Liu's teeth were about to break from biting.

Who would have thought that Ren Wang, who seemed to be the worst student, was one of the ones with the best academic performance.

Of course, he also had his fatal weakness - music class!

Every time, it was because of music class that his overall grades were always lower than others.

"I recently got a tip that music teacher Fujiwara-sensei has said that if you can't get a B+ in music class, you won't pass.——"

Ren Wang was so angry that he slammed the table,"Where did you get this gossip from?"

Generally, if the music theory grade is above D, it can be considered as passing.

"Haha, who told you to be so particular about this subject?"Liu was speechless.

For two whole years, Niou's grades in all subjects were A+ and ranked at the top, but the music class was the only one that seemed to have lost the connection! The grades kept falling, falling again and again...

It's hard to imagine how happy Mr. Fujiwara must be!

Niou sat down on his seat with a plop, he was desperate,"It's over!"

He thought he had nothing to do with the exam, but now even he has to take tutoring classes.——

"Ahhh——Why does the exam in the 21st century have to include music!"

It's not that he doesn't work hard, he just really has no talent for this!

After defeating this group of onlookers, Yanagi felt much better.

And he felt from the bottom of his heart that he should call the music teacher later and"reduce" the difficulty of Nioh a little bit, otherwise it would be unfair for him to lie there and laugh secretly today.

In the end, the glorious task of tutoring Kirihara fell on Yanagi, Sanada, and Yagyu. There was no way, who let anyone else go~ whoever could get the job would go!

In response to this, Kirihara said... ah, I'm dead- this winter has been particularly long for everyone in the tennis club.

So much so that-many people are always a little seems that a lot of things are missing inexplicably... such as Houmaira, such as a certain blue clothes, and such as a certain blond young man who is still wandering overseas...

Well, this blond young man is not lonely. Because...he is in a bad mood every day

"Boss, what's your reason this time?" Duke Watanabe, who was knocked to the ground by the Byodoin Phoenix and almost couldn't get up, asked.

Byodoin Phoenix sneered,"Huh, how should I know!"

That's right, how could he know. Since becoming someone's subordinate, the body will involuntarily feel the message from the other party - even if it is on the other side of the ocean and half the world away, this kind of communication will still not be cut off!

For example, recently there have been waves of painful wails from the heart, like the burning of the red lotus fire of hell, dying...

If there is something that can't be handled, won't that guy give him a call?

You have to keep holding on there by yourself!

You deserve it.

Thinking of this, Byodoin Phoenix's eyes became colder,"With this level, you are still preparing to play in the world game, get up and continue training!"

"yes……"Watanabe Duke, I feel like crying, the boss has been too moody lately.

Others were amazed, thinking that Byodoin Phoenix has become more and more abnormal recently.

"In the past, people were allowed to rest, but now they are not even allowed to rest.……"

The degree of perversion of the whole person has doubled!

Houmaira was more fortunate. On a Friday afternoon, the bell rang, and the boy pushed the door open and stepped into this space again.

Kusanagi Izumo took back the welcome before he said it, and asked directly,"Why do you have time to come here today?"

"I called Duoduoliang before, is he here now?"

Ryoou wandered to the bar like a tired salted fish, put his face on the table with a tired look, and said like a salted fish.

"Yes, but can you confirm it with him in your current state?" Kusanagi Izumo was amused by his appearance.

"There is no way, I don't have time, only one day - don't care about my condition, help me call him down! Thank you!"I raised my hand weakly, as if I was going to die in the next second.

"What on earth has happened to you?" Kusanagi Izumo didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

However, he did as he said and went up to call the person.

Jutsu Tadara came down quickly, but he was holding a guitar - and there were two people watching behind him.

"Brother Zun, Anna, why are you two coming down too?"

Anna from Kushina raised her little face excitedly and approached Niou,"Todora said Niou is a fool and can't sing, so she asked Anna to come and listen!"

His eyes were full of excitement, and it was obvious that she didn't quite understand what it meant to not be able to sing.

Niou sighed and glared at Totora Jutsu who was laughing at the side,"You are so mean, I told you my secret and you told Anna——"

How can you expose someone's secrets like this, and expose them in front of a girl!

How abominable!

How can you do this?

"Anna now knows that she wants to listen to Niou sing!"

Anna stared at her big eyes pitifully, her eyes twinkling.


Niwang , don't you want to sing for me?"……"

Even if you are Anna Kushina, this problem is still very serious.

"No way!" He shook his head decisively!

"Brother Shishu, let's either change places or start again another day!"

Shishu Duoduoliang smiled helplessly,"Okay……"

He was about to agree when he heard the door slam shut. A ferocious figure ran in from outside, laughing arrogantly,"No one can go out today, just study here."……"

"Kohata——"Of course, the only one who dared to be so presumptuous in front of the Red King was Hatta Misaki.

The King of Ni gritted his teeth and looked at the dwarf who suddenly jumped in,"Why are you here instead of staying at home?"

"Humph, Anna asked me to come. When I heard that you were coming to sing, of course I would be your first audience member!"

The orange-haired boy smiled happily and kindly closed and locked the door!

"I promise not to laugh at you——"


Does this idiot think he will believe what he says?

Promise not to laugh!

He will laugh the loudest later!

"And Hatta, I advise you to open the door now, otherwise don't blame me for being angry!" Now Gao Di is a king, and not everyone can watch the excitement if they want to, and they have to save face.

If Hatta Misaki was scared, she would not have resolutely joined Houmaira."Haha, is that so? I want to see how you are going to get angry?"

He is sure that there will be excitement today!

Niou's head was bulging with veins, and the corners of his mouth were already shouting lightly,"mi~sa——ki!"

Hatta Misaki:"……"

The enemy has dropped a bomb on you. It's as powerful as a nuclear explosion!

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