For Yagyu, this"Yagyu Birosi" in front of him is particularly terrifying. He is like your most powerful control group, exactly the same as you, but one point more powerful than you.

Every time he thinks his ball will break through the opponent's defense... this guy instantly changes his mind, thinking in the reverse way of Yagyu Birosi, and directly kills him without leaving a single piece of armor.

The most cruel thing is——

"Whoosh……"After 15 minutes, Yagyu was out of breath. On the other side, Yagyu Hiroshi was still calm and composed, with not even a sweat on his forehead.

"Niou, you...are so cruel!" Yagyu held his knees and panted heavily.

"What are you talking about? I am Yagyu Hiroshi’!"The most unique and strongest Yagyu Hiroshi in the world

"hehe……"Liu Sheng propped himself up and stood up. This guy really didn't let him have a moment of peace. Having such a partner really doubled the pressure every day.……

"Then let me show you, even if you master my skills, you can't make my breakthrough!" Yagyu shouted, and his right arm seemed to have gathered all his strength, bursting out with layers of muscles."Laser beam - change!"

The bright yellow tennis ball shot straight into the sky, and the force and angle did not change.……

‘Yagyu Hiroshi's mouth was slightly cold, and he looked at the scene with boredom.

Until - with a whoosh, the tennis ball changed its original path at the last moment before it hit the racket, and turned 90 degrees and slid away.

""Puh~ Yagyu, you can do it!" He had never seen a tennis ball that could turn. Curiosity made 'Yagyu Biroshi' turn back into Niou Masaharu

"This is a huge improvement!" He squinted his eyes and chuckled.

"I just don't want to be praised like this by you!" Yagyu Hiroshi sighed.

He always felt that he had lost when this guy said that.

Nioh snickered, looking like a real fox,"Isn't it good? Act with me and you can see your own flaws and where they are? You won't make the same mistake again in the future!"

"Haha, according to what Niou said, Yagyu really has to thank him!"Marui laughed at the side.

This guy really got the upper hand and still acted cute, making people angry to death, and people still have to thank him.

"Are you two still going to compete? If not, can I ask questions?"Liu doesn't care about other things, he only cares about what he cares about most.

——What is the name of Niwang's move?

"Are you still going to fight?" Ren Wang looked at Liu helplessly and asked

"I won't play anymore. Even if I make any breakthroughs in this game, you will find out everything.——"Yagyu Hiroshi pushed his eyes and snorted.

In fact, it is because it is difficult to break through at this level. As long as the barrier has a crack, then the next step is to control the crack and poke it to death... Before that, you need to figure it out by yourself, and then ask the wall of Niwang to help break it in one fell swoop!

He only has a superficial idea now... He needs to take his time~

"Okay, let's play another match in half a month!"Ryoou understood Yagyu's idea and directly arranged the time for the next match.

After their match, the others were very excited to go up.

Of course, the one who was surrounded the most was Ryoou!

"Niou, when did you start practicing this move? What's it called? It's really interesting. How did you manage to make the camera look exactly like you and Yagyu?"

"【phantom】!"Nioh uttered two words and calmly introduced his special move

"As long as I have enough knowledge about this person, I can then transform into him and use his special skills to play the game - and no one will discover me!"

"Is this true? Is it really possible to do this?"Yanagi Renji was the first to question. His words seemed to be questioning, but the excitement in his eyes made Renwang understand that this guy just wanted to see his illusion again.

We are all young foxes, what are you playing with me?

Who doesn't know who?

"My [Phantom] can only be used once a day. I consumed too much mental energy today. I'm afraid I can't use it anymore. I'll think about it tomorrow.——"

He very reasonably covered up his tricks with a fig leaf.

It was a very reasonable and legal fig leaf that no one could find any problem with. After all, so far, as far as he knew, he was the only one who could use this skill. The specific rules had to be determined by him and everything depended on him!

But...some things could be hidden from others, but not necessarily from the truth - this would definitely arouse Liu's suspicion.——

"Really?" As expected, Liu expressed his doubt.

But who is Ren Wang... He continued without blushing or beating his heart,"What level do you think you can achieve if you can achieve an effect that even a camera can't capture!"

He vowed to popularize his [Phantom】

"I am so tired, so tired, my back and waist ache, I feel so uncomfortable……"He patted his arms and thighs."To use the Belgian Tear Beam, I have to stand very straight. My calves are so sore!"

As soon as he said this, everyone's eyes dimmed a little. Yagyu Hiroshi's laser beam does require a long time of standing and quick reaction.

"Okay Liu, Renwang has worked so hard, let's ask again tomorrow……"

Yanagi Renji only asked one question from beginning to end:"……"

Okay, as long as you are happy. Anyway, according to his first instinct, since Niwang has mastered this skill, from today on, he will be like a wild horse entering the grassland, completely leaving Jiangshan behind, and making other people so popular that they can't even catch up!

"Sanada, do you have anything to ask?" Liu asked

"I want to compete with him someday." Sanada was also attracted. Being attracted by the strong is what he, a samurai who pursues the path of becoming strong, should do. The current Nioh has walked ahead of him and embarked on a new journey. He is worth chasing and worth his trust...


What I wanted to ask at first was not this at all!

Yanagi Renji sighed helplessly. Their tennis club was indeed full of idiots and fools. Without Yukimura, the entire Rikkai brain was almost unable to work in this regard.

"Haha, isn't Nioh still here? Why not just let him do it?" Yukimura couldn't stop laughing after hearing these stories.

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