Princess Against the World

Chapter 7307 Rebirth is the key-12

The Human Emperor's eyes suddenly jumped, with a subtle look on his face.

Ling Luoyu pouted: "I'm telling the truth, although it's a bit hurtful..."


"That person can only be the Human Emperor. He should be the one who wants you to die the most. Only after he dies can he be resurrected. But why does he tell you so clearly in his words that he wants you to live well..."

The Human Emperor then lowered his head: "...If I die, he will be reborn. But after seeing those lines, how could I die carelessly?"

No matter it is him or Ling Luoyu, they will live well and fight for their lives.

"In this can he be reborn?"


Ling Luoyu cast a meaningful look at the Human Emperor.

"Your Majesty, what do you think?"

"So you said... risk your life and live again??"

Ling Luoyu nodded silently: "..."

"You want to say that we two... will die together?"

"No, no, no!" Ling Luoyu immediately felt alarmed and took two steps back, maintaining a safe distance again: "I say, Lord Human Emperor, please don't be impulsive. I haven't finished speaking yet!"

"You risked your life to survive, what else do you want to say? Don't you just want us to die?" The Human Emperor's eyes were very subtle.

"...Death is necessary, but the way of death is different. It can't be... let's both die together, right?"

"...What's wrong? Do we still have to die in separate orders?"

"Of course we have to separate the front and the back. One of us will die and the other will protect us!"

"..." The Human Emperor couldn't help but laugh out loud: "Miss Ling, it seems that the trust between the two of us has not reached this level yet, right?"

Not long ago, the two of them were fighting to the death.

Now, is it possible to leave life and death in the hands of the other party?

"I know you don't believe me, and I don't believe you either, but the rules of the game...maybe this is what it is!"

Ling Luoyu didn't force it, rubbed his chin and pointed to the line of words again.

"You have also seen that the two of us are the key, and the two of us dying together are the rules of the game... What if only one of us dies?"


"Of course, the death I'm talking about is not real death, but fake death... It doesn't have to be real death to live after death. We can fish in troubled waters and give fake death a try..."

"How to try?"

"have no idea!!"


The Human Emperor was speechless.

You don't know anything, so you can let the two of them... die first?

"I really don't know. As I said, the idea I just had was just a flash of inspiration that came to me suddenly. But if you want to ask me for details, I really don't know..."

Ling Luoyu only thought of it superficially. As for the deeper meaning, she really didn't think of it.

"Anyway... this matter of life and death needs to be discussed in detail. I can't just say death in one sentence, and the two of us will just wipe our necks with a knife and die if we say it will be?!"


The Human Emperor was silent for a moment.

To be fair, Ling Luoyu's words really touched his heart.

Because all the operations of the Human Emperor are simply unbelievable.

If you look into it carefully, it seems... to imply that neither of them can die.

"But if we really die, the Human not reborn, what's the point?"

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