Princess Against the World

Chapter 6983 Variable-8

"In short, the stones here are very normal stones, the kind of... normal stones we usually see!"

In desperation, Feng Chenglin couldn't find a suitable adjective for a while.

It can only be expressed in one sentence - a very normal stone.

Who knows, Ling Luoyu nodded: "Where are other places? Where else have these stones?"

Feng Chenglin quickly pointed to several other places.

Although these stones are large, they are not numerous.

After a while, he finished pointing it out.

"Third Young Master, what do you see...are there any changes?"

"I think what we see this time should be the same!"

In her eyes, the number of stones here has become smaller, and they have sharp edges and corners.

"The previous stones were all eroded by the wind, so they looked very rounded, not as sharp-edged as they are now..."

"Yes, yes, I mean exactly what you said!" Feng Chenglin kept nodding.

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he would never have imagined that the same place would undergo earth-shaking changes due to day and night.

"Third Young Master, to be honest, I now doubt whether everything I saw with my eyes is real!"

It’s simply too hard to accept!

"Where have all the rocks we saw during the day gone?"

It was as if someone had emptied the stone forest in the blink of an eye.

Ling Luoyu shook his head: "I don't know..."

Everything here has been refreshing her outlook and cognition.

How could I know the secret in this moment?

The two people were very careful and walked around outside, but didn't find anything unusual.

After returning to the cave, no one spoke.

After lighting the bonfire, he looked at the fire silently.

Feng Chenglin didn't know when he fell asleep. When he regained consciousness, he was kicked awake by Ling Luoyu.


Feng Chenglin didn't know what happened. He stood up and looked around nervously: "What's wrong?"

The white fish belly has appeared outside, and the sky is gradually getting brighter.

And with the appearance of white, an incredible scene appeared in front of them.

The originally empty wilderness now gradually revealed something with the emergence of sunlight.

"Stone forest...those stones...appeared again..."

Feng Chenglin was so shocked that his jaw almost dropped to the ground. He stuttered and couldn't speak a complete sentence.

"'s going like this..."

And those stones that appear in the dark night disappear little by little with the appearance of light until they disappear.

Thinking of something, Ling Luoyu suddenly raised his eyes and looked above his head, walked step by step and began to retreat.

Feng Chenglin understood this and hurriedly avoided it: above their heads, the cave began to fade away as expected, gradually becoming transparent, and slowly and strangely, disappeared.

And the smoke from the embers of the bonfire broke into the sky and soared upward.

"It's... dawn!!" Ling Luoyu stared at the smoke.

Feng Chenglin just opened his mouth, but couldn't say a word.

The sky has completely brightened up, and back to how it was before!

Just...that bonfire!

After a long time, Feng Chenglin twitched his mouth and said, "Third Young should have seen what I just...saw, right?"

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