"Mori-senpai... right!" The coldness between the lips and teeth of the Byodoin Phoenix was so cold that it could freeze a person to death."You'd better pray that he doesn't stay alone these two days - otherwise, hum!"

The unfinished meaning was already very obvious.

The Byodoin Phoenix left with a heart full of anger. Nioh was also very angry,"Inexplicably——"

Maori Jusaburo:...Hehe, so happy!

The red-haired teenager who was eavesdropping in the corner fell asleep contentedly.


The next day,

Mori Jusaburo woke up refreshed and went to call the Niou boy next door who slept very late the previous night.

"Nioh, what time does today's game start?……"He was as excited as a big dog.

Niou rubbed his sleepy eyes,"Haa~ Afternoon...Morri-senpai, you got up too early!"

"Is there a tennis court nearby? I want to go and warm up!"Mouri Jusaburo said,"Just tell me the place, I can do it myself!"

Niou sobered up instantly,"I'd better go with you!"

Now is a special period, so you should be vigilant.

He was really afraid that the Phoenix of Byodoin would really go crazy to block Mori Jusaburo, and then it would be over.

Mori Jusaburo wanted to refuse, but he couldn't stand Niou's eye attack, and his foreign language was really not good, so the two of them went together in the end.

On the way.

When Niou yawned for the fifth time, Mori Jusaburo finally couldn't help asking,"Niou, what time did you go to bed last night!"

He went to eavesdrop yesterday at about 10 o'clock in France, and now it's 8 o'clock in the morning. There are 10 hours in between, which is enough for Niou to sleep.

Why... still so sleepy?

"I was quite excited last night, so I did some more training!"Ryoou said with his eyes downcast.

After a quarrel with the Phoenix of Byodoin, he felt that he was not strong enough, so he did a large set of training before going to sleep.

The result was - I was very sleepy the next day!

This was a predetermined result.

"You, you are still young, why are you working so hard!"Mori Jusaburo didn't understand Niou's efforts.

He is now confused about the growth period, and is looking forward to improving his strength after the growth period. Otherwise, repeating basic training is very boring!

"But - Senior Maori, don't you mind losing?" Niou asked.

Facing your own powerlessness, it is not a pleasant feeling to have to watch others work hard.


"Having seen the vastness of the sea, who would want to be limited to the calmness of a small stream?"Ren Wangdao.

The ghost ship that was domineeringly sailing on the turbulent ocean, the figure that was unscrupulously riding the waves - it was so domineering and calm!

No one can forget it - can the heart that has seen the scenery really return to calmness and allow itself to return to the empty and ordinary days?


A heart has long been captured and can never go back.

Only by surpassing, surpassing that person, and pressing him hard under you, can you heal the traces in your heart!

Only then can you - step onto a new ladder again

"That's not right!" Maori Jusaburo asked in confusion,"Even if we did the accelerated training, it was only one or two hours - I shouldn't be so sleepy!"



【"Shinsen-sama, are you sure you want to do this?" Kitsunesuke asked.

【Get all his information, including his match records!】Ryo sat on the bed angrily, [It's just the Phoenix of Byodoin. Once I figure out all his moves, there will be nothing left to play with him.]

Then, Ryo watched the other person's video for most of the night, and also……

"My Lord, didn't you say you were going abroad?"Yakiri Hasebe was pleasantly surprised to welcome his Lord who returned home in the middle of the night.

"I want to come back and comprehend something, so……"This is what Nioh is most satisfied with the government of time. The technology created has surpassed the entire era. The Shinsengumi can enter their own Honmaru from anywhere to ensure their own safety.

Just like now - what if you suddenly get inspired while watching someone's game? Then call them back to Honmaru to play a game!


"Niou, why do I feel like something is wrong with you?" Mori Jusaburo looked unkindly at the bruises on Niou's arms and neck, and a bloodstain beside his ear.

When he went to bed last night, the man who scolded him had left. Could it be that the guy came to trouble Niou again in the middle of the night?

How could he be so crazy!

Mori Jusaburo was angry.

How could you bully his junior like this!

Niou said with a wooden face,"Although I don't know what you are thinking, it is definitely not what you think!"

This expression was very wrong at first glance!

Mori Jusaburo vowed and said with a little desire to protect,"Don't worry, Niou... I will definitely protect you!"

He would not let anyone bully his junior again.


Uncle Byodoin, thank you for your hard work!


After the morning warm-up training, the two had a meal and saw that the weather was good before they went to the audience to watch the game.

At this moment, the audience was already crowded. In this tennis-loving country, a perfect tennis event is simply the supreme enjoyment for everyone.

"Which opponent are you most looking forward to?"

"Of course it was the German team yesterday. Their serious style was really strong!"The man said sadly,"It's a pity that their game doesn't start until tomorrow.……"

"By the way, who is competing today?"

"I don't know, it seems to be a small country from the East! Not very famous!"

"I don't know how strong it is, I guess there's nothing to watch……"

The people around him also looked away, no longer expecting the Neon team today.

Maori Jusaburo clenched his fists again and again:...

I'm unhappy! I'm so angry!

Why am I so angry?

When he turned around and was about to complain to Niou, he realized,"Niou, why are you so calm?"

"Aren't you angry at all?"

"Angry? Why should you be angry?"Ryoou smiled lightly, his tone full of contempt for this group of people."They are just a group of ignorant people... Don't pay attention to what they say!"

That person will make them all shut up!

Mori Jusaburo was about to say something else, but was interrupted by Ryoou.


""Senior, the contestant is entering the arena!"

Overwhelming cheers came, although not for the Neon team, but this did not prevent Mao Li Juzabulang from hearing the voice in his ear.

"Senior, don't you want to ask me why I work so hard?"

The young man's clear voice was as vigorous as the rising sun. He listened to him and said,

"This is the stormy waves and the vast ocean that I am obsessed with!"

On the white and red uniform, a handsome and unruly blond man with a domineering smile on his face is on the stage!

Niou:...Huh, this uncle has a good expression!

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