Princess Against the World

Chapter 7354 Out-18

Ling Luoyu finally breathed a sigh of relief: It's done, the overall situation is settled! !

As long as Gu Lan kills the Human Emperor, this crisis will be completely resolved.



The Human Emperor added another wound to his body and rolled to the ground in a panic. He no longer had the domineering aura he had when he was the king.

But Gu Lan and Soul Blade didn't give him any chance to breathe.


The soul blade trembled, flew into the air in Gu Lan's hand, and fell down while killing.

Just when he was about to fall on the neck of the Human Emperor...

"You can't kill me..." The Human Emperor suddenly roared hysterically.

Gu Lan would not get used to this bad habit of his, so he did not hesitate for a moment and continued to fall.



The soul blade trembled again.

This time, it stopped three inches below the Human Emperor's neck.

Gu Lan: "..."

Um? ?

what happened?

He subconsciously exerted force again.

But the soul blade didn't move at all.

Gu Lan understood immediately and turned around suddenly: "...Ling Luoyu, what are you doing?"

Now, at the most critical moment, success or failure depends on this last moment.

But just now, is she going to have another trouble? !

"Didn't you hear what the adults said?" Ling Luoyu moved his fingertips lightly, signaling him not to be angry: "As the saying goes, when a bird dies, its song will also be mournful. Our Lord, the Human Emperor, is about to reach the end of his life. , should we be humane and give him a chance to say his last words?"

Gu Lan was furious: "When he wanted to kill us just now, he didn't even give us a chance to say his last words... Did he give us a chance to say his last words to you when he killed you just now?"

"He is him, and I am me...His Majesty the Human Emperor is not interested in what I say, but I am very interested in what His Majesty the Human Emperor says. I really want to know...why I can't kill him!" Ling Luoyu answered seriously. .

But from the look in her eyes, Gu Lan could tell that it was all a joke! !

She should not be interested in anything the Human Emperor says! !

What she was interested in was teasing this man.

Teasing the Emperor! !

Although he also wanted to tease him, in comparison, it felt safer to kill this man! !

"Miss Ling, this is the most critical moment, so don't let the small things make the big mistakes..."

"Mr. Jia, what are you afraid of? His life and death are in your hands now!" Ling Luoyu walked leisurely towards Anyan: "Your Majesty, why can't I kill you?"

The Human Emperor gasped, stood up, and tried his best to maintain his previous pride: "Because you are in my space, once I die, this space will collapse, and you two... will also disappear! "

"Really, so serious?" Ling Luoyu exclaimed with an exaggerated expression, and immediately smiled: "Your Majesty, if I didn't have space, maybe I would believe what you said... It's a pity, I Also know...even if you die, this space will still exist. At most, we may be trapped here and never be able to get out, but...this space will change owners, as long as this space has a new owner. , we will still be free..."

Her eyes were a little strange, and she suddenly looked at Gu Lan.

"I think there are so many people here, one of them will be suitable... to be the master of this space, right?!"

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