Maori Juzaburo never thought that he could stay in Rikkai University for a long time, but he did not expect that he would gain a lot in the two and a half years here, and also gained a new goal at the last moment.——

"Nioh, let's cheer together, let's go there and compete with them!"

At the end, he left a sentence and left gracefully - which also made Nioh——

"Niou, why does Mori-senpai favor you so much?"

"Let's cheer together and rush to there and there together?" Yukimura squinted his eyes and said,"Niou, come to think of it, you and Mori-senpai have been absent from training for half a month, what on earth have you been doing?"

"We were just on vacation, how can we be absent?"

Niou explained with a grin.

Yanagi Renji opened his notebook and said expressionlessly,"Five days ago, I called Mori-senpai to check family information, and he said he was with you.……"

"When did he tell you?"Ren Wang was shocked. Five days ago, he was clearly——


"Liu - you cheated me!"Ren Wang was so happy that his head was shaking.

He clenched his fists and looked at his friends. What kind of people are they... They always cheat him!

"You two really went somewhere without telling us!" Marui threw himself on Niou and said unhappily,"Niou, you are going too far. You are so good to Mori-senpai, but you don't even play with us!"

He pointed at Xinghua Village (Yagyu Hiroshi) with his hand.),"Have you forgotten that you have a partner?"

He asked for it himself!"……"

Bringing this up at this time makes him seem like a heartless and unfaithful man!

"Yagyu, listen to my explanation."Ryoou was so embarrassed that he almost dug out a three-bedroom apartment.

"Well, you tell me.……"Yagyu Hiroshi suppressed the smile that was about to come out of his mouth, he pushed up his glasses, and prepared to listen to his explanation seriously.

"This is me... it's just... my senior had trouble with height growth, so I recommended a taller friend to him, and let them exchange experiences with each other. That friend lived far away, and then went abroad... well, that's it!"

It doesn't matter if someone believes his explanation or not, but the whole team of Rikkai University was filled with a cheerful atmosphere that day.

It was mainly to tease Nioh... it was more fun!


"You really don't care?" Yanagi Renji asked.

Yagyu Hiroshi glanced sideways,"He dares to be so willful, isn't it because you spoil him? And - there's nothing to worry about!"

Including him, all the regulars of Rikkai University can see it...

Kirihara:... ahem, all the regulars except Kirihara can see that Niou's attitude towards them.

In any occasion, Niou Masaharu, who never neglects or changes his mind, is as cunning as a fox and as hard as iron. In the tennis club, like an immature fox, he is always teased and oppressed by them, and even steps into their language trap from time to time...

A person cannot have two faces - there will be no huge progress or regression in a short period of time!

There is only one answer to all this...

They are spoiled by this person -

Niou Masaharu treated them as his most reliable partners. The white-haired boy in front of them had no calculations or guesses - there was only the frivolity, jokes, panic, and happiness that belonged to young people...

So, what should we talk about? This man, when he wants to say something, he will say it!

Before that, he is willing to show what he wants - the wind blows the hair of the boys, taking away the last bit of summer heat, refreshing and joyful influx into their hearts, looking back suddenly, it is the prime of life, the best time of age - but no one expected - the wind took away not only the heat, but also a light cough

"cough……"The purple-haired boy coughed, covered his lips, swallowed the itch in his throat, and thought to himself, autumn is coming soon, it seems I need to put on more clothes!


The days without competitions passed quickly. When Niou learned that the music class was cancelled, he was so happy that he almost flew up. Time passed even faster.

July and August rotated, summer went and autumn came... When the classmates around us couldn't help but put on scarves, we felt the coolness of autumn. Autumn has arrived - and it was at this time - in the monthly regular selection, when Yukimura and Sanada started the competition as usual, Niou discovered the clues.

The lilies that were originally blooming vigorously now seemed to have not been watered for a long time. The lace was slightly curled, and the stamens were not as dark and deep as before. At first glance, the surface was tinged with gray, as if the color had faded~

"……"Niou blinked, and blinked again.

At this moment, Sanada and Yukimura were fighting fiercely on the court... The two of them were fighting back and forth, both attacking and defending, and Yukimura was full of vigor. He looked at Sanada who kept challenging him with high morale!

There was no problem from his facial expression -

Niou's mood was slightly depressed.

There are only two possibilities for this situation - first, he saw it wrong!

Second, this is a sign of something!

He really hopes to be the first, but...

He turned his head to look at Sanada on the other side, and the kimono youth holding a samurai sword behind him became more and more passionate.

At first, there was only a sword behind Sanada, and now it has evolved into a man holding a samurai sword!

One side is fighting evolution, but the other side has a problem...

His eyes are not wrong, so -

Yukimura he - the white-haired boy's expression changed, which link is about to have a problem.

After 20 minutes, Sanada lost consciousness with an expressionless face. Liu and others were so skilled that they entered the court and helped Sanada off the court. Just when everyone went to help Sanada and planned to tease Sanada after he woke up.

Yukimura noticed,"Niou, why are you standing there alone?"

"……"King Ren blinked his eyes to hide his deep thoughts, and smiled softly,"I plan to take a photo of you standing here, and when we wake up one day, let our emperor see if he is happy or not."——"

At this moment, Marui Bunta's hands had already grabbed Sanada's hair. After hearing what Niou said, he didn't know whether to let go or lift it up... The red-haired boy glared at him fiercely,"Niou, could you please stop being so clever!"

This made them very passive!

""Pu Li~" Ren Wang hugged his shoulders and sneered,"Who told you to be the fastest here!"

Didn't you see that both Yanagi and Yagyu didn't make a move? Only Marui couldn't control his impulse every time! In the end, he was tricked to death by him,

"Tsk……"Marui Fumitai turned his head away unhappily. That's why I don't like foxes.

Foxes are so cunning, so cunning - they always think twice before doing anything!

So terrible!

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