Princess Against the World

Chapter 7309 Rebirth is the key-14

The Human Emperor slowly changed his head, glanced at her, and said with a faint smile: "What? Are you still a little reluctant to let me go?"

"I don't have that kind of perverted syndrome. I won't fall in love with you. Don't be so sentimental..."

Ling Luoyu pointed his soul blade and walked forward.

"I just want to give you a final warning and give you another chance to look back. Don't let anything happen. In the underworld, you still have an unresolved lawsuit with me..."

The Human Emperor suddenly turned over and jumped up, controlling her with strong pressure, and tapped her chest three times with his right hand.

All of this was between lightning and flint, and before the soul blade could flip over, she was already let go.


Vomiting out a mouthful of blood.

At that moment, she felt the pain of breathing.

Every breath she took felt like a hand was clutching her heart, causing her unbearable pain.

"...Your Majesty, the Human Emperor, you really have a good plan and a good method. You deceived me, and you came just to attack me?"

"There is no way, I must hold your life firmly in my hands, and you will protect me regardless of the consequences!"

The Human Emperor looked proud of his success.

"Miss Ling, you don't need to be too angry. If it were you, I believe you would definitely try your best to restrain me to ensure that your position is stable and there will be no fire in the backyard...right? ?!”

Seeing the calculating look on his face, Ling Luoyu pressed his chest. Stand up slowly.

"You are right. If it were me, I would make such a choice. So, I will not blame you. Even if I have resentment, I will blame me for not being as skilled as others and for being careless..."

The Human Emperor stretched out his wrist and made a bloody opening on the soul blade, letting the blood drip.

"So, girl, you must take good care of me and hope that I can come back alive, because only when I come back will the blood locked in your chest be unlocked, otherwise... you will die from blood exhaustion!"

This bloodline locking technique is set by his strength and special technique.

No matter who he is, no matter what kind of power he uses, if there is no specific method as a weight to unlock, then Ling Luoyu's heart will wither little by little.

One day, she will die of blood exhaustion.

Moreover, death will be very painful.

With such a weight in hand, the Human Emperor concluded that Ling Luoyu would ensure that he lived well.

In fact, even if he didn't do this, Ling Luoyu wouldn't do anything to him for a while.

Because she really needs the Human Emperor to give her the final answer.

Let's see if all these speculations are as they imagined.

As time passed by, the blood on the ground fainted bit by bit, the Human Emperor's face became paler bit by bit, and even his breath became weaker bit by bit.

Ling Luoyu looked at him and couldn't help but feel a little nervous.

"I say, Lord Human Emperor, that's about it. You don't really have to wait until the moment of life and death to fully wake up, right?"


The Human Emperor didn't react at all.

"You have to be careful. Don't mess up and get out of line. Then you really can't save it..."

Regardless of whether this guy is a spirit or something else, what supports him should be blood.

But now, at this rate of blood flow...

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