Princess Against the World

Chapter 7331 A Game-16

Then - history will change dramatically.

"Gu Lan..." Ling Luoyu murmured: "Xiwu, you are right, Gu Lan cannot die... Once he dies, history will change..."

"Didn't you say he won't die?"

"But I am not history after all. I don't know... I don't know if I existed in the previous history..."

"Master? What did you say?" Wuwu said to her a little confused.

"If I existed, and it developed to what it was like later, I could just let it go..."

Because in that case, her existence is the development of history.

"But if I don't exist in history, but I appear, then it is destined...this history will change, and in the end, it is possible...Gu Lan will die!!"

"Master?" Niwu said, making him look a little bald.

Ling Luoyu's eyes became more subtle: "Xiaowu, have you ever thought that I might be that butterfly... When I arrived, everything changed. Gu Lan, who was originally immortal, might also die, and once he After death, history will be turned upside down, so... no matter what, I must ensure that Gu Lan survives first!"

Really damn!

After going through so much trouble, she still couldn't quietly be a melon-eater.

Because she doesn’t dare to gamble! !

I can’t afford to gamble either! !

Xingwu heard Lonely and didn't understand anything, but he felt the determination in her heart.

"Okay, Master, whatever you say is what you say..."

Do whatever you like! !

as long as you are happy! !

Although Ranxiang seemed to be coming to an end soon, Gu Lan didn't feel nervous at all.

It was as if he was waiting for his final death.

The incense you are waiting for burns to the end.

The Human Emperor sat there with his eyes closed, as if nothing had happened.

Niuwu smelled something unusual in it: "What are the two of them doing? They are angry at each other... to see who can survive to the end?"

"They're waiting for me!"


"Wait... to see if I will show up!" Ling Luoyu lowered his eyes, and a hint of evil appeared on the corner of his lips: "Both these two people know that I have space, so they all guessed that I am hiding in the ancient tomb. , hidden in a certain space, so... they are waiting to see whether I will appear in the final showdown? "

"Master...what about you?"

"Do you want me to show up?" Ling Luoyu suddenly smiled: "Just like the savior, descending from the sky to save Gu Lan from fire and water... Between life and death, I became his savior..."

Xu Wu curled his lips: "Being a savior like him... is it possible that you still want him to repay you with his life?"

"why not?"

"...Huh?" Niuwu thought he heard wrongly.

"If nothing else happens, I will go back to the future. In other words... if Gu Lan is still alive in the future, I will still be his savior, which means that he owes me a life in the future... ...If that's the case, do you think it's worth it for me to save him now?"

"...Master, you have to think carefully about how you can save him?" Niuwu warned: "Not long ago, you almost died in the hands of the Human Emperor. If it weren't for my spiritual energy and those pills, you would not be able to save him now. Can you still speak? Let alone save people..."

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