The young man knew clearly that if the child in his arms could not be treated, he would die.

But he was still alive...

All his teammates around him had died, and he had finally saved one person - so hard!! He had finally saved one person!!

"Why……"He pounded the ground angrily, this damn God doesn't want people to live at all?

His chest shook, and a small red bag in his lapel suddenly fell out. The young man was stunned for a moment,"This is... an amulet!"

Yes, an amulet!

With the last glimmer of hope, he carefully placed his jade hand on the child's head and said expectantly,"Please, you must live.……"

Just treat it as fulfilling his and their last hope, risking the lives of the entire Blue Clan, even if it means saving just one person!


The shining eyes gradually faded as the strength weakened, and the raised hands finally fell down powerlessly.

When the eyes were completely dimmed, it was as if God suddenly opened his eyes and didn't want these innocent young people to die in vain.

The surroundings flashed with red light. In the blink of an eye, countless light points rushed to the front of the young man, merged into a huge red light ball, and slowly, slowly, fell down

——It fell on the black-haired boy's brow, and together with the amulet, merged into the child's body!


The breathing sound became stronger!

Ren Wang's ears moved, and he could no longer hide the shock in his heart. He rushed out suddenly. At this moment, he didn't want to care about the past him and the present him who met this incident - he just wanted to break the barrier of fate, and wanted to - break through this blockade of time!


"you——"What's his name?

At least you need to know his name!

His benefactor, the one who saved his life - your name is... what!

The desperate young man in blue didn't know if he was dreaming. In a trance, he saw a figure in white kimono running towards him.

This is——

"Very good……"Someone came to save him!

This child can survive——


The body in his arms gradually lost its temperature and became icy cold. The child in his arms breathed steadily. In response to the dreams of countless people, he survived and survived smoothly.

Until this moment, Ren Wang finally understood... So this is why he survived!

The only one who survived, shouldering the lives of everyone in this rescue!

One in 700,000!

It was this person who saved him, and he also saved himself.

The boy exhaled heavily. This number was too heavy and too sad.

In the past, he lived recklessly and happily, trying to forget this sad history. Until today, he realized that he could not forget, he could not give up. He had to work harder, be happier, more cheerful, and live more vigorously!

Together with the 700,000 people!

Live brilliantly and wantonly in this world!

"Lord——"Souzo Sawamonji was worried, so he came over to check. After looking at the child in Niou's arms, he frowned slightly.

"This is……"As a sword, he can best sense the state of his master. He can feel that this child has the same aura as his lord.

So... this is the young Niou Masaharu!

It's not that he shouldn't do this, but his childish self can't meet his past self.

It also violates the agreement of the Time Government. Souzo Sawamonji knew that he should advise him, but looking at his lord who was so sad, he couldn't say a word of refusal.……

"It doesn't matter, it's fate!" Niou laughed sadly.

He always wanted to know who saved him back then! Who brought him to the Government of Time, and now everything has an answer!

Picking up the child in his arms, Niou tried to restrain the expression on his face,"Let's go!"

It's time to leave this place of right and wrong -

Niou stood behind the pile of rocks next to the pit in the center.

Here - the red-haired man closed his eyes peacefully, his face still showing a rage that made people feel horrified even after his death.

The man in uniform was dying, with only his last breath left, and he was trying hard to support his body with the sword.

The man with a gentle face looked up at the sky, the handle of the sword beginning to break like the Red King once was, and smiled miserably,"Haha... I finally embarked on this path!"

He had a premonition before he took action, and now everything has become a reality. He only hated himself for not being able to kill the Red King before he dropped his sword, which caused the power of the dropped sword to not only affect him, but also turn the surroundings into ruins!

He felt sorry for the 700,000 people in Kanagawa...

Guilt and the man almost drowned the man.——

"Kindness——"He called out softly, and a handsome man rushed over from a distance.

This was Shan Tiao Gangyi! He was his deputy and the most loyal subordinate.

The blue giant sword above his head was in danger, breaking and getting stronger, and there was a risk of falling at any time. Although the people around him had been completely killed, this city could not be hit again.

"Shan Tiao, kill me!" The handsome man smiled miserably and tenderly.

Looking at Shan Tiao's complex expression, he nodded and said,"For the sake of heaven.——"

"For the sake of heaven——"

Ding——The sound of a sword rang out, and the knife was drawn out. The king who always smiled and said all kinds of gentle words to him finally fell down.


Shan Tiao Gangyi pressed his right hand with his left hand, pursed his lips to suppress his trembling lips, and after a while he gasped as if he had come back to life:"Ha...ha...ha……"

The figure on the ground has closed his eyes, his face is peaceful, with a bit of relief and happiness.

But... all the sins and pains, in the end, he can only bear them alone!

Behind the rocks in the distance, Niou Masaharu's face is full of reluctance, knowing that he should not show up, should not disturb the last reunion of this loyal king and servant.

Until a long, long time later - so long that...

Zenjo Goki left!

Niou stepped forward and appeared

""Now start the recycling operation!"

Although he said so, how to recycle?

The first type of sword in his Honmaru is the initial sword, which is the first sword allocated by the government of time. The rest depends on his krypton gold level and his ability to pick up swords on the battlefield.

But this is not the ancient battlefield he is familiar with... and the Damocles Sword is not an ordinary sword, you can just pick it up and go!

【Kitsunesuke——】Niou called out softly. The cute little fox jumped out, moved its head, scratched its paws, and said happily,"Haha, let me teach you how to be a Shinsengumi!"

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