This is equivalent to having your weak point firmly held in your opponent's hand. If you start fighting again, you will naturally be timid.

This dual treatment of spirit and strength made it more difficult for him to fight.

The most terrible thing was that he felt the changes in his body, and he was worried that what he worried about most might have happened.

The Human Emperor became more frustrated as he fought, while Gu Lan became more courageous as he fought. The suppression of the power of both sides actually caused earth-shaking changes, and even the void felt the subtlety between them.

"Master... have you seen it?"

"I'm not blind, so of course I can see it!"

"Can we really win this game?"

"Whether I can win or not depends on how I can add fuel to his fire..."

"...Master?" Xuwu saw the evil look in Ling Luoyu's eyes: "You don't want to..."

"Whatever he wants, we won't give him. Whatever he fears, we will give him whatever he wants..."



A huge crash suddenly interrupted the battle between the Human Emperor and Gu Lan.

The two people stopped with a tacit understanding and turned to look at the same time.

In the originally empty space, a coffin suddenly appeared.

Both of them were familiar with this coffin - it was the coffin of the Human Emperor.

The most excited person was the Human Emperor. He slammed away from Gu Lan and rushed towards the coffin, but Gu Lan stepped back alertly at the same time.

"Miss Ling, are you crazy? You actually gave the thing to him?"

He clearly had the upper hand now, but she actually returned the coffin to the Human Emperor at this time? !

What is this for?

Want him dead? !

However, when the Human Emperor rushed to the coffin, his entire expression changed, and his body could not stop shaking.

Gu Lan immediately smelled the danger and stepped back again: "...You...Ling Luoyu, what did you do to the Human Emperor's body?"

Judging from the Human Emperor's expression, the contents inside the coffin were probably very bad.

Otherwise, he wouldn't look like he wants to eat people! !

No one answered his doubts.

The sense of crisis in Gu Lan's heart deepened: "Ling Luoyu, did you hear that? I'm talking to you..."


Gu Lan couldn't help shouting: "Even if you don't show up, at least you have to tell me what you did..."

"Even if I don't tell you, what's the point?"

Ling Luoyu's leisurely tone made him want to slap someone in his ears.

How could it be meaningless?

At least let him know what happened in the coffin, right? !

Ling Luoyu's laughter still came unhurriedly: "No matter what, you two are going to fight to the death. Either you die or he lives... You know, they are not all the same. Result?"

Just as Gu Lan was about to scold her a few more words, he suddenly saw the Human Emperor turning his head to look at her. Those two pairs of eyes... looked very wrong.

Gu Lan immediately tightened his grip on the soul blade: "...The result is...I may die faster, or die slower...Do you think I need to know?!"

Looking at the look in the Human Emperor's eyes, he probably won't be able to die well! !

"Ling Luoyu, you really killed me..."

Before he could finish his words, the Human Emperor had already charged over.

This time, he seemed to give it a go, killing with every move, and there was no back-up move at all.

Compared with the previous confrontation, this time it was completely the kind of killing intention that "would rather be shattered than destroyed."

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