Princess Against the World

Chapter 7310 Rebirth is the key-15

Ling Luoyu was very distressed: ...If it continues to flow, I am afraid that I will really die.

Even if he doesn't die, his vitality will be severely damaged.

But until now, he still hasn't woken up.

Could it be...haven't we reached the point where we are on the thin line between life and death?

Ling Luoyu looked at the blood on the ground and then at his bleeding wound, frowning and hesitating.

"Tell me, should I wrap your wrist first?"

If the flow continues, I'm afraid he will end up on the road to hell.


Maybe he is on the verge of death now.'s hard to say that he is about to reach that state of semi-death! !

What if she was just a little short of it and she stopped the bleeding? Would all her previous efforts have been wasted?

Judging from the speed of Ren Huang's blood flow, he probably wouldn't have the chance to conduct a second experiment! !

"What should I do? How blink?"

Ling Luoyu muttered to himself, but as expected, he didn't wait for the slightest hint from the Human Emperor.

Without prompting, she couldn't be sure whether she was going to do it or not.

Just when I'm indecisive...


The Human Emperor suddenly screamed, and immediately fell to the ground gasping for breath as if he burst out of the water.

At that moment, a mist of water suddenly appeared on his body.

It's like evaporating water vapor.

Ling Luoyu took two or three steps back alertly, not daring to get close, but just observing him from a distance.

The panting Human Emperor seemed to have experienced a life and death disaster. He lay there extremely tired and motionless.

Looking at his rising and falling chest and the evaporating water vapor, Ling Luoyu held the soul blade in his hand and moved over step by step.

"I said, Lord Human Emperor...are you okay?"

Before she finished speaking, the Human Emperor suddenly turned her head and saw him. The light in his eyes made her take two or three steps back involuntarily.

I don’t know why, but these eyes have changed so much.

The eyes of the previous Human Emperor were cold and gloomy, but this pair of eyes were sparkling and wanton, full of domineering power.

At this moment, Ling Luoyu felt very bad and instinctively began to retreat.

"Are you afraid of me?" The Human Emperor suddenly turned over and sat up, looked down at himself, and smiled slowly: "What? I escaped with a narrow escape, but you are afraid. What are you afraid of? You are afraid that I will suddenly take action now and kill you." Did you?"

"Yes!" Ling Luo Yujing thought: "Who knows what happened to you just now, whether your personality will change drastically, suddenly become violent, and suddenly kill me... Your intention to kill me is not just for a short while. Who knows if you will bring up the old things again now and want to kill me!"

The Human Emperor looked down at his hands and looked back and forth several times: "Don't worry, you won't die on these hands for a while!"

"Don't fool me with your word games. won't kill me for a while. Does that mean that after a while, I will still die? In that case, you said...why don't I Avoiding you?"

"The entire ancient tomb is my space. I can't kill you no matter where you hide?"

The Human Emperor slowly stood up and patted his clothes.

"So, if I say I won't kill you now, I won't kill you..."


Ling Luoyu had an inexplicable intuition - the Human Emperor had changed! !

She didn't know why she felt like this.

But how could it be?

The Human Emperor has always been under her nose,

In fact, she didn't even blink.

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