The next morning.

Having solved the doubts in his heart, Niou suddenly became clear-headed, and the whole person showed a transparent and natural state.

His happiness made Yukimura curl the corners of his lips,"It seems that you have gained a lot last night!"

Niou took a leave of absence for two weeks, and when he came back, he was a huge change. Taking a leave once, the atmosphere became different again.

So does Niou's progress depend on taking leave?

"Phew~ Because there are a lot of good people around me!" He looked at Yukimura with a smile in his eyes,"For example, I have a particularly kind minister around me, which is also my blessing!"

""Hiss~" Marui Bunta, who happened to be walking next to the two of them, shuddered and looked at Nioh as if he was looking at a warrior.

He was so calm, sincere, and smiled and praised Yukimura as a good person.

——As expected of you!


This compliment was without a trace of gloom or ridicule, and it made him feel embarrassed to continue to torment others.——

"" Go find Sanada!" He said with a smile.

If you are embarrassed to do something, let Sanada do it.


Yukimura, your lily has bloomed, did you know that?

Niou pinched his braids, lowered his eyes, and went to find Sanada.

Then he happily received a gift package for running 50 laps in the morning.

Today's Rikkai University is also a harmonious and beautiful Rikkai University.

"cough cough……"In a dark monitoring room, a man in a white coat kept coughing.

Saito couldn't stand it anymore, so he took out two pieces of paper and handed them to Kurobe,"What happened to you today?"

"How would I know? It was as if I was cursed, and I kept sneezing!" Kurobe's voice was hoarse, and it was obvious that he was about to catch a cold.

"Normally, if you are cursed, you will only sneeze once. You sneeze so many times. It is impossible that you have been cursed by 100 people.……"How hateful this is!

"So, I must have just caught a cold!" He rubbed his nose and muttered.

Coach Kurobe said confidently,"After all, how could I, such a popular person, be hated by so many people?"

In fact - many people:...Damn Kurobe, a lot of fake news, a liar!

"I heard that you forced the cancellation of the training camp plan?"

Byodoin Phoenix hung up the phone and looked back at the young man who was speaking.

"What, you have any objection?"

"No, I also think Coach Kurobe is acting too hastily!" Irie Kanata smiled gently,"It's not a good thing for them to know the truth about the world too early!"

"I thought there was no one with a brain among you guys?" Byodoin Phoenix sneered.

Irie Kanata was speechless:"……"Byodoin Phoenix, how naive and stupid you think they are.

"I just happened to have something to tell you."

"What's up!"

"Do you still remember Tokugawa whom you met in Germany before?"

"Remember, you are a useless fool in the elite system!"Phoenix of Byodoin sneered and gave the highest praise.

"……"Irie Kanata.

This is really... an easy-to-understand evaluation!

"Come on, what do you want to say?"

Irie Kanata didn't want to speak, but at this point……"Tokugawa is interested in joining the Neon team. He wants to train at the U17 base in Japan."

"Did you come up with this idea because I defeated you?" The Phoenix of Byodoin mocked his childishness.

"Did you and the ghost agree?" he asked

"After this year's U17 World Cup, Gui Xiang and I stayed in the training camp to teach him."Irie Kanata finished his thoughts under someone's cold eyes.

"Well, if you want to teach that idiot, go ahead and teach him. It has nothing to do with me!"Baiduyuan Phoenix sneered. There are many future talents in U17, and it is not bad to have the two so-called pillars of the team, Jujiro and Oni.


"In this competition, I will give my all and participate seriously!"


"How did Tokugawa offend the Phoenix of Byodoin Temple?"Irie Kanata was very puzzled when he returned.

"He didn't agree?" asked Kijujiro.

"He agreed, but his words seemed to show a particular dislike for Tokugawa. Many people had lost to him before, so why was he so disgusted with Tokugawa alone?"As for Irie Kanata, he still liked Tokugawa Kazuya, who had such a personality and was so serious.

"I don't know!" Kijujiro inexplicably remembered what Irie Kanata said about the Byodoin Phoenix. In the previous trip to Germany, the Byodoin Phoenix seemed to have acted alone. Could it be that it really did something?

Shaking his head, he kicked out the unfounded thoughts in his mind. The Byodoin Phoenix was so normal, how could he speculate rashly?

The national competition officially began.

The school also began intensive pre-match special training and close cooperation. Nioh lay on the table bored, shaking the glass beads in front of him.

"Are you feeling unwell today?" asked Yagyu Birushi

"No, I just feel lazy all over and don't want to move!"Ren Wang said lazily.

"Haha, Niou, you have been so interesting these past two days!"Marui Bunta came over and touched his braids with amusement.

This hair, which usually looks very smooth, has become a little anxious these past two days, with the hair curled outwards, looking like a fox with its hair blown up.

"Haha, you got an electric shock, why is your hair so frizzy?"Marui Bunta almost burst out laughing.

"I don’t know what happened!" Ren Wang irritably pulled the braid out of his hand,"You’d better not touch my hair!"

"Yo... It looks like an anxious lion? Is it angry?" said the knowledgeable Liu."I heard that animals in nature will feel a little depressed before the official competition, and then they will be particularly anxious during that period of time."

"What do you mean? I'm not an animal!"Ren Wang said angrily.

"But, don’t you call yourself the most cunning fox?"Liu chuckled,"Although foxes and lions are not alike, they are similar!" They are both animals with extra long fur.


""Ah, is Niou-senpai nervous?" Kirihara Akaya looked over curiously.

"Puff——"Marui Fumita laughed so hard,"Nervous, who are you describing?"

He and Nioh have known each other for two years, and he has never seen Nioh nervous.


Ren Wang was speechless about this group of companions who just liked to watch the fun.

"Can you please stop watching me and think of a concrete solution?" He was really anxious now, and he felt like hitting someone, and he was angry but couldn't get out of it.

"What have you done recently? Generally speaking, this kind of emotion will not appear rashly!"Xingcun said

"What did you do~" After being reminded by Yukimura, Niou actually remembered.

What he did recently was different from usual. Wasn't it that he accepted the power of the Red King?

When the mark disappeared, Kusanagi Izumo said that his energy was integrated into his body.

So it was this integration method!

He always thought that his strength was just a little stronger and his five senses were more sensitive. He didn't realize that his personality and mood were also subtly affected.

"My family didn't tell me!"Ryoou grumbled.

The swords didn't even ask these questions, but accepted them calmly.

"Haha, it seems that you have found the source of the problem. If so, then don't worry about it."Yukimura smiled sweetly. Nioh looked at his palm helplessly."Ah, I found it, but it may not be a perfect solution. I am also very worried now.……"

The power of fire is extremely brutal, and it cannot be solved by knowing it.

"You actually feel anxious, the game is about to start, why not send all your anxiety to your opponent!"Marui Bunta made a very good suggestion, which was instantly recognized by everyone. And - quack quack.

Niou even personally led the applause. No wonder the people in the Red Team always like to fight, it turns out there is such a reason.

"I've gained a little strength!" Ren Wang said with a smile.

"Well, everyone, this is our second trip to the national competition! I hope we can go all out this time and let the flag fly high above our heads.——"

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