Princess Against the World

Chapter 6671 What a bald guy-1

Amid the roars of laughter from everyone, a figure finally appeared on the third floor.

Feng Chenglin couldn't help but laugh: "He's really a bald guy..."

The bald man walked out shakily with a cane and the support of two maids.

There are two sets of sparse hair on both sides of his bald head. The hair is gray and scattered, which looks a bit weird.

When they saw him like this, everyone laughed even more unbridled.

"Old man, stop playing around."

"With your body, how can you still play with girls?"

"If you keep playing, you will be so afraid that you will die on this girl's bed."

"It doesn't matter if you die on the bed, don't die on a girl's belly. That will be a lifelong shadow..."

"Look at him like that, can he crawl into a girl's belly?"

"I think it's hard to get into bed..."


The men laughed unbridled, and Cuicui's cheeks turned red.

The knife-wielding old man opened his arms and raised his brows at the bald head proudly.

"I said, brother, your body and bones are not as good as mine. Otherwise, just go back and lie down. What good are you thinking about? You still want to sleep with other girls, but you don't look at yourself. Do you have the ability? "

The bald man coughed a few more times and patted his waist shakily.


That was the sound of coins hitting each other.

"My body and bones are not good, but I have money... When we draw a girl's flower card, we don't rely on our body and bones. If that's the case, don't talk about me. Don't you have to be thrown out of the boat too?! You How can I qualify to queue up..."

It has to be said that these words of the bald old man not only insulted himself, but also insulted the old customer with the knife.

But just like that, it made everyone burst into laughter again.

However, this time the target of laughter also brought a regular customer with a knife.

The face of the old man with the knife suddenly turned black: "Old man, really don't know how to die. Do you really think I'm afraid of you?"

He took off the money bag from his waist and threw it on the stage: "Is this money enough to open your girl Cuicui's flower card?"

Just as the madam was about to touch the money bag, the bald man's voice came again: "No matter how much he pays, I have one more than him!"

Those provocative looks and words made the old man with the knife so angry that he wanted to go up and beat him up, knocking out his two remaining old teeth.

"Old man, don't skip the toast and drink as a penalty, and come to my place specifically!"

The bald man shook the money bag in his hand indifferently: "If we talk about destroying the place, not everyone dares to use money to destroy it!"


"That's a good thing to say!"


Those who were watching the excitement didn't mind the trouble, and those who were raising rice seedlings were shouting.

In any case, the old customers with swords are also people who have been on these flower boats for many years.

Basically, everyone knows his reputation.

At this time, being inexplicably suppressed by a bald old man who didn't know where he hit him, how could he endure it?

At that moment, he smiled sinisterly——

"You want to compete with me for money? Okay...I'll pay...a thousand taels..."

The bald man shook his money bag unhurriedly: "One thousand and one liang 1..."

"Two thousand taels..."

"Two thousand and one tael..."

"Three thousand taels..."

"Three thousand and one tael..."


After a moment of silence, the old man with the knife suddenly laughed: "Okay, since you are determined to win, I will grant you three thousand and one taels..."

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