The head of the Byodoin family said,"Besides, no matter how you look at it, we Phoenix have taken advantage of this matter. Why are you still being picky?"

The king can decide his subordinates at will, and can also turn his subordinates into people with special abilities.

But for ordinary people to become a king, haha, that's only 7 in 10,000!

That probability is no different from becoming a god...

You are still being picky. You should be happy that ordinary families can become affiliated families of the king~

The chief elder of the Byodoin family also glared at this ignorant elder,"……"

There are always people who don't know what's going on!

It was dinner time.

Niou thought he would cause a bloody storm, but he didn't expect the people of the Byodoin family to be so easy to talk to. They all smiled happily at him.

Although he didn't intend to be servile and respectful to this group of people, he didn't expect them to be so happy.……

"Byodoin-senpai, are you sure that no one in your family has been switched?"

"Of course not!" Byodoin Phoenix glanced at him, as if to say what a joke you are.

The head of Byodoin looked at his eldest son who had shaved his beard with satisfaction. Not bad, not bad, you all know to pay attention to your image...

Hearing the address between the two, he said directly,"Masaharu-kun, you don't have to call him senior... Just call him by his name!" It

's better to be friends with peers since it's the status of a king and a subordinate.

"Is this okay?" asked the King.

"Very good, very good!"Before Byodoin Phoenix said anything, the head of Byodoin family confirmed it directly.

Niou looked at Byodoin Phoenix with a suspicious expression. Is this really okay?

"Okay! I have no objection!"What could Byodoin Phoenix say? It was his father who directly lowered his generation. How could a son argue with his father?

But - that's fine, anyway, he didn't think of pretending to be a senior in front of this person. This guy was born with a rebellious heart, and he didn't intend to treat him as a senior!

Instead of being called senior by him in a sarcastic way all day long, it would be better to be called by his name directly -

Niou was dumbfounded when he saw Byodoin Phoenix agreed."……"Pu Li?""

Neon has a very serious hierarchy, and no one doesn't like to be a senior.

Is the Byodoin Phoenix sure she doesn't have a fever?

"I'll continue to call you Senior!" Niou said. He was setting an example for the Kirihara junior below.

Byodoin Phoenix, who had prepared himself mentally, said:"……"

I asked you to shout but you didn't. You have too many things to do, right?



The Byodoin Phoenix is very busy, and the Byodoin family is used to it.

Anyway, these demon hunters can hunt demons anywhere, and there is no fixed place. As long as the skills are practiced, the family doesn't care where you are outside. The principle is to stay close to you.

Just send a message back regularly to prove that you are still alive. As for the place, you can go wherever you want.

"I finally understand how the pirates in your world are made.……"Niou tried to transform into the Phoenix of Byodoin several more times.

But he was always a little confused when practicing, and now he finally understood the difference. Because he couldn't feel the wandering mood of the Phoenix of Byodoin.

He was a homebody, and the swords at home were like big dogs wagging their tails, waiting for him to come home every day... One day away from him was like three years, and two days away was like a year!

In such a family environment, how could he really make good use of the Pirates of the World?

"I am a little curious about what kind of living environment your Honmaru is like?"Baiduin Phoenix said.

Although he had been there before, every sword in Honmaru was hostile to him. They didn't like him very much and their attitude was also very cold.

I don't know what it will be like this time.……

"Is there anything I need to pay attention to?"The guest follows the host's change, the Phoenix of Byodoin is still very polite.

"Um……"Niou pondered for a moment,"If you must say, my Souzo has a bad temper, so you have to be more tolerant of him!"

"Who is Souzo?"The eyes of the Phoenix of Byodoin flashed. This was the second time he had heard this name.

The family's records of the government of time stated that the swordsmen had a natural sense of identity and belonging to the Shinsengumi, the chief commander.

They would respect and love their lord, and some people who could not control their emotions would turn all this into admiration...

This Souzo was so special, could it be that……

"Souzo Samamonji!" Nioh pointed out the name with great pride.

Byodoin Phoenix was very good at history, so he had naturally heard of this sword of the king,"Legend has it that it is an imprisoned bird or flower, forced to be tied to the king as a symbol!"

Nioh quickly made a cross on his chest,"Don't mention this matter in our Honmaru."

"My Souzo is different from others!" Niou glanced at the Phoenix of Byodoin and said,"If I must say, he is very similar to you!"

"In terms of status, he is like my father——"

"Huh?" The Phoenix of Byodoin understood the first half of the sentence, but the second half——

"Phew~ You will know the details after you see it!"Seeing is believing, and Niou decided to keep all the truth until they met.

What kind of sword can be called"Dad" by Niou Masaharu!

Byodoin Phoenix was really curious, but until the surging king's aura pierced into her skin, Byodoin Phoenix felt such strong hostility for the first time in her life - the pink-haired young man with a side parting was tall, and the wide light-colored kimono covered his slightly thin body. The wrist under the sleeve was particularly white, and there was a hint of paleness.

But Byodoin Phoenix was not stupid - the man's momentum was like a sword, pressing tightly against his head, and even if he raised his head slightly, it made his scalp numb.

Byodoin Phoenix:...

This man, this knife is very unpleasant to the eye!

What came out of those beautiful eyes was a real eye knife!


The blond young man glanced at the boy who was kneeling obediently and as quiet as a chicken next to him,"……"Haha, he had never seen such a quiet boy - is this the difference between a father and a son? How rare!

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