him too much expectation after all. When that familiar manic blond hair appeared in his eyes... How to say it, Inoue's gratitude and emotion were broken into pieces.

Although I already knew that this game was set by this person, I still want to say that the world is so big, why do we have to meet in this corner?

Inoue puffed his mouth and sulked, carrying his tennis bag and found a place to sit down. He hugged his shoulders and looked at the court coldly. He wanted to see how strong this guy was. His sword skills were in place, but not only his tennis skills were in place.

The Phoenix of Byodoin would naturally not let him down. He didn't know when this kid would come, but he would not lose to anyone in his match.

The pirate ship with a strong destructive light roared, and a wave appeared out of thin air on the ground. The pirate wielding a sickle moved his oars and headed towards the opponent's court with the power to destroy the world.

The terrifying ghost sounded... At this moment, the world became ominous!

And Nioh also got to know the Phoenix of Byodoin again.

He had seen the power of Yukimura, the tyranny of Sanada, and the gorgeousness of Atobe's tennis. He had never seen such a person. He had a tyrannical and destructive momentum. There was a kind of domineering calmness in his gestures, just like the helmsman of the pirate soul, using the racket in his hand to drive thousands of souls to serve him.

He was a crazy pirate on the sea. With a wave of his hand, he broke into the world of land with incomparable momentum, letting the land see its power.——

——Byodoin Phoenix!

Niou murmured the name to himself. He had never admired anyone before.

Whether in tennis or kendo - although Sanada is strong in kendo, he is still a step behind the swords of his family that have walked out of the bloody storm.

Yukimura is the strongest tennis player he has ever seen in junior high school, but he also has a kind of confidence that one day he will step into that class.

He first came into contact with tennis in junior high school and learned tennis for just over a year. The ability that Yukimura has, he will also have in the future. The only difference between the two is time!

But the person in front of him alone gave him a unique feeling in his heart - he was too powerful, so powerful that people could not catch up, and could only stand behind him and watch what he did!

Byodoin Phoenix - this person who originally only had the image of an uncle, just left a mark in his heart that could never be erased!

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