Kitsunesuke led Niou to the deepest part of the pit in the center: [Shinsen-sama, please extend your hand! ]

Although this is a ruin, the Red King's sword of Damocles fell here. Every inch of energy around it and every bit of ruins in the dust is the Red King's sword!

【We need to feel it back with our heart and collect the remaining fragments……】

Ren Wang closed his eyes and did as he was told. Recovering swords is a magical ability, especially now. When he stretched out his palms and spiritual power poured in - the moment he closed his eyes, it seemed that many broken stones appeared in his eyes - they were scattered all around, and each abandoned stone had ancient patterns on it.

At this moment, he didn't need anyone to teach him how to do it. He held the spiritual power in his hands and gently raised it up. The surrounding stones seemed to be controlled, floating in the air, and condensed and transformed little by little with Ren Wang's palm. A broken sword formed in the air... Although this sword was not towering into the clouds, it was surprisingly large, as if a super giant was standing in front of him!

Ren Wang opened his eyes and looked at the broken red holy sword. He couldn't hide his amazement in his heart,"It's really big!"

He couldn't help but wonder if his colorless sword was also so big! He took two steps forward and put his hand on the broken holy sword. He didn't need to say anything. The light covered the entire space. When he opened his eyes, the sword had disappeared!

Recycling is complete

"Let's go!" Niwang staggered and said to Souzo Sawamonji.

"Are you OK……"The pink-haired man holding the boy asked

"This guy seems to be a big spiritual consumer!"Feeling the spiritual power in his body rapidly dissipating, Ren Wang smiled bitterly.

But instead, he also felt the power of the Sword of Damocles - representing the cornerstone of the world, the giant sword created by the stone slab is indeed extraordinary!

"Let's go, we still have a lot of work to do."

If it's damaged like this, it can't be used on the battlefield. We need to repair it as soon as possible. Otherwise, if it collapses again, it will be completely useless.


People were coming and going in the hand-entry room, and Yagen Toushirou looked at Niou's hand in amazement.

The boy's hand was as white as jade, and the emerald spiritual power was transparent, but there was nothing in front of him, not even a specific sword. Who was he doing this hand-entry for?

"Yaoyan, it's time for us to go……"Yi Qi Yi Zhen came over to stop his younger brother from continuing to watch the fun

"But, my lord,……"

"Don't worry, my lord knows his limits!"The Damocles Sword is different from their ordinary swords. If you insist, it's actually a new sword that has only been available for a few years.

The appearance of the sword Fusangjin requires [at least 99 years]. At this point, they are still half a century away.

So the way to get it is probably to put it in your heart, use the new spiritual power to influence and repair it.

"Humph, that's too much!" Yagen Toushirou frowned slightly,"That is to say, this knife must be hidden in the master's body forever.……"

"Hmm!" Ichigo Ichijin looked at his brother carefully. Was there something wrong with Yagen Toushirou?

"Humph, it's really too much!"Yagen Toushirou looked unhappy. We are obviously just the lord's sword, but this guy was so presumptuous that he ran into the lord's body and slept.

This is really...

It makes people want to mess with him at any time!

"Yaoyan, we really should go!" Ichiki Ichijin found that his brother's expression was getting more and more strange. Not pursuing the matter in detail was already his greatest respect. Now... brother, you should hurry up and come with me!


After a long time, Niou's hand-in was completed.

The Sword of Damocles of the Red King was too badly damaged, and it was basically no different from the broken swords on the battlefield. If Kitsunesuke hadn't urged him to try his best to restore it, he might have thrown the sword directly into the sword-breaking furnace and turned it into energy.

【Kitsunesuke, do you really think it's okay?】After trying it for a while, he felt that the Sword of Damocles was in a particularly bad state and it was probably not going to work.

【The technology of the Time Government is more advanced than we thought. Since the Sword of Damocles is too rare... the Time Government made an exception and let us use the automatic reply program! 】

Ryoou paused: [What do you mean?】

【That is to say, we only need to restore the Sword of Damocles to 15%, and the remaining Time Government system will help repair it.……】Kitsunesuke licked his paw and said

【Oh~ Really?】Rinou said in an ambiguous tone. 【Then who will be the owner of this sword in the future?……】

【Of course it's you!】 Kitsunesuke said,【After all, you picked up the sword, so it's safest for you to keep it!】

This sounds fine, but Niou subconsciously feels that it's not the truth.


I guess the truth, seeing Kitsunesuke who has already turned to him, I'm afraid he doesn't know it.

It doesn't matter, as long as the sword is fine, all other problems can be discussed later~

After receiving the Sword of Damocles, Niou's life continued indifferently. The biggest difference is that——

"Oh my god, Niou, you've been really irritable lately!" Marui Bunta rubbed his numb arms, sighed, and glanced at the racket that had been bounced to the ground.

Niou's move just now seemed to be fine, but it was full of murderous intent and hostility - it was so powerful that it actually bounced his racket off in one move!

"It's not that I'm angry, it's that I've grown.——"These domineering words made Sanada and Yanagi stunned. Niou was always reserved, and this was not something he would say.

"Nioh, you……"Liu, who was a little worried about his friend's condition, spoke up.

He was wondering if he had put too much pressure on Ren Wang recently, causing him to change completely and become stupid!

"Don't worry, I just figured out some things!"Ryooh swept the racket across his eyes, and the domineering aura he had before completely disappeared.

He only said,"I used to live too freely.……"

"Now I just want to quietly do something I like——"

Carrying the fate of 700,000, from that moment on, he was destined to live openly and vigorously.

Everything in front of him made him tired, disgusted and powerless. As long as he could, he should flatten everything... let all the troubles disappear, until the world returns to his blue sea and cloudless sky!

Sanada also raised his eyebrows rarely,"You are... a little bit decent now!"

Regarding the strength of Niou, Yukimura had actually discussed it with Sanada a long time ago.

As the most powerful and terrifying person in the tennis club, in fact, accurately grasping the rescue information is the top priority for Yukimura!

Although he failed to get this wool in the first grade of junior high school, this did not prevent him from making a series of plans for him when he found this useful and fun fox in the second grade of junior high school.

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