"Yukimura, why don't you go to the hospital?" He finally asked under everyone's gaze.

"Niou, what's wrong with you?" Sanada frowned. Who would always advise others to go to the hospital?

"……"Yukimura looked at Niou seriously.

For the first time, the boy looked at him firmly and persistently without any evasion. The warmth and strange emotions in his heart made him sigh.

"……Okay!"Compromise is mutual

"I will take time to go to the hospital after today, and you two should stop monitoring me!"Xingcun thought, just treat it as a physical examination, as long as these two stalkers take a break


"What are you obsessed with?"Yiu asked on the way home from school.

It was the first time he saw Ren Wang like this, so he was a little curious.……

"I have a bad feeling in my heart - tell me, some things are better to be discovered and solved early!"This topic is a bit heavy, and Ren Wang doesn't want to say more.

At this moment, he hopes more than anyone else that he is wrong or blind...



"What did you say?"The young man with a delicate face tried to maintain his most complete smile, but he still couldn't suppress the twitching corners of his mouth and the shocked pupils after hearing the news.

"Your illness looks like a cold... but it's more like a sign of some disease!" The doctor said seriously,"I think you need to stay in the hospital for further investigation.——"

"Do you have time today to do a comprehensive physical examination? I will discuss it with other doctors!"

Yukimura took the report from the doctor in a daze. This was just a precursor to a cold, why did it change?


"My Lord, the man you asked me to meet has gone to the hospital!"On the big tree outside the hospital, Mutsu no Kami Yoshiyuki was standing on the trunk, smiling and talking on the phone.

"What was the result?"The boy who was doing his homework looked up.

"I don't know, I didn't follow in.——"Mutsu no Kamiyoshi said,"But he has been in there for half an hour and hasn't come out yet.——"

The King paused."……"

"I know!"

Niou looked up at the bright and clear sky outside the Honmaru window. His ominous premonition finally came true at this moment.

"Hasebe, I need to go out for a while!"

Maybe Yukimura needs someone to stand by his side now.


The sun was setting.

When Yukimura walked out of the hospital, it was already dusk. He was exhausted physically and mentally after completing the whole process. What made him even more exhausted was the report in his hand.

The bright words"premonition" on it stung Yukimura's eyes.

He walked to the hospital gate. He was about to sigh and lament the fickleness of fate, but when he looked up, he saw a white-haired boy standing there with a tennis bag on his back, looking at him with a long and profound gaze.……

"Why are you here?"

Yukimura asked

"I reminded you to come for a check-up, and it's normal to know you're in the hospital!" Niou Masaharu took two steps forward and said,"Would you like to take a walk together?"


In the evening sunshine, two equally exquisite boys walked slowly along the river bank. They carried tennis bags on their hands and looked like athletic teenagers. They talked from time to time, occasionally raised the corners of their lips, and told some interesting and cheerful stories, which made everyone who passed by smile knowingly and sigh at the beauty of their youth!

Little did they know——

"What are your plans next?"

Their topic was heavy and sad.

"Wait for further investigation results.——"

Yukimura chuckled.

What else could he do? Now he could only wait for the results to appear, hoping for a miracle to happen, but the vague feeling in his heart told him that a miracle would not happen to him!

"How did you find out?" He looked over with curious eyes. Yukimura did not forget that it was Niou who reminded him at the beginning.

"This... um……"Niou scratched his head in embarrassment. He couldn't say that he saw a flower growing on Yukimura's back.……"

I can only blame everything on my intuition!

"No matter what, thank you!"Although he still finds it hard to accept the result now, it is better to find out in advance than to find out when the disease is terminal and the body is completely broken.

At least now the doctor and he have not given up hope - everything can still turn around!


A week later. The entire tennis club got the news that their captain - the strongest captain Yukimura Seiichi! was sick and hospitalized!

He started treatment in October in late autumn to ensure that he would recover and start surgery next year. During this period, he could not participate in any tennis matches.

Everyone was in a heavy mood. The feeling of giving up the career you love is not something others can understand.

But fortunately, at the beginning, it was just a variety of blood tests and the recuperation process was not painful... Everyone was able to keep a smile on their faces and tease Nioh by the way

"How did this guy find out?"Marui Bunta patted Niou's shoulder. In the past two years, due to various reasons, he has become much more obedient and no longer touches Niou. The white-haired boy silently lowered his head to look at the stone at his feet, and felt a little sorry for his friend's elbow."……"

He kicked the stone away and stared at the lush trees outside. He said,"Nothing, just a hunch."——"

Speaking of which, he recently saw a pink phantom behind Marui, how scary!

Marui Bunta, a grown man, is actually a pink lover!

He couldn't help but want to ask Marui if he has any special hobbies in private.


"Don't worry, even if you are not in good health now, you are our director!" Sanada encouraged in a strong voice,"We will always persevere and wait for you to come back!" Yukimura has adjusted his mood,"I'm sorry to trouble you all during this period of time.——"

The Rikkai University tennis club is visibly working harder than before, especially Niou...

In Yanagi's words, he seemed to have pointed out Yukimura's illness, and he felt guilty and wanted to work hard for Yukimura. Although everyone told him that he didn't have to do this, Niou insisted.

And Yanagi... also discovered Niou's secret during his daily persuasion.

This guy is pretty strong -

Yanagi looked at the notebook in his hand:"……"

After carefully comparing the data in his hand, he found that he had quietly increased the amount of training for Ren Wang in recent times. Not only was he not discovered, but he also completed it on time and quickly.——

"hiss……"After discovering this secret, Yanagi was so happy.

Yukimura was in the hospital now, and he was worried about not being able to find the next pillar, but Niou came to him.

Tsk - happy!

He found a day to discuss with Yukimura Sanada, and the three of them decided to push Niou to the front.

My dear, from today on, you are the most trusted fraudster of Rikkai University -

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