Princess Against the World

Chapter 7353 Out-17

"Yes, as the saying goes, if a good man goes to the end, sends the Buddha to the West, and kills the Human Emperor, he will be famous throughout the ages. This opportunity to be famous throughout the ages... I can give it to you!"

As Ling Luoyu spoke, he stepped back and made an invitation gesture with his right hand.

"Mr. Gu, please..."

Gu Lan looked at her with suspicion and frowned: "...Do you really want to give it to me? This is a good time to make a name for yourself!!"

Why should she give such a good opportunity to herself?

This kind of pie-in-the-sky good thing, even if his head is smashed, it won't be his turn, right? !

As the saying goes, showing courtesy for nothing is either cheating or stealing.

In this case, it is the same whether it is used on men or women! !

However, Ling Luoyu didn't look like he was joking: "I said, I will give you this opportunity... just like I saved your life just now, I want you to owe me a big favor! A big favor! !”

Gu Lan was still full of doubts: "I can understand you saving me...but exchanging a favor for this opportunity to become famous? Ling Luoyu, what are you trying to do?"

"Haha..." Ling Luoyu couldn't help laughing.

She noticed his confusion and couldn't help but smile and shake her head.

"Gu Lan, I really don't understand what you are afraid of. Isn't it because you are afraid...that I will let you commit yourself to me?!"

"..." Gu Lan's pupils shrank.

honestly! !

If she had brought up such a thing, maybe he wouldn't be so anxious and confused! !

But then——

"Don't worry, it won't happen...because I'm not interested in you, and you're not my type at all..."

Before Ling Luoyu finished speaking, the Human Emperor suddenly turned around and fled.

Nowadays, his chances of winning are simply not too low! !

If you stay here any longer, you will be killed! !

So, taking advantage of the two of them grinding their teeth there, he flew away.

Even though the word "escape" is a humiliating word for him! !

However, between life and death, these things cannot be taken into account! !

The moment he turned around, Gu Lan suddenly flew over without any hesitation.

When passing by the soul blade, he grabbed it with one hand, swept towards the Human Emperor, and killed him.

As things stand now, let’s talk about this kind of negotiation later!

We can't let anyone escape! !

Ling Luoyu stood there silently, watching the Human Emperor and Gu Lan fight together.

For her, these two men only care about the ending, not the process.

Although the Human Emperor was injured now, he was facing the pursuit of Gu Lan alone, so he was able to cope with it for a while.

But he was injured after all and was bleeding profusely.

For him, excessive blood loss is not a good thing!

As the blood slowly drained away, his movements became slower and slower.

His slowness resulted in Gulan's intensified pursuit.

The two of them have completely changed their positions now.

When Gu Lan was beaten by the Human Emperor before, he never thought that he would have such an exciting moment to fight back.

At such a time, it can be said that a gentleman takes revenge, and it is never too late in ten years.

Now, the enemy is right in front of you. If you miss it, it will be the anger of both humans and gods! !

Therefore, the more he played, the more excited he became, and the more he played, the more excited he became.

However, the Human Emperor became more frustrated and retreated the more he fought.

So much so that it was difficult to even parry in the end, and there were several wounds on his body.

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