Princess Against the World

Chapter 7308 Rebirth is the key-13

If you are dead yourself, do you still care whether others live or not? !

"So, we both have to give it a try... Anyway, I don't care!"

Before Ling Luoyu said his thoughts sincerely, he once again expressed his attitude and position.

"Anyway, I can go and leave... As long as I want, Lord Human Emperor, you always have time to take a nap. I can run away anytime and anywhere, leaving you alone in this... well, lonely place. …”

She seemed a little distracted and spoke very unscrupulously.

"So, as for how to choose... Lord Human Emperor, of course it's up to you to make your own decision. However, before making the final decision, you'd better think it through first, and don't wait for me to leave. You don’t regret it until after you then, it’s too late to regret it.”

The Human Emperor's eyes suddenly darkened: "Do you dare to tell me this now?"

It’s really a bit floating! !

"Aren't you afraid that I'll break your legs and keep you here forever?"

Ling Luoyu's bright eyes were small: "If it were before, you might have done that, but now, you definitely won't!"

The Human Emperor's facial features twitched involuntarily: "Really? Then should we give it a try?"

"...What are you trying? Lord Human Emperor, which one do you want to try?"

Ling Luoyu laughed very proudly, with a completely twitchy expression.

"If I were you, I'd also like to give it a try, but what I want to try is... the method I mentioned before, risk your life and survive!"

She can be sure: the Human Emperor definitely wants to give it a try.

Because he wanted to know whether this method could help him get out of trouble.

"And when doing that experiment, you need me to protect your safety. Because I should make you feel more secure than the one lying in the coffin, right?"


Almost every word of Ling Luoyu's words struck a chord in the Human Emperor's heart.

Although he doesn't like her very much and doesn't trust her, there is nothing he can do now. This little girl is the only one he can trust!

However, he was still worried: "How can I be sure... that you won't kill me with one more stab when I'm about to die?"

"I can't be sure or guarantee...but for now, I have no reason to kill you because I don't want to die either..."

"Then how can I be sure that you won't leave alone when I...or something?"

"If I want to leave, I can fight you now and get away... I don't have to wait for you to wipe your neck before sneaking away..."

Ling Luoyu smiled slyly and whispered.

"The most important thing is me. I'm also very curious... I also want to know what role the Human Emperor plays in this game of chess, and what exactly he wants to resurrect himself!!"


Ling Luoyu seemed to have answered every question.

Even if the Human Emperor distrusts her, there is no other way at this point.

"Okay, I'll trust you for now. Come over here and lend me your knife..."

The Human Emperor stretched out his right hand, exposing his wrist, waiting for the soul blade to cut him.

Ling Luoyu's eyes suddenly darkened: "You have to think about it carefully. Once I take action, you will have no way to look back. It's still too late to regret now!"

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