It was not until the candy entered his mouth that Niou felt as if he were alive again.

"What kind of weird thing is this?……"It was horrible!

If he hadn't known history well, he would have really doubted whether this thing was a torture device!

"Haha, the general is like a little kid! He even feels bitter!" The little daggers gathered together and laughed non-stop.

""Well, the lord is just a child!" As the elder brother of many short swords, Ichigo Ichijin hurriedly told his younger brothers to shut up.

If this shy lord laughed to the point of embarrassment, then Souzo Sawamonji next to him would be furious!


There was peace in the Honmaru, but in another interlaced space, a little fox with a mask and an evil smile secretly poked its head out.

"Hahaha, I know that I am the strongest, no one can be more powerful than me!"

"I——the seventh king, the colorless king, I am not afraid of anyone's challenge, the rest of them are trash……"

The fox looked up at the sky, and saw a huge airship drawing a beautiful arc in the sky.

"The white airship... the Silver King!" The evil-smiling little fox sneered,"You are just a waste who has not dared to go out for 50 years. You are cowardly and timid! Let me show you what a real strong man is!" The little girl who was sleeping suddenly woke up.

No matter how hard she pressed her chest, the fear in her heart could not be reduced. She climbed down from the bed in panic, took out a few small beads, looked at them twice, and threw them on the map.……


Where will Duoduoliang's fate go?


Some people slept very well that night, while others woke up in the middle of the night and could not fall asleep again.

For Nioh, the most important thing at the moment is the document in front of him - they went to Kanagawa ten years ago half a month ago.

According to the time calculation, Kanagawa is about to face the biggest disaster in a hundred years.——

【I submitted an application to the Government of Time. If you want to see it,……】Kitsunesuke said timidly.

The fox didn't know if what he did was right or not, but after all, it was Niou's own business, and he also had the right to know the truth of that year...

He had the right to know why he was the only one who survived that year.——

【This should not be what the Time Government meant. How did you get them to agree to this?】Ryoou suddenly smiled.

The little fox's eyes looked left and right, and then he said after a while,"After the incident in Kanagawa, it will become an abandoned battlefield. I informed the Time Government that you wanted to go there to fish for knives."——】


Ryoou didn't understand,【What knife?——】

All the people who died in this incident were human beings, a total of 700,000 people! Where did the sword and the god of mourning come from?

【Yes, there is!】 Kitsunesuke glanced at the silver-white fox sleeping beside him, baring its teeth in an ambiguous way,【The Sword of Damocles is also a sword!】


What you said makes so much sense, I am speechless -

I didn't expect that his Honmaru's Kitsunesuke would be such a Kitsunesuke!

Nioh's eyes softened, he knew clearly that Kitsunesuke had put a lot of effort into coming up with a suitable reason that the Government of Time could not refuse.

Nioh scooped the little fox into his arms and touched it gently,"Thank you so much!" After taking so much time to consider for him -

Kitsunesuke rolled comfortably in Nioh's arms, thinking that serving the Shinsengumi is what their Kitsunesuke should do.

You're welcome ~

Of course, it is still very happy to receive thanks! Hehehe!


Because the energy of the explosion was too terrifying, all the swords refused to let Niwang watch the explosion.

"We can only accept you to go immediately afterwards……"The timing can be adjusted to the right place, but more and earlier is not possible!

The swords were instructed by Souzo Sawamonji, and each of them was extremely tough. Niou reluctantly agreed:"Okay!"



After a terrifying explosion that shook the world, there was a dead silence all around, dust filled the sky, and air waves rolled. This terrifying energy did not completely dissipate due to the explosion, and the residual heat was still sweeping around.

"My Lord, over there——"

Sayo Sawamonji, who had the best mobility, rushed over and said.

The aftereffects of the fall of the Red King spread very quickly, and the power was like surging waves, each wave stronger than the last. They arrived in time, and since they were not from this time and space, they would not suffer any harm. It was just that ordinary innocent people were destined to die in this fight!

Sayo Sawamonji was talking about the family of Niou Masaharu.

Niou's father, mother, sister, and all his family members disappeared in this devastating disaster, leaving only him...

He only remembered that he was rescued by the Time Government, but he could no longer remember how he was rescued...

The reason why Kitsunesuke applied for this mission for him was to help him fulfill this wish.

Niou took a deep breath, quickened his pace, and ran in the direction that Sayo Sawamonji said.

He knew that when fate arranged for him to meet, his parents had already passed away.……

"Lord……"Ichigo Ichijin said in a sad tone. He only found the bodies of Niou Masaharu's parents!

They came too late, too late to end everything, but fate made them, a group of time travelers, come only at this time!

"【Where have I been?"Ren Wang thought he could see himself. He had endured the sorrow of his parents' passing countless times in the past ten years.

"My Lord, over there……"The most mobile Jikai Jinjian came running over on wooden clogs.

Niou paused and looked at the swords around him:...

Ichiki Ichiki nodded slightly,"My lord, take care, I will take care of my brothers here!"


The aftermath of the Red King's fall was rolling, and the surroundings were all gray and hazy, but Ren Wang still quickly identified his position in the air. He felt his breathing getting weaker and weaker... and his voice became lighter and lighter...

Now he was a weak person who could be taken away by the dust around him at any time.

It was not until he got very close that he heard another weaker breathing sound.

Ren Wang stepped into this space on the dust, and the air was extremely quiet. It was so quiet that only the panting of the young man in blue could be heard.——

"Damn it, why can't I save him——ah——"

When Niou got closer, he saw that the young man in the blue uniform had his lower body crushed by the huge rock that hit him from the sky, and his hands were tightly protecting the child in his arms. He kept trying to support himself with his hands, and then Niou saw that one of the ankles of the black-haired boy in his arms seemed to be pressed in.

The young man's face was covered with dust and bloodstains, and beads of sweat as big as beans fell down, and his blue uniform was stained blood blue, but he still didn't give up hope and held on... until - his arm slipped again, and his whole body's strength seemed like the club could no longer support the next ups and downs.

"Damn it-Aaaaah——"

I screamed with all my might,"We are already here, why can't we do anything?——"

He trembled and cried sadly,"This child is still alive, still alive……"

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