Bang— silver and yellow lightning flashed, and a huge wave of churning air came over. At this moment, even the surrounding air had a shape and color...

Ren Wang was shocked."……"

What happened to the subordinates being oppressed by the king?

He was such a big king standing here, why did the subordinate on the opposite side hit him directly without mercy and hesitation?

What does it mean?

Where is the respect for the king?

Where is the respect?

Where is the oppression?

Ren Wang's face was full of seriousness. He quickly adjusted his expression, holding the racket to mobilize the spiritual power of his body, and white light wrapped around his whole body in an instant.

In his heart, he cursed the silver-white fox again for being unreliable.

The strong pressure pressed on his forehead and cold sweat broke out...

Between the choice of running away and rushing forward, he chose without hesitation - bang!

——Go ahead!

What a joke!——"Others are hitting him right in front of him, how could he choose to escape!!!"Ren Wang suddenly roared.

He held the racket with both hands, and the bright blue spiritual power surged into his muscles in an instant, bulging high. The sword training that had never been interrupted for six years was fully utilized at this moment - in an instant, many thoughts flashed through the boy's mind, including sword training, laughter with friends, and at the last moment, a silver-white giant sword made a low hum in the dark space...

Ding - the sword rang out -


The lingering sound lingered for a long time, creating layers of huge waves in Ren Wang's mind. In the dark blue pupils, a lake of water was stirred up and turned upside down - the sword - rose!

He saw the trajectory of the action clearly, and every fluctuation around him was clear in his eyes, and the easy dispersion and accumulation of energy were also visible.

"Yeah yeah——"Ren Wang had never been so excited. He laughed loudly and wildly, releasing all the joy in his heart.


With the sound of the wall breaking and stones falling, the white-haired boy moved his steps and stood up straight.

His hair pressed on his eyes, making it difficult to see his expression.


""Pu Li~"

Byodoin Phoenix heard it, and he was very happy!

But... the blond man lowered his head and looked at the pit within the white line."……"

Well, it’s not so bad - it’s okay to be happy for a while!

"So my recent changes are because of you!"Baiduin Phoenix looked calm.

He just felt a familiar wave in this last blow, as if the power of the same root and origin was radiating in front of him.……

"Pooh~Did you find out?" Ren Wang blinked.

"What illusion makes you feel that I can't detect it?"Baiduin Phoenix narrowed his eyes dangerously.

Could it be that this kid thought he was a fool and that there was an inexplicable power in his body that he couldn't detect?

"Well, that's right.……"Ren Wang chuckled and narrowed his eyes,"If that's the case, you should know that you are completely different now than before.——"

He stood up leisurely, wandered around the court, looked up and down at the Phoenix of Dodōin Temple, then his eyes turned, and he jumped up and stepped directly onto the pillar next to the net.

In an instant, his height lengthened, and he went from looking up at the bright moon to standing on top of the mountain.——

"You should call me King】!"

He is the seventh king, the colorless king - Niou Masaharu.

The Byodoin Phoenix in front of him is his first and only subordinate.

In other words - his little brother!

The Byodoin Phoenix also looked at Niou,"……"

To be honest, he didn't know what he should complain about first.

Was it the teasing look in his eyes, or the height that required him to step on a pillar to look down at him!

Whose [king] looks like this - no aura at all!

Byodoin Phoenix also laughed in his heart.

It's not that he dislikes Nioh.……

"If you want to be my king, it’s not as simple as just catching my ball!" Do you think he is a cabbage that is sold everywhere and you can surrender to others easily?

Ren Wang sneered,"Come again, and see if I can beat you until you cry.——"

Don't get me wrong, he's not talking about tennis, he's talking about fighting power.

He clenched his fists and took a stance, his aura transformed into a sword phantom, cutting through the air and heading straight for the Byodoin Phoenix. The

Byodoin Phoenix seemed to have been prepared, calmly turning his head to avoid most of the air waves, flipping back in the air, raising his hand, holding the sword, and slashing straight up, the last bit of sword energy in his fist also dissipated in his slash.


"It turns out that you can transform into a sword!"Doudoin Phoenix was a little surprised by this ability.

""Pu Li~ Still not admitting it?" The fox stood on the pillar, looking very proud. He had taken his sword, if you still didn't admit it, you would be quite shameless!

——Byodoin elder brother!

"Do you know what a king means?"Baiduyuan Phoenix stood up and asked suddenly.

There was a golden light in his eyes, different from the scorching sun in the past, just like the dusk scenery when the sun sets, with the heat waves accumulated on the earth after noon. The warm heat merged into a pair of eyes, not hot, but warming the heart, making people's hearts itch uncontrollably~

""Puli~" Somehow, Niou seemed to have an epiphany. This was not what he was asking.

Averting his eyes, the boy did not intend to answer, but said,"Of course I know! Becoming a king will give you supreme power and allow you to rule Japan - to protect this world without fear of any storm!" The

Phoenix of Byodoin Temple circled in front of him and looked up at the boy standing on the pillar,"Do you really think so?"

There was a strong sense of disbelief in his tone.

Niou chuckled towards the sky,"What else? All men would pursue power. Now that power is in front of me, should I refuse?"

"Then you should look me in the eye and tell me seriously!"

The wind was blowing and the air was rolling. A huge pressure was rising in the space. Even though he became the seventh king, Niou Masaharu's follower, he still had his own power and would not be completely trapped by him.

So - when he wanted to know something, this person had to answer him.���

""Pfft~ What are you talking about?" Niou felt that the Byodoin Phoenix in front of him was insane again.

As the saying goes, you must not talk too much to people with mental problems. If you encounter such a problem, run away quickly.

The young man jumped off the pillar nimbly, not even taking the tennis bag on the ground, and walked out without looking back.

However, when he crossed paths with the golden-haired figure, his arms were grabbed by a pair of iron-like hands.……

"What are you doing?" Ren Wang said dissatisfiedly.

"You don't want to be the king.——"The Phoenix of Byodoin lowered his eyes, and his long hair covered his eyes, making it difficult for Niou to see his expression.

"Haha, what are you talking about? Didn't I just explain to you that all men have this——"dream!

"——You didn't!"

His eyes swept over, and Ren Wang finally saw it clearly.

Unlike the warmth, this time - the crater erupted.

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