Souzo Sahmonji was picked up by other Honmaru on the field, and they brought it back after realizing that he could be saved.

After being submitted to the Government of Time, it was reshaped after the broken sword was broken. The sword spirit inside, that is, the sword man, was nurtured for a long time before it woke up again.

However, after waking up, he was different!

Other people's Souzo Sahmonji is like a melancholy flower in a bottle, which can be admired from a distance but not played with, with a melancholy and light temperament!

And his Souzo Sahmonji is the most frequently used sword by Imagawa Daimyo, broken on the battlefield, born with a buff aura left over from the battlefield, obviously with pink hair, but extremely sharp, deeply interpreting the concept of what the pinker the hair, the more fierce the battle! As the initial sword of Niou, when he first arrived at Honmaru, he was skinny and couldn't hold up his clothes?

It doesn't matter - eggs, milk, coarse grains and drinks are all in place, and three meals a day are exercised daily. Start by swinging the sword ten thousand times a day - to ensure that you and the young lord will become excellent people with well-developed biceps and triceps!

Because of long-term exercise, Souzo Sahmonji himself broke through the shackles of his original body shape and became a breakthrough version of Souzo Sahmonji. He looks thin when dressed and has muscles when undressed. The layers of muscle groups are just right to shape the appearance of a sturdy and healthy young general, Souzo Sahmonji!

The rose trapped in the bottle bloomed its own thorny flower in his Honmaru - under the sunshine of [Niou Masaharu], it thrived and became Niou's father!

It can be said that Niou can grow to 178 at the age of 13 in the second year of junior high school, and Souzo Sahmonji's [Chase] teaching played a big role.

And this height is expected to break the 1.8-meter mark when he turns 14 next year.

Maybe he can't catch up with Byodoin in the future!

Bah - he will definitely catch up with Byodoin Phoenix in the future - not only in height, but also to become a top king who surpasses Byodoin Phoenix in vision, body, and many other aspects!

Dreams are beautiful, and the future is about to begin - the reality is that Souzo Sahmonji is now giving him a cold look.——

"My Lord, I hope you can give me a clear explanation about the injury I suffered some time ago!"

The prince who was raised with great effort actually disregarded his own safety and helped others to beat himself to death. Whenever I think of this incident, I am moved to tears and want to draw my sword and kill the phoenix!

""Puli~" Niou Masaharu bowed his head and apologized decisively,"I was wrong!"

He was not afraid of the many swords in Honmaru, except Souzo Sawamonji - he was his father!

"Hasebe——"Glancing coldly at Ren Wang, Souzo Sawamonji said directly,"Stop all of the lord's recent kendo training.——"

"Huh?"Yakiri Hasebe was stunned.

"It was changed to a music lesson, and all the swords helped him.……"

He put his hands behind his back, his pink hair gleaming in the sun,"If you fail, you have to retake the course... When you pass, that's the deadline!"

"oh——"Yakiri Hasebe understood immediately.

Niou, who had been lowering his head, was shocked,"Souzo, what did you say?"

"My Lord, you heard me right. As the future king and current Shinsengumi, how can you not have sufficient understanding and appreciation of music?" He said with a cold face,"I failed to teach you well before. Now I will gradually add this content to my usual lessons!"

"But you know I've never been good at it——"


As a king , even if you are not good at something, you must be good at it!" He said expressionlessly,"What do you think?""……"

Full of cold light and cold air, do you need him to say it?

Be obedient!


The voice was as weak as a cat.

But Souzo didn't care. He just wanted to punish Nioh. Punishing him for disregarding his own body so much made him distressed and sad, and he almost died of sadness at one point...

This child will never know what the Shinsengumi really means to them, a group of swordsmen. It is the place of the heart and the place of dreams.

Especially for a lord like Nioh who can be said to have been raised by them - even more so, a dragon that cannot be touched is a reverse scale!

They hope that this person can protect himself from harm, and hope that he can live in paradise forever, without worries.

So this time, Nioh forcibly sealed off Honmaru for the sake of the Byodoin Phoenix and did not allow any swords to go out. In the end, his behavior of hurting himself directly pierced the anger of the swordsmen.

Don't you see that Hasebe, who always cares about his life, didn't say anything, but decisively agreed?

Everyone is holding back their anger!

And Nioh himself obviously understood this truth, so he allowed the punishment and said nothing.


The ordinary days are the most difficult life for Niou. He would rather go to the battlefield and kill more time-traveling soldiers than to take music lessons and exams.

Fortunately, Kitsune's helper brought him good news today.——

【My Lord, My Lord, there is a new map at the Government of Time!】

The short-legged fox came running over with a letter in its mouth and handed it to Niou.

The white-haired boy's eyes lit up. Finally, there was something else to do.……

【What new map? Where? Which dynasty?] Ren Wang skillfully asked various information, [Is it unique to us, or does everyone have it?——】

Each Shinsengumi lives in a different world with a different history. So sometimes there will be tasks that only the Shinsengumi of this world can complete... Just like now - when Nioh realized that the envelope inside was golden, he was a little excited. Who wouldn't be excited about a unique task!

【It was ten years ago——】Speaking of this, Kitsunesuke wrinkled his nose. [This is a mission that is only available after the time-space rift is opened... It is of a very high level! The opinion of the Time Government is that you can consider whether to carry it out!】

【Ten years ago - where?】

In Ren Wang's mind, a piece of information from a newspaper flashed through his mind.

【Ten years ago, the place where the Red King and the Blue King fell was Kanagawa.

The boy paused:"……"

【Okay!】 He had to go and see it for himself, this place made him care.

Ten years ago, the Kagutsu crater incident in Kanagawa Prefecture caused the death of 700,000 people in Kanagawa Prefecture at that time.

This history is particularly heavy for everyone who has heard of it.

Especially for him - the past history cannot be changed, even if it is painful, it should be remembered in mind, he does not allow any time travel army to disturb that peaceful place

【Inform the Yakiri Hasebe to prepare for the expedition! I will go there myself! 】 Niou Masaharu said solemnly


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