Niou himself was just here to seek clarification.

He said,"Mr. Zhou Fang, I think you can see that my situation is quite troublesome!"

"I know, but this is the best way!" Zhou Fangzun had heard it upstairs, and when he came down and took a look, he felt it even more.

"The power of fire can make you see your heart clearly! But it won't block your way!" Zhou Fangzun hooked his lips, and his handsome face set off his smile, which was particularly generous."If you don't want to stay here in the future, you can leave directly like Fushimi Saruhiko.——" so——

"No need to worry so much!"

"But, wouldn't you be at a disadvantage?"Nio was puzzled. Why did he do this? For the king, the family clan is very important.

Suohono bared his teeth domineeringly,"At a disadvantage? Once the flame burns fiercely in the heart, no one can escape!"

So what if Fushimi Saruhiko left? Suohono believed that he would never forget the temperature of that flame.

——He will come back!

He is absolutely sure of it!


Ren Wang was helpless and amazed by his domineering attitude.

He finally understood why this person inherited the position of the Red King and became the well-deserved third king.

"I'll give you more advice later.——"Thank you for lending me your flame, so that I can see my own heart clearly.

Niou stretched out his hand, and a flame suddenly appeared on his broad hand in front of him. The color of the flame was bright and hot. The moment he stretched out his hand to touch it...


"Like the beating of a heart!"

"This is……"

——Flame of the heart!

"Use this power to see your heart clearly and walk your own path. Niou Masaharu!"

""Hmm!" Feeling the sudden appearance of the flame embroidery on his neck, Niou nodded heavily.

The two smiled at each other, and the one beside them also smiled. However, Kusanagi Izumo suddenly froze - his smile

""Zun - look here!" He stared at Ren Wang's neck with his eyes wide open in disbelief.

The flame tattoo that had already appeared seemed to be eroded by some kind of power and began to slowly dissipate.……

"What's going on? Are you resisting this power in your heart?"Jushu Tadara asked

""Puff~ No!" Ren Wang stretched out his hand, and a red flame burned from his hand, without any hesitation, very smoothly. He had obtained the power of the Red King.

""Hiss... what's going on?"

The knowledgeable Kusanagi Izumo couldn't understand. He thought that Niou was rejecting him, and he wanted to get angry, but he didn't expect——

"Brother Zun, how do you feel?"Jiushu Duoduoliang suddenly paused, realized something, and quickly turned to look at Zhou Houzun."Do you feel that your manic energy has been calmed down?……"

The people of the Red Team have always known that Zhou Fangzun is on the verge of collapse. His power is too violent. Frequent use will gradually increase the value. When it reaches a certain critical point, it will collapse.

Zhou Fangzun closed his eyes and felt it slightly."It seems to be a little low!"

The mood does not need to be suppressed as usual. There is a feeling……

"It feels like I can have a good fight.——"

This feeling - it's been a long time since I last felt it!

"So that's how it is!"Jisukuda Tadoroki smiled happily. He was the scabbard of the Red King. Although he was protecting Suohon, he was also suppressing his flames. If there was any problem with Suohon's flames, he could feel it immediately.

This is the case now.——

""Jusetsuka, what on earth do you understand?" Kusanagi Izumo asked in confusion.

"Niwang-kun absorbed the power of Zun Ge, and Zun Ge's violent flames were diverted by him!"

"Huh?" Kusanagi Izumo had never heard such a horrifying theory before."You mean——"

"In simple terms, he absorbed the energy and reduced the danger to Brother Zun.

Although it sounds strange, Izumo Kusanagi understood the general feeling.

"But - why?"Kusanagi Izumo looked at Nioh strangely as if he was looking at something strange."How did you manage to absorb the power but not become a clan?"

"Also stealing home——"

""Pfft~" Niou rolled his eyes. If he had known, he would not have taken the initiative to shake Suohono's hand."How should I know?"

"I just want to ask, can you also obtain the power of other kings in this way?" Kusanagi Izumo asked as if he had opened the door to a new world.

This question made the eyes of several people present light up.

——Good question!

"I don't know why, but do you want to give it a try?"Jiushu Tadara.

Niou was a little moved by what he said.

"Better not to do it yet!" Zhou Fangzun, who remained calm and silent, spoke up, interrupting the excitement of several people."I should know why you have such ability.……"

"The more your power is weakened, the greater the possibility of your awakening, and the sooner it will happen!"He cast a sharp gaze at the boy,"You haven't thought it through yet, have you?"


Niou was a little upset. He thought he could escape fate, but he didn't expect to fall into the trap of fate.

There are six more kings above the seventh king. Suohon meant that if he absorbed the power of the other six kings, he would be destined to become the seventh king, and no one could resist.

"There is more than one way to resist fate.——"A warm hand patted his head, and Zhou Fangzun's magnetic voice sounded,"Acceptance does not mean giving up resistance. Using it well and taking a path that no one expected is also a way!"

"Zhou Fangxian——"

"Silly boy, call me Brother Zun!" Shishu Duoduoliang said stealthily.

"Zun Ge——"

Zhou Fangzun was pleased by the call of"Brother Zun", patted his head and said,"You are a thirteen-year-old child, why do you have so many psychological burdens all day long?"

"Do whatever you want. Don't you call yourself a fox? A fox is cunning and reckless. If you want to agree, you agree. If you want to refuse, you refuse. This is what you should do.——"

"——You are Niou Masaharu!"

Niou was suddenly enlightened by what he said. Yes, why should we limit ourselves to the loneliness of resisting fate or the sadness of accepting fate?

He is Niou Masaharu, the most free fox, who is out of the world and the only Shinsengumi in this world. He can do whatever he wants.……

"No one can force me to do something I don't like to do!" he murmured.

"And if one day I want to do it, I will not care about other people's eyes.——"

"That's more like it!" Zhou Houzun showed a happy smile.

This kid has grasped the essence.

Jutsu Tadara and Kusanagi Izumo looked at each other and smiled bitterly. They always felt that Brother Zun had taught a dangerous person in the future.

""Sir, is this child considered to be one of our Homura's?" asked Kusanagi Izumo after Niou left.

Suohono glanced at him and said coldly,"What do you think?" He

's already been labeled as one of their Homura's, and he still wants to run away?

"I understand!" Kusanagi Izumo smiled.


【Shinsengumi, Mr. Suohono is really a god!】

When Kitsunesuke heard his words, the whole fox was stunned.

It's okay, is this how you behave?

This kind of wanton and arrogant, it's pleasant to listen to

【Yes!】Rinou laughed happily,"I'll go find my brother, it's the most correct decision I've ever made!" What's the point of arguing? If you want it, take it, and throw it away when you don't want it.

If it really involves the issue of responsibility, then all his clans can be brought to Honmaru.

The clans respect the charm of the king himself, not the power of the king.

【The Shinsengumi is so domineering!】 Kitsunesuke jumped three feet high in excitement. He was also a fox who watched Niou Masaharu grow up. Seeing his Shinsengumi grow into a better person, he was so happy that he couldn't wait... How could he stop him?


Encouragement - support!

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