Ten years ago, Kanagawa Prefecture.

At this moment, Kanagawa Prefecture was still peaceful. They were transformed to the eve of the disaster.

Since Niou landed in this place, he has been in a bad mood, and the swords around him are also unusually heavy.

"Lord……"Sozo Samonji said calmly

"Don't worry, I won't do anything unnecessary!"Although he was sad, he was rational. Ren Wang ordered expressionlessly,"Everyone spread out and investigate. If there is any situation, report it via mobile phone.——"

Because of the Damocles Slate, Neon's economy has grown rapidly. Even ten years ago, mobile phone technology was already very common.

Sozo Sawamonji stayed with Nioh, both as a companion and as a supervisor.

"Brother Zong San, do you still remember this place?"

With only one man and one sword left, Ren Wang also took off the calm appearance he had been trying to maintain.

"Remember, you brought me here seven years ago——"Souzo Sahmonji.

Niou Masaharu started working as a Shinsengumi for the Government of Time at the age of six. The reason why he was forced to go to work at such a young age was because of the Kaguto Crater Incident! Kanagawa

Prefecture, 700,000 people.

And Niou's parents and family were among these 700,000 people.

The boy, who was only three years old at the time, was discovered by the Government of Time, and his life was saved at a critical moment. He was raised until he was six years old and started his journey as a Shinsengumi.

When there was only Souzo Sahmonji and a sword in Honmaru, the then fragile lord brought his attendants for the first time, set out on the way home, and told his parents.——

【Dad, Mom - I have someone to take care of me, so you don't have to worry.……】

The boy's voice was very childish, and he was trying hard to suppress his trembling.

Souzo Sahmonji, who hadn't seen his brother yet, couldn't help but feel soft-hearted.

He took on the responsibility of a brother and a father just for what the boy had said.

Without any extra communication, Niou Masaharu led Souzo Sahmonji on the familiar road in his memory.

Turn from the gorgeous street into the narrow alley and walk along the river bank. When passing the third bridge, turn into the residential area inside, turn right, turn left... and then——


Souzo Sawamonji held Niou's shoulder to stop him from going any further.

If they went any further, they would meet— and they, the people of the future, could not meet their past selves!

"……"I know!" Niou said his cheerful catchphrase, lowering his eyes and letting his silver hair be blown by the wind and tangled into his neck.

At the other end of the street, a black-haired child excitedly pulled his parents' hands,"Dad, I want to play this, this slide is the most fun."……"

"Haha, you have been coming here since you came back from kindergarten.……"

"Sister, come together!"

""Here, here!"

The girl's crisp voice made the people on the other side of the wall clench their fists involuntarily.

That was... the voice of a family that was extremely happy, enjoying this unique parent-child time after work and school.

Little did they know... a wall separated them, and there was a world of difference, forever separated.

When the family had enough fun and passed through the alley, there was no sign of the boy here. But……

"Dad, why is there a corner missing from the wall here?"The black-haired child asked. In the alley built with blue bricks, half of the brick at the corner was broken off, which was particularly abrupt and eye-catching among the neatly arranged wall tiles!

"Ah... maybe it was accidentally knocked off by an uncle or brother who was in a bad mood!" The man took a look and said.

It took so much force, it seems that the person passing by at that time was really sad!

Somehow, the man suddenly touched the little boy's head and said,"Yazhi, pray for that brother here!"

"Well!" The little black-haired boy, who was kind-hearted, clasped his hands together and closed his eyes after hearing this."I hope this sad brother will have everything going well for the rest of his life, be happy and safe!"


"Mom said that all the suffering will pass, so you must cheer up~"

The gentle mother next to him gently touched the child's head and said,"Okay, it's time to go home."



After a long time……


"I'm fine!"Ryo stood where the little boy had just stood, looking at the traces he had just left.

Yes, it's fine!

Encouraged by his past self and his family, he felt that he could go on alone for a long time again.……

""Pu Li~"

Ah... Today's habit seems to carry a touch of sadness, and warm happiness

"Let's go - let's deal with the Time Travel Army!"

It's time for him to cross over and win a new life!


The moment the conspiracy was known by others, only a broken ending remained.

Although the Time Travelers are strong and have strange shapes, most of them do not have their own thoughts. As long as you know where they appear, you can hit them on the ground and successfully repel them.

At night, the peaceful town was silent. No one would have thought that in a few days, this paradise would become a painful scorched earth that people would never want to mention again!

After leading the team to kill the last Time Traveler, Nioh knew that he should go back!


"You guys, you made a big fuss here, and you just want to leave without explaining anything. Do you think we treated you as air?"

The man in the blue uniform sprinted to the front of the swords. The leading man stood up elegantly, with long black hair fluttering. He raised his head slightly.

Niwang also met the previous leader of Scepter4 for the first time - Yu Zhang Xun!

For the first time, Niwang knew that gentleness and coldness could appear on the same face at the same time.

There was a bright and hearty smile on his lips, but a cold light flashed in his eyes. He looked at them coldly, the uninvited guests, but his gentle face showed that he was a blue king with great love.

"Given your position, you should be able to guess what we do.——"Ren Wang said.

The Time Government Party's secondary activities are all in cooperation with the corporate forces of each world.

Although the core of the King is the Silver King and the Gold King who have never changed since ancient times, other Kings are also very important, especially the Fourth King, the core of wit and order.

"I know...but our times are under attack, we should protect them by ourselves, we don't need you guys——"He took a critical look at the strangely dressed men behind Ren Wang,"We need the so-called gods to save us!" The swordsmen behind him instantly became furious. They were so kind to protect history, but this guy treated them like this.

"You guy……"Yasuke Hasebe couldn't control his impulse

"Oh~" Ren Wang blinked:"So?"

Ren Wang himself didn't care at all

"This is my duty and my mission - if time and space are allowed to be entered, then I am not wrong and do not need to be warned by you or any of you!"

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