"……"A drop of cold sweat oozed from his forehead. Watanabe Duke didn't know whether he should be surprised by the sudden appearance of the sword or the crazy Nioh.

"But at your age, you can't imitate the Byodoin Phoenix for long.……"

Even with this kind of magic, could he imitate Byodoin Phoenix's playing style, skills, five-dimensional values, and everything about him?

"When you get to the competition venue, you will be exposed in an instant, and then things will be out of control. Do you want to damage the fate of the Byodoin Phoenix?"

Duke Watanabe could see that everything Niou did was for the wish of the Byodoin Phoenix.

He vaguely remembered...

When Niou carried the Byodoin Phoenix in, the injured body was conveying a message even when it was breathing.——

——He wanted to lead the Neon team to victory!

But...why didn't he have this memory?

Whenever he thought about it, it would feel particularly vague.——

"Who says I can't imitate everything he does?"

If his illusion was really that simple, he wouldn't have been praised by the Silver King.



【Shinsengumi, your Niou Phantom doesn't work! 】

Kitsunesuke blinked.

The image in the video is still Niou Masaharu himself. For a match like the U17 World Cup, someone will definitely record it.

When the video is released, it will be full of loopholes and everyone will be finished!

If it will be discovered, it is better not to do it in the first place.

【I have my own way——】

Niou touched the little fox and said,"You have reminded me several times before, right?"

Kitsunesuke was stunned."You mean?"——】

It raised its head, and its pair of golden fox eyes blinked again and again. [But haven't you always wanted to——】

【Strength exists to allow oneself to live more freely, and also to protect others! 】Ryou chuckled, and the words that Suohon said to him rang out.

——If you want it, take it. If you don’t want it, don’t take it!

At worst , you can just throw the little fox away after using it! 】This power is his own, whether he wants to use it depends on his mood.【……】

If you do this, the fox will hate you!

However... the fact that the Shinsengumi doesn't want another fox still makes Kitsune no Suke very happy.

"Brother, I have some questions for you.……"

It takes a long time to escape from power, but only a minute to accept it.

The silver-white, almost transparent sword had been suspended above Niou's space long ago. It was only after the boy followed Kitsunesuke into the consciousness space that he discovered... what the certainty of fate was!

【You've been eyeing me for a long time.……】

It looked like the sword had been hanging there for a long time, and its color was getting brighter and brighter. As he entered, it became more and more silvery white, and even began to shine without any light, emitting a strange glow.

【Shinsengumi, it's happy!】

In some cases, the prototype of the sword is also a little fox, so Kitsunesuke and him also have some common consciousness.

【Poof~] Niou Masaharu glanced at the sword in the sky, [I know you are here, you can come out now——】

This was his consciousness space. When he entered here, he knew exactly what was inside.

Suddenly, a silver light flashed in the air, and a silver-white fox with a thick white tail appeared.

【Haha, are you finally willing to sign a contract with me and become my master? 】The silver fox was so happy. God knows how long he has been coveting Nioh.

【Don't worry, as long as you sign a contract with me, the disgusting red power in your body will completely disappear.……】The silver-white fox said in a very domineering way.

Niou's eyes flashed, and a sneer appeared on his lips,"Really? Then I'm really looking forward to it! 】

If he remembered correctly...

Whether you are a human or a fox, it is better not to be too confident.

Glancing at Kitsunesuke and signaling him to step back, Niou Masaharu stepped forward alone and squatted down, facing the silver-white fox.

【Starting today, you will gain my power——】The silver-white fox stretched out its claws in a serious manner, [Do you dare to hold my hand?]

Niou Masaharu lowered his eyes, and all kinds of thoughts flashed through his mind, including the unconscious appearance of the Byodoin Phoenix, the words that Suohono had said, and his own persistence.

No matter what choice he makes, he is still himself. If he wants to do it, he will do it. If he doesn't want to do it, if he escapes, who can stop him?

No matter what, he is still Niou Masaharu!

Do what you want to do, and live in a world that you can't stand!

The dark blue pupils merged into the brilliance and turned into the most dazzling clear green. The complexity in his eyes dissipated, and Niou Masaharu firmly pressed the silver-white fox's head.

【let's start——】

【Hey, wait a minute, I asked you to touch my hand, not my head! 】

The silver fox screamed, this operation was wrong, it was different from what it imagined

【Didn't you ask me to be your master?】Rinoh showed his big white teeth and smiled very brightly and sincerely.

Of course, things had to be done according to his ideas.

The bony hands tightly grasped the silver-white long-haired little fox, and the white-haired boy's face was full of calmness and indifference.

The fox's helper behind him scratched his paw,【……】

I always feel that the Shinsengumi is becoming more and more like... those gods in Takama-ga-hara who are high up in the clouds, looking down on the world.——

【ah……】The silver fox screamed, but no matter how hard it pulled, it couldn't break free from the pair of hands as heavy as iron.

The silver giant sword lost the last bit of its silvery brilliance, revealing a color between silver and white. It followed the figure of its master and slowly fell from the high void, stopping at the most appropriate position, and finally hanging above Nioh's head!

When Kitsunesuke saw this scene, his small furry chest stood high, and he looked very proud.

Its Shinsengumi is really powerful, and it easily dealt with the Sword of Damocles!


【Alas, am I okay? I was not swallowed, and I did not disappear? 】

The silver fox was released, and it stretched out its claws nervously, touching its face and legs, and said after making sure that nothing was missing from its body.……】

It thought that Ren Wang would definitely completely eliminate his consciousness.

【How did you know I would hurt you?】Ren Wang chuckled

【Why are you so fierce! 】 He swore that the cold face of Ren Wang just now was definitely not a mistake.

【[Puff~] Niou curled his lips. Of course, the necessary deterrence is very necessary. Otherwise, with the magical and strange abilities of this little fox, it might cause a big fuss in the future! It is precisely because he became the king that Niou's power was further enhanced. And the Niou Phantom developed based on his own abilities also received a new plus upgrade.

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