Princess Against the World

Chapter 7362 Overlapping Space-4

In a place like this, let alone jumping onto a rock, even if you jump into the atmosphere, you probably won't be able to see anything - a different scenery! !

But what can be done now?

We can only fool Gu Lan and continue to follow the plot!

Otherwise, we can't stand here - romantic, right? !

The two people looked at each other, and in a tacit understanding, they each used their own strength to leap onto the stone.

Ling Luoyu knew what the scenery above was like, so he was lazy and lacked energy - anyway, when he got to the top, all he saw were rocks.

Gu Lan's movements were very fast, and he reached the highest point with a few moments of strength.

Ling Luoyu stopped lazily and asked lazily: "How is it? Isn't the scenery up there something special? It's different!"

Gu Lan didn't answer. He stared straight in one direction without blinking, as if he didn't hear her words.

"Is this guy... a drama queen?"

It's just a pile of broken rocks, can you be so shocked? !

Could it be that... I was frightened by that pile of rocks? !

Thinking about it now, he probably no longer has any romantic thoughts!

At that moment, I decided to tease him again: "Gu Lan, Mr. Gu..."


"Gu Lan?!"


After shouting several times without getting an answer, Ling Luoyu immediately realized that something... seemed to be really wrong.

That guy shouldn't be desperate, but something really attracted his attention.

She immediately turned over and landed next to him as gracefully as a feather.


She did not follow Gu Lan's gaze and look into the distance. Instead, she stood opposite him and pushed him first.


Afterwards, her voice suddenly became softer.

Because she found that there was something wrong with Gu Lan's eyes.

He seemed to be possessed by something, and looked behind her with dull eyes.

"Gu Lan?"

Ling Luoyu's hand waved back and forth in front of him, without attracting his attention or interrupting his absence.

——Something really happened! !

Ling Luoyu tried his best to suppress his curiosity and did not turn his head. Instead, he slowly approached Gu Lan and looked into his eyes carefully.

In the black eyes, a bunch of light danced.

A black light.

That cluster of black light seems to be hanging on the horizon, complementing the sun. One black and one white, the world is clear! !

When he saw this cluster of black light, a word instantly popped into Ling Luoyu's mind.


aurora! !

Gu Lan tried every means to trick her into the wandering soul world, forcing her to find the one she had to find - Aurora! !

Ling Luoyu has never seen an aurora, but he has heard descriptions of it and guesses that it must be an aurora! !

"Aurora...why did it appear here?"

For this thing, Gu Lan worked hard and planned it for many years.

Could it be——

Ling Luoyu suddenly broke out in a cold sweat, and looked at the jumping light in his eyes with concern! !

It was because now, at this moment, Gu Lan saw the aurora! !

Therefore, in the second half of his life, the aurora became his obsession, which made him obsessed with this thing! !

It is also because of this that the Soul World was established.

And, trying so hard to lure her to Aurora? ?

Why? ?

Why is he looking for Aurora! !


What role did it play in the subsequent development of things? ?

What happened to make Gu Lan so obsessed with getting it! ?

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