Byodoin Phoenix:"Yagen Toushirou and Kitsunesuke have told me everything.……"

The usually domineering golden eyes were filled with ripples of guilt, and the tall figure seemed to be hunched for the first time. The boy listened to the blond man's guilty words.

"You accepted the sword of kingship because you wanted to save me!"

Ren Wang raised his lips reluctantly and was about to pat his shoulder and say something, but suddenly - his eyes went dark, his head was tightly held, and his warm breath, along with his warm body, flowed into his limbs and bones, and an incomprehensible sigh came from above his head.

"Do you want to be my King?"

A familiar voice came. I don't know if it was Ren Wang's illusion, but this voice seemed to have a hint of temptation.

Ren Wang was about to smile and say,"I don't really want to."——】

After all, it was just to tease and torment the Phoenix of Byodoin.

To him, the Phoenix of Byodoin was the most proud and domineering beast on the top of the mountain, burning the world with the fire of the phoenix.

Even if he saved him, he never thought of using any identity, any person, or any power to threaten this person, break his wings, and trap him behind him forever. This was an insult to him - so……

"Just Play……"

"You win!" The broad arms tightened suddenly, and Ren Wang's breathing stagnated. A strong breath rushed into his nostrils, and it was more intense than before, wandering around his neck.

Ren Wang felt the hair on the back of his neck stand on end. For some reason, he felt that he couldn't say the next words, and he was inexplicably nervous. He would probably be beaten to death if he said"I was just kidding" now - teasing the phoenix and tossing the phoenix and then not admitting it are two different things.

In the darkness, the clever dark blue eyes turned left and right, and a vortex appeared on the left.

Finally, he muffled a sentence.……

"Well, please let me go first.——"The boy's voice was not as arrogant and unreasonable as usual, but had a soft tone.

The ears of the Phoenix of Byodoin turned red, and the iron arms loosened a little.

"cough cough——"The released Ren Wang forced himself to calm down and coughed twice,"It's just a title, you don't have to——"


Before he finished speaking, the man clenched his right hand, pounded it on his chest with a dong sound, and nodded slightly,"No——"

"From today on, I will protect you! I will protect you forever!"


"Ah ah ah ah ah——"

Maori Juzaburo looked speechlessly at Niou Masaharu who had taken over his bed and was rolling around there, his hair about to explode.

"What happened to you?"

Five minutes ago, there was a violent knock on the door. As soon as Maori Jusaburo opened the door, he ran into Niou who rushed in. Before he had time to say a few more words to ask why, the boy fell on his bed with a bang and started rolling around.

"You said it……"

"Ahhhhh….How do I know how to say this? How can I even say it?——"

Ren Wang poked his head out from under the white quilt. His cheeks were slightly red from the intense exercise. His green eyes were like half a pool of spring water, and the slightest movement made the water ripple.……

——The look of being bullied!

Maori Jusaburo was stunned by his own discovery."……"

No way!

He immediately flew into a rage, and appeared beside the bed in a flash, sitting solemnly in front of Ren Wang,"Did you meet a pervert in a foreign country? What does he look like? Who is he? Where is he? Senior Mao Li will decide for you, go and cut him down now!"——"

His eyes were full of rage, and his red hair was frizzy. He looked heroic and ready to beat the enemy in an instant.

Niou scratched his face and explained hastily,"No, no, I just had a match with Byodoin senior and got hit again. That's all."——"

"……Huh? That's it?"Mori Jusaburo blinked suspiciously.

As far as he knew, Niou and Byodoin Phoenix had played a lot of games recently. As for being hit so hard today?

It seemed like something was wrong.——

"Pooh~ Today……"The young man stuttered for a moment and said,"Today... I have refreshed my understanding of Byodoin Senior, so I am more shocked than before!"

After saying that, Niou nodded, looking at Maori Jusaburo with a look on his face that said I was telling the truth.

"Now that I think about it, it's normal. After all, Byodoin-senpai is the captain of the U17 team. His strength is beyond my imagination. It's normal for him to always surprise me. I should be calm.——"

Maori Jusaburo nodded stupidly,"Oh~" Is that so?

""Yes!" That's it!

It must be! It can only be like this!

He never wanted to think about the scene on the indoor tennis court again, nor did he want to mention it to anyone. Please let him go.

Maori Jusaburo curled his lips and laughed with admiration,"You are very powerful now. I don't even dare to fight with the Phoenix of Byodoin... Byodoin-kun is really too powerful.——"

Niou was about to agree when he heard the second half of his sentence,"Right, Gekkou-san!"

Niou Masaharu:"……"Hmm?

Moonlight-san is——

"Well, the boss’s strength is superb and extremely violent. Ordinary people can’t deal with him at all!" A tall, slender, and cold young man walked out of the bathroom.

Note—from the bathroom!!!

Niou almost poked his own eyes out,"Yuchi… Senior, why… why are you here?"

In an instant, anger emerged from nowhere, surging from the bottom of his heart to his throat. Niou jumped up from the bed, and immediately walked in front of Mori Jusaburo, covered his eyes with a snap, and forced him to sit on the bed.

"Senior Yuezhi, I remember your dormitory is not here.——"

He glanced up and down with disdain... Hmm, Yuezhi Yueguang's six-pack abs - um~ wait, so what if he has six-pack abs? He is so tall and thin, and the muscles on his arms, um, the biceps and triceps are all quite strong...

Haha, so what if he has muscles on his arms, his lower body - cough - cough - well, you can't see it because of the bath towel!

No, no~ The boy shook his head violently and threw away all the messy thoughts in his mind,"Senior Yuezhi, why are you here like this? I hope you can give me, your junior, a good - appropriate - perfect - complete explanation!" The last few words are emphasized! Emphasis! Emphasis...

Yuezhi Yueguang still maintained a calm expression,"Didn't you notice that it rained today?"

"The two of us were playing ball outside, and it was raining, so we got wet... Maori was afraid that I would get sick, so he came here first!"

After saying that, he added expressionlessly,"Is this reason sufficient?"

"……Not bad!"

For the first time, Ren Wang felt a little guilty, but for some inexplicable reason, he straightened his neck. Even if he felt guilty, he had to be tough.

In short - the main point is - I have a long neck!

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