"Hello, I'm Byodoin Phoenix!" Byodoin Phoenix introduced herself despite the huge pressure. Souza Sawamonji's gaze was too oppressive.

Souza Sawamonji said expressionlessly,"I know that it was you who caused our lord to suffer so much.……"

Byodoin Phoenix:...

This sword knows how to speak, it kills the conversation once it goes up!

But what can he do?

People are telling the truth!

Niou smiled and tried to smooth things over,"Souzo, isn't this matter over?"

Niou's face was almost frozen with laughter, he had agreed not to mention this matter again, why did he just go up and do that?

Sozo gave him a smiling look, clearly saying that I didn't promise you not to mention this!

Niou Masaharu:……

"I'm really sorry about that. I was too stubborn and ended up causing trouble for Renwang.——"Byodoin Phoenix sincerely apologizes

"I asked you to come here today for two main reasons.……"Souzo Sawamonji looked at the sincere man in front of him expressionlessly, then said to Nioh,"My Lord, can I ask you to step aside for a moment?"

""Pfft?" Niou was stunned,"Are you sure you don't want me to be there?"

If he wasn't there, the situation would probably collapse! Do you still want Honmaru?

"Or I'd better stay here!" Niou said under Souzo Sawamonji's cold eyes,"It's a bit cold outside today, and I'm wearing a little thin!"

"Pharmaceutical Research——"Souzo Sawamonji called out, and the paper door was pulled open. A well-behaved boy wearing glasses was holding a haori in his hand, with a sincere and obedient smile on his face,"My lord, the sun is quite strong outside, do you want to come out with us to bask in the sun?"

"If you feel cold, I have clothes in my hand.……"

The purple-eyed boy quickly shook off the haori in his hand."……"

OK, I understand. This Honmaru is not his, it belongs to Souzo Sahmonji!

Everyone is afraid of him - this is really a very happy news for him...

Niou Masaharu stood up, looking menacing - and walked out!

Sorry, he is also afraid of Souzo Sahmonji!

Very afraid——

"" What do you think we two will talk about in there?" Niou asked.

The sun was shining brightly in Honmaru, but at this moment there was a ray of dim white cloud in the clear sky. Yagen Toushirou obviously noticed that he was in a bad mood."Mr. Souzo is actually very easy to talk to, it shouldn't be a big deal!"

"Who can say for sure?"Ren Wang said with his head down.

Although the atmosphere in the room could not be called completely cold, it was indeed not very warm.

"You left me alone, what do you want to say?" Byodoin Phoenix asked directly

"I just want to see who you really are!" Souzo Sawamonji slammed the water cup on the table with a stern face."Those guys in Honmaru are too afraid of the lord getting angry, so they dare not blame you too much, so there are some things I want to see in person!"

Upon learning his purpose, Byodoin Phoenix's eyes flashed,"You are not the same as I imagined.——"

"Oh~" Zong Sanzi curled his lips,"Why do you think you can……"What is the Phoenix of Byodoin in their Honmaru? How dare they give orders here?

"I was his predecessor, his only subordinates!

The guy wants to snatch Ren Yazhi from them! Want to shoot at any time


"Humph, you are gods, but Nioh is a human!" The Phoenix of Byodoin also sneered. Who hasn't been scared?"Humans and talents are common companions. Who do you think he will choose? This is not something that can be decided by the number of people!"

He slapped his hands on the table to increase his momentum."Everyone knows that gods can hide from humans according to their own preferences, and you, a group of swordsmen, have no [humanity]. If you want to do something reckless,……"

"——I don't agree!"

Souza Sawamonji, who had already drawn his sword and was ready to split the Byodoin Phoenix in half, was stunned.

He seemed to understand... what this guy had been doing since just now?

"Are you afraid that we will hide him?" he asked

"If you really have such thoughts, I will never let you go even if you are in the world!" Byodoin Phoenix was very serious.

Souzo Sawamonji's eyes were a little complicated, he nodded,"Don't worry, no one in this Honmaru has such thoughts! Not before, not in the future!"

Their feelings for Nioh are deeper and more serious than those illusory loves!

Although they will not let go easily, they will never deliberately hurt him and deprive him of his freedom!

"Are you his only subordinate outside?"After a tense confrontation, each of them understood who the other was.

The atmosphere became friendly again!

"probably……"Byodoin Phoenix Road.

There has never been a king in the Byodoin family, and no one has ever been a subordinate of any king. So he doesn't know much about this.——

"So that's it!" Souzo Sawamonji lowered his head in thought,"Then could you please trouble Byodoin-kun to make a contact?"

""If the lord has a new subordinate, please let us know!" He said this solemnly, and Byodoin Phoenix agreed even more solemnly. Both of them were worried that their cabbages would be dug up by others inexplicably.

Creaky - the door was opened!

The sky outside that was about to rain suddenly cleared up... Byodoin Phoenix looked up,"Wasn't it going to rain just now?"

He should be right!

"Oh, the weather has been very complicated recently, and this kind of situation is very common!" Niou said nonsense seriously.

With a smile on his face, he glanced up and down at the Byodoin Phoenix, and after confirming that there were no new or old scars, his heart was even more clear.

The Byodoin Phoenix did not think much about it,"Since the weather is changeable, you should pay more attention to adding clothes at home!"

The changing seasons are the easiest time to get sick

"Be careful, it will rain again soon……"

"Phew~ Got it!"Nio nodded, thinking to himself that he would watch a sad movie later to make himself feel sad, and at least let some raindrops fall from the sky.


You are quite good at playing as a Shinsengumi...

Byodoin Phoenix had dinner here, and it was only now that he realized how powerful the young Niio Masaharu in front of him was!

The huge room, which looked like a martial arts arena, was filled with sword masters.

Different sword schools sat together and talked freely. In front of each person, there were neatly placed tableware. After counting carefully, there were at least hundreds of people.

"Are these all your Fusangshen?" Byodoin Phoenix asked in shock.

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