Princess Against the World

Chapter 7330 A Game-15

"The fact now is that I don't know whether the future Human Emperor is alive, but Gu Lan is definitely alive... and he also found me..."

If her appearance did not change any history, then Gu Lan would not be in danger of his life.

Now, she just wants to know whether the emperor is dead or alive.

Wu Wu curled his lips in a weird expression, but said nothing.

Ling Luoyu sensed something was wrong with his mood: "What? Is there something wrong with what I said?"

"No...Master, just be happy!"

"...Why are you so weird?" Ling Luoyu glanced sideways: "What I just said...isn't it right?"

"Master, you have such double standards!"

"...Why am I double standarding again?"

"If it were Mo Xuanchen now, what would you do?"


"At that time, will you still care about his future or history? He must rush out first and save others..."

Since history will not change, it means that Mo Xuanchen will not be in any danger, so why do he still have to fight for his life with the Human Emperor? !

Just like now, just let it go and just be a member of the public, waiting to see how the story develops. Why bother to intervene?

All things considered, I still don’t want to save Gu Lan.

Ling Luoyu glanced sideways, looking at nothing with wrong eyes: "Has the Human Emperor brainwashed you? Can you say such things that lower your IQ? What is my relationship with Mo Xuanchen, and what is my relationship with Gu Lan? ...If Mo Xuanchen falls into the hands of the Human Emperor now, in order to protect me, he will definitely rather die than fish me out. Of course, I will use my life to protect such a person, even if I know that he He won’t die, he will live well, and I won’t just watch him get hurt because of me?”

It’s different when you look at Gu Lan.

That guy wants to kill her all the time.

If it hadn't been for the plot twist just now, the two of them might have been killed to death by now.

If not saved, Gu Lan will die in her hands and change history!

Niuwu seemed to realize that something was wrong with his words: "I didn't mean that, I meant...ah, forget it, I don't mean anything anymore..."

He suddenly realized that if he discussed and argued with his master, he would never have a chance to win in this life.

"Anyway, you know what I mean, that's not what I meant..."

Ling Luoyu pouted: "I know what you mean. You are worried. I will really rush out and save the guy. Don't worry... No, even if this guy dies in the hands of the Human Emperor, I won't care. he……"

"But if he says he is dead, will history change?"


Ling Luoyu suddenly stopped talking, and Xuwu shut up immediately!

"Forget it, forget it, I didn't say anything, Master, just think that I didn't say anything and that I was just farting..."


But his unintentional comment caught Ling Luoyu's attention.

Yes, if Gu Lan dies, will history change accordingly?

Will she still exist after history changes?

Even if they exist, will she and Mo Xuanchen meet again?

Will the direction of their story be the same as before? !

The butterfly effect can change history, not to mention, one less person is alive! !

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