Princess Against the World

Chapter 7339 Out -3

Gu Lan suddenly understood what Ling Luoyu meant: "Ling Luoyu, you are trying to kill me..."

At this moment, a knife suddenly appeared in his hand.

And this extra knife is still her Ling Luoyu's personal weapon.

Even a fool can understand what this means.

Ling Luoyu, this is forcing him to kill the emperor.

In fact, it doesn't matter whether he is forced or not, because the current Human Emperor is also determined to kill him.

But now, he always feels like he dug a big hole, jumped into it, and buried himself.

Before Ling Luoyu could answer, the Human Emperor was already approaching.

Gu Lan had no choice but to respond hastily with the soul blade.

The moment the two sides exchanged blows, he suddenly realized the subtlety - the power carried by the soul blade turned out to be overwhelming and powerful.

For him, this power is stronger than his own.

Because its background is too strong.

The Soul Blade in his hand was like holding a bottomless pit of power source. No matter how he used the Chaos Spirit, he would always be able to make up for all the power effectively.

This kind of confrontational killing means that he has no worries at all, and he doesn't have to worry about running out of power.

If that's the case, what else can't he let go of? !

At that moment, all the power was concentrated on the soul blade, and they used all their strength to kill the Human Emperor.

After entering the Chaos Realm, Niwu very considerately brought a small bench and melon seeds, and gave a portion to Ling Luoyu.

The two people sat in front of the Chaos Mirror, cracking melon seeds while looking at the bloody massacre of the two people outside.

"Master, do you think... is it too unkind for us to do this?"

"Is there any? I think it's normal...Everything has its own advantages and disadvantages...What we need is for our Mr. Gu to give full play to his strengths as much as possible..."


"When it comes to cultivation ability, he is better than me. In this kind of battle against the Human Emperor, he will naturally take the lead. As for me... I will just replenish the knife and recharge the soul blade from behind..."

From Gu Lan's moves, it can be seen that the killing between him and the Human Emperor was to the point of relentlessness.

Since someone was fighting for her from the front, she was naturally happy to take advantage of the situation and wait to reap the fruits.

With the blessing of the soul blade, Gu Lan's fighting power was completely different from the embarrassing situation he had just fought against the Human Emperor.

Although every attack from the Human Emperor was fierce, it was still able to be resolved with Gu Lan's full resistance.

After all, the power of the soul blade cannot be underestimated.

For a while, it was hard to tell the difference between the two sides.

However, this state of war is a spiritual encouragement for Gu Lan.

After all, just now, he was the one who was abused, suppressed and beaten, and almost died.

But now, he actually has the confidence and strength to fight back, and he naturally becomes more energetic as he fights.

In comparison, the Human Emperor's state is very subtle.

He had injured his hamstring and had lost part of the Human Emperor's strength to support his injured leg.

In addition, not only did his opponent suddenly become stronger, there was also a killer hiding in the dark, coveting him all the time.

What's even worse is that the guy hiding in secret still has his body in his hands.

No one knows better than him what the essence means to him!

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