The hospital space is extremely depressing for patients, but every day different friends come to accompany him and tell Yukimura about the interesting things that happened in the tennis club that day.

Everyone is lively and energetic, dancing and trying to tell him the most complete story of the day. This comforts him and makes him feel more comfortable.

"By the way, who put the milk here for you?……"Liu asked.

He had just gone to the bathroom, and it seemed that there was no one here before he went to the bathroom.

Yukimura paused, then showed a warm smile,"It's an angel-like person.……" willow:"……"

OK, now Yukimura is not being honest in front of him, right?

After not seeing each other for a while, everyone has become a person who has secrets from each other. The world is really going downhill!


"Seeing that you have someone here to take care of you, I feel relieved.……"

He looked at the purple-haired boy in front of him seriously,"Next, our focus will be on the year-end training. Yukimura, during this time……"

"I know I can't come here so often!" Yukimura smiled in understanding. As the captain of the tennis club, he knew better than anyone what he should do at this time...

Although he was powerless, he also knew what he should do!

When Niou came to the hospital again, Yukimura realized vaguely that only a week had passed, but why did it feel like a long time had passed?

"Yukimura, are you okay?"Ryoou asked worriedly. Yukimura in front of him looked very wrong.……

"I'm fine, just really appreciate you coming to see me……"It took him a long time to come back to his senses.

He smiled bitterly. He was not such a coward before... Was it because he had lived in the hospital for too long?

Or was it that loneliness attacked him!

The most terrifying thing in the hospital is loneliness, and the most painful thing is to endure loneliness.

This light blue space can calm people's hearts, but it can also magnify the most fearful things in people's hearts.

As a Shinsengumi of the Time Government, Nioh has seen all kinds of crazy knives, and all kinds of Shinsengumi who were driven crazy by knives. The most"gentle" way for the Time Government to treat them is to put them in such a place.……

"Do you... need something to accompany you?" He asked.

His tone was like asking a three-year-old child if he wanted candy.


This is so funny

"Nioh, I was already a semi-adult." Yukimura smiled softly,"No need to go through all those past and present things~"

He can adjust his emotions by himself, maybe it will take a long time, but he believes he can do it and do it well!

"……"As the saying goes, in the hospital, don't believe a word of nonsense from the patient's mouth!

They are now like balloons that are forced to be pricked and burst!

It is better to do it yourself, have enough food and clothing, and directly put everything into practice, and hit the target with one knife!

This night.

A small long-haired animal with pure silver-white fur and the size of a cat just climbed onto Yukimura's bed...

How does it feel to touch a stuffed animal by your bed in the middle of the night? Yukimura will tell you - scalp tingling - subconsciously slapped the stuffed animal away, until it hit the wall and made a thud, and the boy was relieved.

Turn on the light and look at this extra little animal carefully...

When the light comes on, the harmlessness and pitifulness of the little animal are revealed in front of him.

The soft silver-white fur is oily and smooth, so it is good for kidney maintenance. Except for the dizzy and spinning eyes after being beaten... the small claws and the cocked tail, every part of it hits Yukimura's aesthetics!

Small animals are cute...

He smiled and got out of bed, poking the half-dead little animal with his hand,"What are you? A raccoon or a cat?"

Judging from its size, it doesn't look like a fox or something like that!

Don't talk about whether it's dangerous or not. It can be knocked unconscious by a slap from a patient like him and fall to the wall. How can it be considered a dangerous animal?

It's just a poor baby...

The silver-white fox is really speechless now. He was confused and wondered ~ Why is the captain of the master such a ruthless character!

"Ouch, it hurts so much!"

Thinking of it as the Sword of Damocles, even if it is in the form of a little fox, it is still very powerful. How could it be slapped against the wall by someone and not be able to be pulled off?

It is definitely not because it just felt that the bed was really warm and fell asleep accidentally -

Yukimura paused with his finger that was originally poking it."……"

The kitten spoke...

It shouldn't be his illusion, he really heard him speak! After the silver fox finished speaking, he also realized his mistake. How could he not hold back?

He closed his eyes instantly as if playing dead, and did not move no matter how the eyes above swept over him.

Seeing such a vivid scene, Yukimura's fear about the kitten being able to speak was suppressed a little.

Even if this thing is some kind of amazing ghost, it is estimated that its IQ is not very high.……

"Oh no, I really heard it wrong just now!"

He seemed to be talking to himself and said,"I knew that such a strange thing could not happen in the world. It turned out that everything just now was an illusion.……"

The silver fox breathed a sigh of relief when he heard this. Yukimura laughed. Didn't he know that even if the fur was long enough to cover the belly, breathing would reveal everything?

He was now completely convinced that this thing was a raccoon cat!

Although it looked like a fox, a fox couldn't be that stupid.


Three hours ago

"It's impossible to say anything. I am the sword of Damocles. You want me to be someone else's���Pet?"The silver fox couldn't believe his eyes. Was this something the owner could say? Was he just giving him away in such a weird way?

"I'm not asking you to accompany him at night, I'm not saying I'm going to give you away!" Niou propped up his chin and discussed with him.

It's not unreasonable for him to let the silver-white fox go.

The swordsmen in Honmaru are all strong and have their own tempers. They won't feel sorry for a stranger for no reason. They are not suitable. A fox like Kitsunesuke who is born to take care of others is fine, but Kitsunesuke belongs to the Time Government.

Letting it help someone, I guess the Time Government will not agree?

After all the calculations, the most suitable person he has is only the silver-white fox.

"Can't you hire someone to go?""Master, you don't need money.

"Yukimura was so alert, so of course he would find a cute little animal to accompany him!"Ryooh still had a lot of concerns, and at this time, furry animals were much more pleasing to the eye than ordinary humans.

Anyway... no matter how the negotiation was finally carried out. Anyway, the silver-white fox, the last person to join this big family, was carried under the window sill and forced to climb onto the bed!

It sounded very tragic and pitiful at the time...

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