Princess Against the World

Chapter 6984 Variable-9

"What do you think?"

"I if I'm going crazy!!"

"Me too!"


The two looked at each other, both speechless.

In any case, the two of them have seen the world.

Especially Ling Luoyu, life and death, traveling through the world, every one of them is shocking.

But what happened before her eyes was still hard for her to accept.

"Night and day alternate...Why do these stones seem to change accordingly?"

She closed her eyes slightly, trying to find out the key.

"Stone, stone...stone? Stone!!"

She opened her eyes suddenly and looked at the stone forest around her.

"Stones, these stones...the stones that have been eroded by the wind, the effect will only appear after the vicissitudes of life. But last night...the stones last night, it is obvious that they have not been eroded by the wind...they are original Stone! Cave! Primitive cave..."

She gasped in realization, her eyes horrified.

This look really shocked Feng Chenglin.

"Third Young Master..."

Something that could shock even Ling Luoyu, I guess... would definitely shock him! !

"You, what did you say? What... primitive stone, primitive cave?"

It sounds completely inexplicable.

"Stones become what they are now after being eroded by the wind... full of holes, and the stones last night were all angular. They were obviously in their original state without being exposed to wind or sun. This is why It means that what we saw last night was in its original state during the day...that is, the scenery as it was many years ago!"

"...Huh?" Feng Chenglin was confused.

This is all a mess.

In this night and day, why is there something about the past and the present?

"Third Young Master, you know that I am stupid, my thinking is a bit slow, and I can't keep up with you. So, can I trouble you a little and speak more slowly? At least, you can let me know what I heard. Is it the same thing to tell me what you want...?"

Feng Chenglin felt that he heard something incredible.

He suspected that he had heard it wrong, and he also suspected that he had understood it wrong.

"Why do I feel like you are saying... where we are standing now, there are two states... one is the present during the day, and the other is the... past at night??"

I don’t know if he understands it correctly, but it sounds like that’s what it means.

This... nonsense.

Who knew...

"You heard it right, that's what I meant!"

Ling Luoyu gave the answer very directly.

"Time and space intersect, time and space overlap... Night and day are two alternating times and spaces... They are all in this one place!!"

She pointed to her feet.

"This is where we are standing!"


Although Ling Luoyu confirmed his guess, he was even more confused!

"How is this possible? It's absolutely impossible. How can two people appear in one place at the same time... It's still a relationship between the past and the future!!"


Ling Luoyu didn't explain, but looked at him faintly.

Feng Chenglin's expression continued to be unsettled: "What a ghost!!"

He didn't accept it with his mouth, but he was extremely honest in his heart and accepted this setting.

After all, Ling Sanshao can at least see a lot of things that he can't see.

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