Princess Against the World

Chapter 7312 Rebirth is the key-17

"I feel it. From the moment he came out, I felt his aura changed..." Regarding matters like spiritual bodies, Nothingness has the most say: "Master, he should not be that spiritual body anymore. …”

"What?" Ling Luoyu was shocked.

The thing you were most worried about, the thing you were most afraid of, eventually happened.

"I don't know how to describe it. In short, the feeling and aura that the spiritual body gave me before can no longer be seen on him now..."

Although the human emperor's spiritual energy is abundant and his power is surging,...

"I am 90% sure that not the spirit body before!! Master, he...should have changed!"


changed! !

Two simple words.

What you have to pay may be the price of your life.

"Nihility, tell me...did we do something very stupid, that damn, fake death game!"

True and false, false and false.

When both she and the spirit thought it was true, everything was actually false.

Xu Wu hesitated for a moment: "Master, it cannot be said that you are stupid, it should be said that the Human Emperor is too cunning..."

"Are you comforting me?"

"I'm telling the truth. Maybe the Human Emperor thought of this ending when he first planned it. He guessed your character and the character of the spirit body... He knew that you two were suspicious. If it is too heavy, it will definitely turn over and over again, and thus we will get the so-called secret within the secret..."

If it were an ordinary person, they would definitely be thinking about following the sacrificial runes.

No one would have thought that there might be something fishy about it.

But it was the two of them, two people who were too smart. Their cleverness was mistaken for their cleverness, and they ended up in a tragic situation.

"Yes, that's why...we two claim to be the smartest people in the world, but we did the stupidest thing..."


Since the master thinks so, Niuwu doesn't intend to comfort him.

"You've already done the stupid thing, what else can you do? Your feet have been smashed and the stone has been moved. You can't just move the stone and not put it down, right?"

"What's the use if I can't let it go? The Human Emperor has already let it go. He even changed his body..."

Ling Luoyu suddenly stopped and turned his head thoughtfully to look behind him.

"If this body is his, and it is the real Human Emperor, then the one in the coffin you think it is still there?"

"Theoretically, it shouldn't exist anymore..."

Before Xingwu finished speaking, Ling Luoyu suddenly stood up and jumped, running wildly in one direction.

"Master, please slow down, your heart is still locked..."

"I know……"

Because her heart veins were locked and her blood flow was restricted, every step she took would cause pain.

But she couldn't care less, she needed to find the final answer.


The void sensed what she was thinking, and his expression changed.

"Master, I advise you to think twice. The risk of this matter is too great. What if, what if... if things are not what you think, and if he bites you back, then... you can Crap!"

"Isn't it miserable enough for me now? I have to be controlled by him, and I have to beg for a small life under his hands... maybe he will KO me in the next second. By then, I will think twice about it. no……"

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