Princess Against the World

Chapter 7313 Rebirth is the key-18

Ling Luoyu looked for the way he came and walked quickly.

"The only way we have now is to compete with him for time... before the whole thing is reversed, let's see if the method I thought of can reverse the situation!?"

"...What if it can't happen?"

"What if I can't?"

Ling Luoyu chuckled and didn't take it seriously.

"If not, wouldn't this be the result now?!"


"It's just waiting to die. Everyone is waiting to die, so why don't I give it a try? What if... I succeed?!"


Wuwu knew that he couldn't persuade his master, but there was no way to make her look back. Now, they had no choice but to fight to the death.

"...Nihility, you have to prepare for the worst, accumulate all your strength, and prepare...wait for a while. If you don't succeed, you will have to drag me back to the realm of chaos with all your life, otherwise , I’m afraid my life will really end up in this place..."

"...I'll try my best..." Xianwu obviously lacked confidence.

"Don't worry, how can you try your best?"

Ling Luoyu panted and pressed his chest, enduring the heartbreaking pain.

"You are a space artifact, and I am also a space artifact. What about the PK between your artifacts and the artifacts... You can't embarrass me!"


MMP in the heart of nothingness.

Although everyone is a divine weapon, the master's strength is very different, okay? !

This is not just a PK between artifacts, but also the blessing of the master's power!

You can't let the master's power be greatly weakened and put all your hopes on this magical weapon of his, right? !


Ling Luoyu finally found where the coffin was. With his strength, he tore open the barrier and rushed in.

Everything was still the same, and the coffin was still there.

Nothing seems to have changed.

Ling Luoyu's steps suddenly stopped and he stood there timidly.

"Nihility, tell me... is it better to have the Human Emperor or not have the Human Emperor?"

"Isn't it up to you to decide what you want?" Niwu was a little speechless: "According to your own plan, of course it's better to be inside. If people are inside, you can lift the knife and drop it...everything is solved!"

"... But you said, what if there is someone inside, and that person... is the spirit?" Ling Luoyu smiled uncertainly: "Well, then if I act like this, does it count as accidentally injuring friendly troops?"


We still don’t know if there is a Human Emperor in this, but it seems a bit much to think so far ahead.

Ling Luoyu also smiled a little self-deprecatingly: "Yes, now that things have come to an end, I am still in the mood to think about these messy things..."

While complaining, she forced herself and walked quickly to the coffin.

However, before he could reach the front, his footsteps stopped, because the Human Emperor in the coffin... was clearly visible.

" still there, nothingness?"

According to his plan, he was to find the Human Emperor, then cut off his head with a sword in his hand, completely cutting off his thoughts of resurrection.


When she stood here, she couldn't help but hesitate.

She was worried that the current human emperor in the coffin was the spiritual body replaced by the real emperor.

She is also worried that if after killing this body, some irreversible mistakes happen and make her even more out of control, it will be really troublesome.

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