After the daily club activities, Yanagi Renji was doing the final special training summary in the club office.

With a creak, the door opened, Yanagi Renji looked up and looked at the person who pushed the door in in surprise,"Why are you back?"

This was a person who shouldn't be in the club office at this time - Niou Masaharu!

"Do you have any recent training records for Yukimura?" Niou poked his head in and asked after confirming that no one was in the club office.

Liu raised his eyebrows at the guilty look. He turned around and stood up to look for it in the folder in the cabinet."Yes, but what are you looking for this for?……"

How could he not remember that Renou was such a tennis lover, positive, and wanted to train every day? He still wanted Yukimura's file!

He laughed teasingly,"Could it be that someone has changed his personality and wants to help Yagyu improve? Or is he trying to emulate Yukimura?"

Renou smiled and said nothing. He took the list handed over by Yanagi and began to read it carefully.

This list is very detailed, recording almost everything that everyone can observe -

Yanagi Renji was given the title of"Military Advisor", not only because of his perfect data tennis, but more because he is a multi-faceted talent in Rikkai University's deployment of troops, calculation of appearance methods, appearance order, and all special training summaries.

Without this person, Rikkai University would be like a lion that has lost its direction in the fog. Even if you are strong and healthy, one day you will starve to death in the fog and never get out -

Yukimura is the most watched person in the tennis club, so his form is particularly complete, recording his daily training situation, duration, competition situation, details, muscle twitching for nearly a month...

He even measured his heart rate and lung capacity every day!

Recorded every day, without any mistakes - as long as you notice the full cabinet in the club office, you can guess how much Yanagi's daily workload is.

Niou sighed,"Yagi, you have been working so hard all this time!"

His rare sigh gave Yanagi Renji goose bumps. He touched his arm uncomfortably,"Can you be more normal? If you have something to say, tell me quickly. If you don't have anything to say, leave quickly. I still have work to do.……"


It is really me who sends my sorrow to the bright moon, but the bright moon can only shine on the ditch -

Liu Lianer, you are a pitch-black ditch!

"Have you noticed anything wrong with Yukimura recently?"He carefully looked through the report for this month. The data did not fluctuate much, and the tiny increase was extremely small, a few tenths of a point and not noticeable.

These things are very normal for anyone, because the fluctuations in data have a range!

But if some things are prefixed with time, and if you think about them deliberately, they will seem particularly wrong - not to mention, Yukimura himself is called the Son of God because of his strong control ability!

Even a slight difference of a few seconds will not allow himself to exist. This is Yukimura Seiichi!

But now - everything is wrong.——

"Something is wrong, right?" Liu looked up from a pile of data reports and looked at Ren Wang with a puzzled look,"What's wrong? Did you find something abnormal about him recently?"


After hearing this answer, Liu was about to roll his eyes, but when he lowered his head, he heard Ren Wang continue,"I just suddenly had a bad feeling in my heart... If we don't find out soon, we will lose everything!"

When the lily leaves inexplicably withered and curled, Ren Wang's heart suddenly skipped a beat.

It seemed that something was happening in the dark... and as an insider, they didn't notice anything!


He looked at Ren Wang carefully and found that he had never seen such an expression on this fox's face. He was solemn and unconscious, frowning quietly. He was like a wise man who was thinking about the century-old problem - which made Liu mutter in his heart,"……"Could it be that something really happened to Yukimura recently?

"Alas... Although I don't know what's going on!" Liu sighed,"But I will observe more in the next two days! I will talk about it when there is really no problem.……"

Yukimura is their pillar, he must not collapse!


"What on earth have you two been doing lately?"After being observed for two days, Yukimura couldn't stand it anymore.

No one could stand having two pairs of four eyes staring at him from behind. And from time to time, they would emit an inexplicable golden light, which was creepy just thinking about it! Even though Yukimura was not afraid of ghosts, he was speechless after seeing their current behavior!

"Niou and I just want to film a separate documentary for you - hiss - to see if you have developed any new tricks recently!"Liu wanted to tell the truth, but Niou poked him in the waist with an elbow. He hissed, shut up instantly, and changed his words.

Yukimura hugged his shoulders and watched their little movements speechlessly.

The two men were now kneeling on the lawn, accepting his interrogation. And he was standing, this high geographical location - who on earth was so useless that he thought he couldn't find it!

"" Who of you came up with the idea of filming a documentary?"

Yukimura smiled and continued talking."How far have you progressed? Do you have any finished videos? Let me see them.……"

It's all nonsense about Yanagi and Ino:"……"

Who would have thought that Yukimura really wanted to watch it!

"Haha, how could there be nothing? You have been following me for two whole days, and there is not even a video in two days?"The smiling lilies gradually bloomed, and the whole tennis court exuded a terrible atmosphere... The people watching the excitement around were trembling. Liu held his forehead and lamented that he was bewitched by Ren Wang. How could he be bewitched by Ren Wang?

Ren Wang looked up, the white lilies bloomed exceptionally brilliantly, but the curled petals around them were so dazzling to him, everything was announcing something more and more ominous

"Yukimura……"Ren Wang raised his head, his green eyes full of worry."Have you been feeling unwell lately?"……"

He finally asked.

Yukimura was stunned."……"

In this way, Niou doesn't seem to be trying to change the subject. So the purpose at the beginning was……

——Because I'm worried about him!

"I've been in good health recently!" He was not the kind of person who didn't know how to appreciate a good person, so he chuckled and said,"Don't worry!"

"……"Niou's eyes fell behind Yukimura, and the gray dust fell on the black-hearted pistil, staining the originally pure and flawless black with dust bit by bit.

But while they were talking, the gray particles never stopped falling - he couldn't turn a blind eye!

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