Princess Against the World

Chapter 7361 Overlapping Space-3

He gently rubbed his forehead, twisted his waist again, and said with a serious face: "But now I feel...all my body hurts, and I'm still hungry!"

He looked at Ling Luoyu tentatively, as if waiting for the final answer.

Ling Luoyu did not disappoint him: "Since you can still feel pain and hunger, it means you are still alive, then the two of us are not dead... It's just that I don't know where this place is, so just treat it like we are Two wandering souls... wander here!"

"So... this is called the Wandering Soul World? Our Wandering Soul World!!"

When Gu Lan said the last sentence, he looked at Ling Luoyu meaningfully.

And Ling Luoyu's heart suddenly moved. He thought of something, turned his head suddenly, and met his gaze.

The two people looked at each other, each with their own thoughts.

After a long time, Ling Luoyu smiled and broke the deadlock between the two parties.

"I said, Mr. Gu, what you said is quite scary. What is our wandering world? Are we the only two living people here? If this is the case, it will really be the end of the world. …”

"Really?" Gu Lan smiled and shook his head, looking into the distance: "Why do I feel... like a paradise? Don't you think that in such a secluded place, with just the two of us, it's very difficult?" Is it Fenghuaxueyue?”

"Oh, Mr. Gu, are you too unworldly? All the troubles in this world come with a price... First of all, you must eat and drink enough, and you must also have absolute safety. feel……"

Ling Luoyu was very rude and beat Gulan's Fenghuaxueyue to pieces.

"But look at this place. Except for these stones, they are just stones. I don't even see a small piece of grass... Excuse me, where do the flowers come from? And... where is the wind?"

Opening her arms, she closed her eyes and felt it carefully.

"Do you feel the wind?"

If her guess was correct, there would be some differences between night and day here.

What if--we were really in the wandering soul world! !

"There are no flowers, no wind, no moon... As for the snow, you can't even see it! So, Mr. Gu, where did the wind, flowers, snow and moon you talk about come from?"

After a few words, Gu Lan seemed to be speechless.

Ling Luoyu continued to attack: "Not to mention, now we can't even solve the problem of food and clothing. We don't even have a single grass seedling. What to eat and what to drink? Is it possible... Right here, you look at me, I see With you... romantic?"


Gu Lan glanced at her silently, then suddenly raised his thumbs with both hands.

"Miss Ling, I admire you, I really admire and I came here together, have already discovered so many problems before I discovered anything!"

"At a time when life and death are at stake, I am not as elegant as Mr. Gu, so what else can I have... romantic thoughts!"

Ling Luoyu pointed to the highest point of the stone.

"Now, I only have one last wish left. Let's climb to the highest point... I hope that the highest point will have what we want, a different scenery!"

In fact, Ling Luoyu was also lying to himself with these words.

According to the previous plot, the Wandering Soul World is the Wandering Soul World, just a bare, almost lifeless place.

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