This name is a taboo for Hatta Misaki, nothing less!

Once these two words are spoken, there is no room for negotiation.

In this case -

Niou Masaharu, you can die!

"You want me to open the door? I won't open it now, what can you do?"Today's incident, but Anna will be looking forward to him behind her back. He will never betray little Anna. In this matter, even Brother Zun will stand on his side.……

"Hatta, you go home first——"


The orange-haired boy who was originally arrogant was dumbfounded. It was agreed that everyone would be happy together?

Why did they just throw him out of the battlefield alone!

Suohono looked at the dumbfounded Hatta Misaki with amusement,"There's something wrong with his condition. I'll check on him later. It's not appropriate for any of you to be here!"

He was not lying, but he really discovered Niou's condition, and it was not right now. There was a transparent aura all over his body, but at the same time, he seemed to have a violent power that was a bit like him, but...

In short, Suohono couldn't tell what this was. His flame had to actually travel around Niou Masaharu's body to know what was going on!

"All right……"

This is business, no smearing!

Hatta Misaki had to leave first.

But when she walked to the corner with her skateboard, she remembered, why don't Totsuka, Kusanagi and little Anna come out?

Hatta Misaki:"……"

After all, I was the only one who made the wrong choice!

I didn't expect you guys to be such a respectable brother!

In the bar.

Kusanagi Izumo couldn't stop laughing. He didn't expect little Hatta to be so naive that he didn't care about anything and just left.

There was also the help of respectable brother, but this was too naive! After she gets married, she will always be cheated. What should she do?

It seems that she still has to find someone who is closer to her and will not cheat her, otherwise her life will be very difficult in the future!

It is said that it is not easy to find a partner now, but who made their little Hatta have been eyeing a kind person since he was a child. And this adopted child also fell in love with him from the beginning, and he insisted on having this one. He also made himself almost like a pervert!

It's so sad to talk about it.

Fortunately, they have watched this child grow up by themselves, and his character is also guaranteed, otherwise the life of little Hatta will be terrible in the future... After finally fooling Hatta Misaki out, Nioh looked at the remaining people in front of him speechlessly.

"Zun Ge……"He challenged the biggest challenge first

"The singing is really bad and piercing. You should not be here.……"

"I don't mind, Anna wants to listen!" Zhou Fangzun said with infinite doting with a smile in his eyes.

What he meant was - let alone Anna wanted him to stay and listen to the class, even if Anna wanted him to be pressed here to chant, Zhou Fangzun would be willing!

"Or I'll do it another day!" Ren Wang backed off. He really had no confidence in himself.

"Masaharu~" The little princess was the best at grasping people's core. She jumped to the side of the King step by step, and gently pulled the boy's sleeves with a pair of white hands in her long sleeves."I have never heard anyone other than Anna sing in my life. Anna wants to hear……"



【Master, don't be influenced by him, you must stick to yourself! 】 Kitsunesuke said with all his strength

【Oh, I'll agree.……】

Nioh was stared at by Anna and quickly lost his weapons

【Huh?】 Kitsunesuke didn't expect that Niou would be captured like this. 【However, how could a prudent person with a firm will be defeated by her ordinary words?……】

【What's wrong with a little loli? And she's a little loli in a gothic red outfit! 】Rio shook his head and sighed, saying something Kitsunesuke didn't understand. 【This is the same reason why the short sword is always cute and lively in the mind of the Shinsengumi.……】

What's wrong with a short knife


"Ahem, you can listen if you want, but we have to make some rules first.——"The King of Ren still has an eye on things.

"you say……"Anna Kushina's eyes lit up

"No matter what, you have to listen to the end!"He has already sung with a serious face. If Anna wants to run away after listening to one sentence, how embarrassed he will be!


The girl nodded happily, but the two adults beside her suddenly felt cold in their hearts. What kind of accident will happen?

Accidents are definitely not going to happen!

So - five minutes later

""La~la-ka-la-la! Ah-ah-ah~ah!"

In the bar, except for Totsuka Tadara who was playing the guitar calmly and Nioh who was singing with his eyes closed, the adults and children all had masks of pain welded to their faces, and their hands were tightly covering their ears!

Kushina Anna's originally pale smile became even paler, even a little transparent and colorless...

A simple little hum was twisted into 23 notes by Nioh. Each note was not on the same level.

""Masaharu-nii~" Kushina Anna called out with a pitiful laugh.

She was wrong. She shouldn't have expected anything from Niou's music. She thought Niou was being modest, but she didn't expect him to just speak the truth. He wasn't modest at all!

Unfortunately, when Niou sings, he either doesn't start or he has to finish the song. This is the principle that Souzo Sakura taught him.

In Souzo Sakura's words, that is——

【My lord, if the music stops halfway through, it will be the biggest chance for the banquet! 】

If you want to sing, finish it!


I can only trouble you all to listen to it to the end... and then there will be five painful minutes.

Suohono had never thought that his ears could endure so much suffering.

Although he is the supreme king and the most unrestrained and wanton Red King, he also understands that the current situation is what he asked to listen to.

Nioh is his own man, and as a king he must keep his promise. He must listen to the end, and he can't listen when he wants to, and tell him to shut up when he doesn't want to. He can't always torment his own children like this!

Of course...

Although this has successfully convinced himself psychologically... However, this external physiological reaction is really irresistible!

Suohono's aura of discomfort from the song burst out directly, and waves of red waves appeared around him.

The people around him were either immersed in Nioh's singing or suffering from the torture of the singing, and no one noticed- then——

"Director, I detected that the Red King's Weisman value has fluctuated!"

Reiji Munakata, who was processing documents, looked up and said,"How much has it fluctuated?……"He was about to put down the pen in his hand.

Once the deputy's mouth increased the number, he would stop it.

"The fluctuations are not large, but the persistence is very strong, just like going through something uncomfortable……"

The blonde woman's eyes flashed with confusion. If it was another king, it would be normal.

But the Red King - when this gentleman encountered something unpleasant, he didn't just burst out, but also with this kind of pain that only fluctuated slightly, like a little girl's awkward pain...

Are you sure you are not kidding?

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