Duke Watanabe's memory of the Time Travel Army had been erased, so he only remembered that he and his sister brought the Byodoin Phoenix to the hospital. The

Byodoin Phoenix was injured in order to save his sister.

The little girl next to him was about to cry.

"If the surgery is successful, he will recover, but it is hard to say to what extent. The doctor's meaning was very clear."It is hard to say when he will recover, but he will definitely not be able to play tennis again for at least two months.——"

"What about his game?"As a tennis player, Watanabe understands best what is happening at this moment.

"It's already this late, and you're still thinking about the competition." The doctor glared at him,"The most important thing is that the operation is successful first, and he saves his life!"

Niou nodded heavily,"You go first!"

After signing the letter of responsibility on behalf of Byodoin Phoenix, Niou watched the doctor push him in.


【I'm here! Yagen Toushirou is here too——】

【Good!】 The lights in the operating room were on for half the night and only dimmed in the early hours of the morning.

"The operation was successful - but you have to be mentally prepared for the problem I mentioned earlier!"

The doctor left

"I'm really sorry!" Duke Watanabe bowed his head and apologized to Niou with his sister.

Niou turned sideways,"You don't need to apologize to me - you should listen to this, I'm sorry to this person!"

His eyes were not kind. Duke Watanabe expressed his understanding. If it weren't for this accident, the Byodoin Phoenix would not be lying here.

If it weren't for the initial injury, a few time-traveling troops would not be able to hurt him!

The man on the hospital bed was still in anesthesia coma - and his body was facing irreparable damage.

"What should we do now? We need to notify the Neon Team——"

Niou has been in a low mood since last night, and his aura is so heavy that even Duke Watanabe is scared.

In addition, Byodoin Phoenix ordered that only Niou should come, so he subconsciously obeyed his order.

The Japanese team still has a game now, so they must tell it. It is impossible for Byodoin Phoenix to wake up in the afternoon and go to the game.

Niou paused.

Whether to inform Japan about Byodoin Phoenix's injury is a problem...

Of course, they should be notified, but - at this moment, Niou Masaharu hesitated.

He still remembered the last thing that Byodoin Phoenix was obsessed with before he fell into a coma.——

【How great it would be if we could win a game! 】

This guy was eager to play and compete until the end. The U17 World Championship is really important to him!

"Duke, what exactly is the U17 competition?" he asked.

Duke Watanabe was stunned, then said,"It's a bit fake to say it's a dream.……"

"I don't know what Byodoin Phoenix thinks, but for me——"

His eyes were full of seriousness,"This is the only thing I am obsessed with in my life, the honor I want to get even at the cost of my life!"

"It's all about struggling for years and wanting to see a final result!"

——U17 World Cup Champion.

Ren Wang slowly exhaled.

He lowered his eyes, his eyes were obscure and unclear.

"Can only high school students participate in the U17 World Cup?" he asked

"The current rules are as follows——"Duke Watanabe was stunned for a moment and said,"Do you want to participate in the U17 World Cup on behalf of Byodoin Phoenix?"

"This is totally against the rules!" Duke Watanabe frowned,"and the Neon team won't agree!"

Niou Masaharu was just a person who suddenly appeared, who would believe him?

But when Niou said this, Duke Watanabe also remembered that Byodoin Phoenix was the main captain of the Neon team.

If he was injured now and couldn't play at all, it would be a devastating blow to the Neon team.

Everything started because of him -

Byodoin Phoenix couldn't be left alone to bear the consequences.

"Niou-kun, do you have the phone number of the coach of the Japanese team? I have something to tell you!"

Duke Watanabe left the French team and joined the Japanese team. The news spread to all the teams participating in the U17 World Cup in just half an hour.

No one knew what happened, but they only knew that everything changed in one night.

"Duke, have you really thought it through?"

Coach Kurobe asked seriously for the last time.

The exhibition match had just ended and the official group match was about to begin. This was the last chance to sign up and confirm the roster.

Although I wanted to get this powerful helper, and although my writing had already been passed on and it was almost a foregone conclusion... Duke Watanabe still had a chance to regret it.

"No need to think about it anymore, I decided to join the Neon team and help you win the championship!"

The big guy stood there firmly without hesitation.

"Captain Camus——"Coach Kurobe rubbed his brows and looked at the blond man next to him. Watanabe Duke was transferred to the team temporarily, so he had to communicate with the captain of the French team. Otherwise, if any problems arose, everyone would lose face.

"I have agreed. Duke has his own ideas, and we will not stop him!"Although Camus has not figured out the reason yet.

But - looking at Duke's eyes, he knows that he has made all preparations!


All right!"The powerful God of Destruction took the initiative to join, and Coach Kurobe felt that there was no reason to refuse. After discussing with the head coach, he decided to accept this new member.——

"Where is the Byodoin Phoenix? I haven't seen him since last night.——"

Oni Jujiro said.

How could he, the captain, not be there when a new member joined?

Watanabe Duke froze,"That... I know……"

"What do you know?"

With a creak, the door was pushed open, and the sunlight outside shone into the house. The whole hall was dazzlingly illuminated by the sudden light.

A familiar tall figure stood there, and the smile on the corner of his mouth was naturally sarcastic from the superior to the inferior,"I'm the captain, do I need to report to you where I go and what I do - ghost!"

"Humph, you don't need to report to me, but your behavior is very irresponsible!" Oni Jujiro snorted coldly,"Baiduin Phoenix, I hope you can remember your identity. You are the captain of the Neon Team.——"

"I don't need you to remind me of this - I will remember my responsibility and bring victory to the team!"The figure strode forward and stepped into the eyes of everyone.

Duke Watanabe looked at the man with a calm face and an arrogant attitude as always in shock.

His hands trembled, and his mouth opened and closed, not knowing what to say."……"

How is it possible?

Isn't Byodoin Phoenix lying on the bed?

He was seriously injured and is still unconscious.

"Byodoin-kun, you……"

"Duke Watanabe?" Byodoin Phoenix frowned,"Why, you come to provoke the Neon team before the game even starts?"

"Haha, you are the God of Destruction, right? I have wanted to see your strength for a long time!" He smiled majestically, his face full of sneer and cruelty.

"Heh - do you want to try to destroy it?"

This arrogant attitude reminded Duke Watanabe of the Byodoin Phoenix he met that day.

The familiar face and the familiar Byodoin Phoenix.

Heh, it's impossible that what happened last night was a dream!

What happened?

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