Princess Against the World

Chapter 6670 Laws of Heaven and Earth-20

Anyone with a little bit of brains can guess this joke - the guy on the third floor is here for him!

He suddenly turned his hand and grabbed the madam's wrist: "Who is this guy upstairs?"

"I don't's just the uncle...bald, I, I don't know either...this is the first time I've seen..." The madam's wrist hurt terribly, and she tried to break free, but couldn't.

"Bald?" The knife-wielding old man quickly made a comparison in his mind with the powerful people he knew.

It one is bald!

At that moment, he relaxed a little and shook off the madam.

"I said, brother, if you are like this, then show up. If we have anything to say or anything, please explain it clearly in person, so as not to... create many unnecessary misunderstandings. This is not good for you, and it is not good for me either. , what do you think?"

Everyone raised their heads and looked at the third floor.

They all want to see what kind of person this critic is.

Dingmiao frowned and approached Feng Chenglin: "This is an extraneous matter..."

Feng Chenglin looked like he was watching a show: "Exciting!"

Dingmiao: "..."

Their main purpose is to find regular customers with knives.

Now, people are here, and there are extraneous things.

Logically speaking, he shouldn't be so calm.


He suddenly understood something and looked towards the third floor: "Isn't it...?"

On the third floor, there was silence.

The old man with the knife called out twice more, and then a voice came: "Master...My body has been a little unwell recently, which is inconvenient, but...ahem..."

He suddenly coughed and wheezed significantly.

Everyone: "..."

Listening to this voice, the body is completely old and decayed.

At such an age, why are you going out to do this? ?

Aren't you afraid that if you go too far and die on the girl's belly, you will suffer from a lifelong diaphragm? ?

The old man with the knife also sneered: "Brother, with your body and bones, I'm afraid you have more than enough ambition but not enough strength, right? Even if I give you the girl, can you still stand on horseback and fire a gun?"

"Ha ha……"

The men watching laughed, while the girl blushed.

"Ahem..." The cough on the third floor was quieter, but there was still a clear wheezing sound: "What I want to do has nothing to do with you. If you have money, then continue to bid. If you don't have money, just give Get out of here, don’t waste my time or affect my mood..."

The bald man on the third floor seemed to be annoyed and spoke harder.

How could an old customer with a knife get used to him: "Your time? Even if I give you time, I'm afraid it won't last long..."

Such connotative words made everyone stunned for a few seconds, and then burst into laughter.

Time is a sensitive topic for men!

For an old man who is dying and struggling to speak, even if he is given enough time, he may not have much time.

Among the girls, someone laughed and scolded: "You men are just bad. You are talking so nicely, but you also say something embarrassing..."

"Why are you so shy? Don't you want to find a longer time?"



Laughter again.

The old customer with the knife was very satisfied with the semantic puns of these people, which were right to his taste.

"Old man, do you hear that? All the girls are worried about you, afraid that you don't have much time... If you ask me, you should just go home and rest, don't stand in the latrine and do nothing, wasting up the beauty of others in vain The night of flowers and candles in Miss Cui’s bridal chamber..."

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