Byodoin Phoenix understood the reason why Duke Watanabe came here through popular science education

"Okay, I agree!"

Seeing that he agreed so readily, Gui Jujiro was a little surprised,"Are you not going to say anything more?"

"The principle of the team is victory. If he wants to join and I agree, that's all!"

Byodoin Phoenix sneered,"Why, didn't you agree before I came?"

Don't play innocent in front of him.

Onijujiro looked at Byodoin Phoenix, who was displeased with him and kept talking to the air, and snorted coldly, and stopped talking.

After Duke Watanabe came in from Byodoin Phoenix, he had been silent.

Until the dispute between him and Onijujiro was over, he said,"Byodoin-kun, can we talk alone?"

After all, he felt it was very weird.

"Good!"Byōdōin Phoenix hugged his shoulders and nodded,"Bring your tennis racket to the tennis court, I also want to see your strength!"

He curled his lips and grinned,"If you are not strong enough, you are not qualified to join the Neon Team!"

As a team leader, there is nothing wrong with saying this, and no one doubted it.

Only Yue Zhiyueguang——

"Yuezhi, what's wrong with you?" Irie Kanata asked

"nothing……"He lowered his eyes and said,"I just remembered a friend I met yesterday.……"

"Do you have anything else to do? If not, I want to go and have dinner with him!"

Irie Kanata was a little surprised. Yuezhi Yueguang was a cold person, but he actually had friends in the French team."Of course you can……"



"Who are you?"

Bidaoin Phoenix and Watanabe Duke did not find a tennis court to play a game as everyone imagined.

Instead, they went to the hotel together tacitly.

And it was when they stepped into this closed and confined space that Watanabe Duke was more certain of his thoughts. The person in front of him must not be Byodoin Phoenix. The blond figure turned his head with cold eyebrows, and before he was about to turn around completely, the light and shadow faded, and he instantly became another person.

"hiss……"Duke Watanabe couldn't believe his eyes

"It's you——"

The white-haired boy looked very familiar— it was Niou Masaharu who helped him save the Phoenix of Byodoin Temple last night.

What a shocking and understandable answer!

"How did you do it? Is this a magic trick?"Watanabe Duke said in shock.

The Byodoin Phoenix just now was lifelike, and every move was full of the natural Byodoin Phoenix-style domineering.

Although Watanabe Duke didn't know how Byodoin Phoenix usually got along with his teammates, just by looking at him confronting Jijujiro, the others didn't have any objections, but were used to it. It can be seen how much Niou Masaharu imitated! Just like the real person——

"No, this is my tennis skill!"

Ren Wang said calmly

"So how is he now?" Duke Watanabe asked with concern.

"Compared to him, I want to ask - what are you doing?"The dark blue eyes were full of doubts, and the white-haired boy's eyebrows were full of coldness.

"I……"Duke Watanabe smiled bitterly,"Can't you see? I'm helping you win the championship!"

"Don't worry, it's not as painful as you think. I am half Japanese, and Japan is also my country!"

Duke Watanabe thought that Niou Masaharu chose this out of pity for him.

""Pu Li~" Who knew that Niou Masaharu had a habit of speaking, and turned back calmly.

Watanabe Duke:"……"

Where is the concern you promised? Why is it different from what I imagined?

"What's wrong with you? What's the situation with this magic-like skill!" he asked.

Nioh said without even turning his head,"It has nothing to do with you. You just need to know that from today on, I am the Byodoin Phoenix!"

It was not an accident that Duke Watanabe's memory of the Byodoin Phoenix's injury was not erased


【Can't his memory be erased?】

【Shinsengumi, we can only erase the memories of ordinary people about the Time Travel Army.……】Kitsunesuke looked at the Shinsengumi in front of him with concern, [Shinsengumi, are you really going to do this?]

According to his understanding of the human world, this behavior of the Shinsengumi should be considered cheating, and it is not good.

【If the truth comes out, I will bear all the responsibility.……】Ren Wang sneered. At worst, he could just stop being involved in the tennis circle.

If he didn't do this now, he would definitely regret watching this happen.——


"What about the real Phoenix of Byodoin?" Duke Watanabe frowned and asked.

"Don't you know where he is?……"Niou calmly walked over to Watanabe Duke, who was rummaging around in this room.

This was the room of the Phoenix in Byodoin, and he needed to find the tennis racket that the Phoenix in Byodoin usually used.

His strange movements also cleared up Duke Watanabe's chaotic mind,"You……"

He had a terrifying and bold guess in his mind.

"You don't want to play in the game instead of Byodoin Huang, do you?"

The white-haired boy paused while packing his things, and suddenly turned around, his eyes filled with a deepness that Watanabe Duke couldn't understand.



The two were silent for a full minute.

"You shouldn't do this——"The man took a deep breath and said,——"

"What's wrong with my behavior?"Ren Wang has found the tennis bag.

He put the tennis bag on his back and looked up. His dark blue eyes suddenly turned dark green because of many more stories, revealing the natural depth and precipitation.

"The Neon team is short of one person to play in the game - to play in place of the injured person, and to be responsible for the profits and losses. I will take the responsibility if I win, and I will take the responsibility if I lose!"

He said in a sonorous voice,"So is there any problem?"

"But——"Duke Watanabe wanted to refute, but didn't know how to refute

"This is breaking the rules!"

"Once something happens, I will bear the consequences of breaking the rules myself!"Ryoou's azure eyes were filled with indifference and indifference to the world,"Is this okay?"

As long as people can be responsible for what they do, they can do anything.

What's more - breaking the rules?

Rules are the protection of the strong for the weak.��The strong cannot do whatever they want and bully the weak without limits...

That's why there are rules - and he is younger than his opponent, has less experience, and has less skills than his opponent. Except for being able to change his appearance into the Phoenix of Byodoin, he has no advantage - is it called"destruction" when the weak actively break the rules?

However, the words of Watanabe Takatsuki were also heard by Niou.

This person is threatening him.——

"certainly——"The young man sneered,"If you want to report now——"

The sword suddenly appeared, and in the blink of an eye it was placed on the tall man's neck,"I promise, you can't leave this door today!"

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