But of course the number of people in the tennis club is enough, and Niou is a lazy person. Considering the overall harmony and stability of the tennis club, Yukimura did not say much, but just followed his thoughts and let him find a partner to form a doubles team.

He just wanted to see what level Niou could reach... and the fact is that Niou did very well.

In just one year, the doubles combination of Niou and Yagyu Hiroshi has become a nationally famous golden doubles, directly on par with Marui and Kuwabara, the old partners of Rikyu Kaida.

From then on, he has completely believed in Niou's level... and knows that he is a dragon in the pond, and will fly to the sky sooner or later!


"Since he has the ability, he should get on stage!"Sanada's attitude was as tough as ever.

In his mind, he had the ability, so he should do what a strong man should do, instead of hiding behind others like a coward.

But what did Yukimura say at the time?——

"If you can expose his pretense of laziness in front of everyone, then try it!"��Village laughed and teased his friend.

He said,"But this matter will probably end with him continuing to be lazy.……"

Niou's level of laziness is too high. If he hadn't observed the tennis club a lot, stood above and looked down at the ground, and trusted the talents of the tennis club members... if any one of them was missing, he probably wouldn't have discovered this fact.

And Sanada has been forbearing until today... because what Yukimura said later was really right.

This guy's dodging ability is abnormal! When he wants to be lazy, he is simply unyielding and can't find any loopholes to exploit.

Until now - after a weekend, Niou is like a different person. He has become flamboyant, and slowly began to show the domineering and overbearing that belongs to his own strength.

This is a good thing - it's a good thing for the whole group that has always been dissatisfied with him!

But at the same time……

"Liu, check if this guy has any problems behind the scenes?" said the black-faced god Sanada.

"I know!" Liu responded without even raising his head.

The tacit understanding between them was already self-evident... no one else needed to come and say anything.

Ren Wang didn't know that he was about to be targeted by his friends, but even if he knew, he wouldn't care.

He is now very different from the past - all enemies standing in his way can be killed!

Ren Wang, who came back to his senses after returning home, held his forehead in pain,"What did I do at school today!"

Why are the things I did and the words I said more ridiculous than the others!

Are you sure you weren't a reincarnation of a fool in your previous life?

He pressed his chest speechlessly, feeling the red giant sword in his heart that was gradually recovering, although the progress was slow.

"You don't have to guess, I must have been influenced by you.……"Ren Wang smiled bitterly.

A fox like him hates being controlled by others the most in his life! But now, the sequelae brought to him by the overbearing Red King Damocles Sword are undoubtedly not what he likes the most! It

's time to release himself. He is the lord of so many famous swords and the only general recognized by him!

He has his own character - now he has only released a little bit, and everyone in the tennis club should not shout and fuss every day!

His idea is very reasonable, and the reaction of his colleagues in the tennis club is even more reasonable.

"Haha, I'm so excited!" Marui Fumita's face flushed red,"The way Nioh looked yesterday really made everyone tremble with fear.……"

"Is it because he lost Yukimura that he became so domineering?"

""Bunta, are you planning to abandon me and be with Niou?" The dark-skinned burly man at the side looked at the happy boy with a fragile face.

They agreed to be good friends and partners for life, so has he been abandoned by his friends for the time being?

"Kuwabara, why do you think so? I was just watching his fun!"Marui Bunta said with a playful smile.

"Just think about it, you can watch him train twice as hard in the future.……"Marui Bunta felt happy when he thought of this scene.

But he did not get a response from Kuwabara. The dark-skinned boy pointed behind him with a look of fear.

"Is there a possibility that I can finish faster than you and then watch you laugh?"

"Niou……"How arrogant he was just now, how embarrassed he is now. He is really not a coward, not a coward!

"When did you come?" He subconsciously took a half step back and hid behind Sang Yuan, which proved everything.

"It’s been a while, I really didn’t expect that you like me so much, Wen Tai!" He deliberately misinterpreted it and said,"You actually abandoned Sangyuan and wanted to be with me.……"

He nodded his lips teasingly,"How about I go talk to Yukimura later and ask you to become my partner?"

"No, no, Yukimura is still sick, we'd better not disturb him!" Marui Bunta shook his head like a rattle. Fearing that Nioh would talk about this topic, he hurriedly said,"By the way, Yagyu Hiroshi's strength seems to have reached a bottleneck recently, don't you go and help him?"

"Got it!" Ren Wang smiled faintly and left the spot.

In fact, Ren Wang already had the answer in his heart about Yagyu Hiroshi entering the barrier.

Yagyu Hiroshi was a genius in details, which led to him becoming a regular player in just half a year after entering the tennis club, even a month earlier than Kuwabara. Switching from golf to tennis seemed to be no transition for him - but it only seemed that - the real stagnation only appeared after Yagyu's strength reached a certain level. The technical precision that had been trained by golf lost its effect one day and could no longer be used.

At this moment Yagyu is like a headless fly, wandering around in this world, without a trace of security...

He originally planned to improve his own strength a little bit, and then talk to Yagyu about this problem, but now it seems urgent.

Looking at the calm purple-haired boy on the field, Niwang withdrew his foot that was originally going to go in directly. He curled his lips and chuckled, and suddenly understood what a genius is.

A genius is - even if you encounter a bottleneck, you will rely on your own strength, and exude your own vitality and charm through continuous accumulation and hard training!

Yagyu Hiroshi is indeed a genius~

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