Maori Jusaburo did not understand Niou's words at first, until the game officially began.

The man's smile was like the scorching sun, with the arrogance and sarcasm unique to gods, looking down at the whole world from a high position. His face and body were full of arrogant edges. His sharp eyebrows swept the entire court.

Every blow was accompanied by violent power, sweeping the entire court. The power of the storm made everything conquered, and the whole world seemed to be submerged by the sea.

Finally - the light is coming!

Like the sun suddenly shining on the harbor in the dark night, the whole world was turned into a dot at this moment. The eyes were stung by the strong light and hurt. In the misty eyes, the broad and powerful figure occupied the entire space.

Behind him was the extremely bright skylight, so bright that he could paint the whole world white with his own power, leaving only this ray of light.

"Puff~" There is a strange habit next to me

"How about it, did I scare you?"

He turned his head and found that the boy's eyes were not looking at him at all.

The pair of eyes that were illuminated by the light and showed a clear green color were closely following the figure. It was as if the world only had that person and figure left!

The corners of the boy's mouth raised a brilliant arc that made people tremble with fear, and the meaning inside was...……

"Well, I was scared!"

Whether it was this man who exploded like a supernova, or this brilliant but strange smile……

——He was scared!

After a morning of competition, it seemed like a long time had passed, but only two games had passed.

"Is this the world competition?" Maori Jusaburo said in surprise,"How amazing!


"Niou, where is the tall person you mentioned?"

Niou smiled and said,"Senior is still as focused as ever!"

Maori Jusaburo looks soft and considerate of others, but deep down he is very focused on himself. During the growth period at school, he made up his mind not to participate in training, and would rather hide from Yanagi for a whole year than change his mind.

In this foreign country, he was obviously impressed by the power of the Phoenix of Byodoin, but in his heart he was still thinking about the tall shadow he had never seen before!

Very good——

"That person is Yuezhi Yueguang——"Nio is wearing a quilt and smiling while introducing

"Silver-white hair, very tall, he just went to the toilet, do you want to meet him by chance, Maori-senpai?"

Niou stretched out a finger and pointed in the direction of the outside.

There was a hint of temptation on the thin white fingertips, Maori Jusaburo swallowed lightly,"What does he look like!"

Niou smiled with his eyes rolling,"White hair, very tall, red and white team uniform... At first glance, he is the most handsome tall guy in the crowd!"

""Hmm!" Mori Jusaburo couldn't wait to set off.

After he left, Nioh also stood up leisurely,"Pu Li……"

He swore that he was not just there to watch the fun



As the saying goes, the bravest wins when two meet on a narrow road.

But if there is a violent demon king who just got off the field on your narrow road, Ren Wang thinks that it is better not to rush in and attack at the critical moment.���"Puh~ Isn't this Byodoin-senpai? Where are you going?"

The white-haired boy smiled, with a low ponytail neatly tied behind his head. With a tennis bag on his shoulder and sneakers on his feet, his white sportswear made his fair face more delicate and sunny, just like a sports boy.

He looks so well behaved...

Unfortunately, he only looks】——

The Byodoin Phoenix had not forgotten how this seemingly good boy had pushed him so hard that his chest hurt last night.

The result was that the Byodoin Phoenix bared his teeth, excited and happy,"You know...……"

"Shit, that damn Byodoin Phoenix! How could it be so cruel!"

"Look at what Kevin has been beaten up by him!" The brown-haired young man frowned and said with a resentful tone,"Is he crazy?"

The young man he called Kevin had just come off the court. He was supported by someone. It took him 15 minutes to walk the distance of a court. Maori Jusaburo, who was watching the game, had gone to the toilet, and he hadn't finished walking the distance off the court.

The corners of his eyes were dark blue, his hair was scattered and"flowing", and his face was still normal. But his body - left leg - purple!

Right leg - swollen!

Left arm - covered with scars!

Right arm - bloodstains!

He was supported by someone, and his left hand, which was barely movable, pressed on his abdomen. As he moved, the corner of his sportswear was lifted, revealing his purple and black waist and abdomen...


It's a bit miserable!

"Is this how you always compete?"

"Humph, who do you think they are facing!"Phoenix of Equal Court snorted coldly. He was a tyrant, a demon in everyone's eyes. Only this child in front of him would provoke him without knowing it.

"Standing in front of me, without absolute strength, they must be prepared to die! Then their only ending is death!"

This is considered light!

Ren Wang tilted his head and was about to say something, but was interrupted by a sudden scream.

"Byodoin Phoenix - it's you!"The few people who were just angry finally found them.

"How could this devil be so cruel!"His eyes were full of sparks, like a lit volcano."This is a competition, not your slaughterhouse!"

"Do you have any humanity at all?"

Between Temple Phoenix looked at him coldly, her eyes full of indifference and sarcasm. He snorted coldly and turned away without saying a word.

The young man behind him was not willing to let him go. He ran up to grab Byeongin Phoenix and asked for an explanation.——

"Don't even think about it - ahhh!"

The piercing scream made Ren Wang frown, and he raised his foot expressionlessly. It also made Byodoin Phoenix turn his head away.

Surprise sank into his eyes,"What are you doing?"

He lowered his eyes and saw that the man who had just cursed at him was curled up, making"shashasha" sounds in his mouth, covering his feet and screaming like a miserable dog.

""Pfft~" The boy spread his hands and said,"I didn't do anything. I just stepped on the disabled man's foot by accident."……"

He curled his lips and smiled leisurely,"I'm sorry, this...���Brother, I accidentally stepped on you. I didn’t expect that your foot is your pain point. It hurts so much when you just touch it lightly!"

"Hiss, you little bastard, you did it on purpose--ah!" The man who had just bent over almost fell to the ground. He pressed his left foot, and Ren Wang stepped on his right foot again.

"Phew~ I'm so sorry, a bug just got into my eye, and I accidentally stepped on the owner of the bug!"

Between-in Phoenix raised the corners of his mouth, and a smile also appeared in his eyes."……"

This kid……

"You two are in the same group!" The man finally understood,"You two are in cahoots with each other... You... are going too far!"

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