Princess Against the World

Chapter 7392 Eye of the Storm-14

If Ling Luoyu knew what it was, he would probably have started to deal with it by now.

How could I still be here, wasting my time with him?

"Then what should we do? Both of you... were the result of a head-on confrontation, and you didn't find out the reason!"

Feng Chenglin suddenly thought deeply and became frightened.

Even Ling Luoyu didn't know anything about it. This shows how terrifying this thing is!

Regardless of its speed or its combat effectiveness, I'm afraid it's enough for both of them to drink a pot.

Feng Chenglin swallowed his saliva: "Then... how about we try again, just try the method just now?"

"...Are you sure?" Ling Luoyu looked subtle.

"What's so uncertain about this? We've already practiced it just now, so it's a near miss, right?!" Feng Chenglin chuckled nonchalantly and flexed his hands and feet: "Anyway, it's our first time. If you succeed, try again... Speaking from experience, there should be no problem, come on!"

Both of them are now trapped here.

There is no choice but to find out what that thing is.

Therefore, even if it is a risk, the two of them have to take the risk and give it a try! !

After making up their mind, the two of them looked at each other, and followed the previous steps again, Ling Luoyu once again removed the barrier.

The moment Feng Chenglin took off, he looked behind Lin Luoyu and signaled with his eyes again.

Only this time, the direction he indicated was not behind her, but to the left.

The soul blade kills to the left.

As expected, he still hit something and was bounced back again, but this time, Ling Luoyu put up a barrier.

This time the barrier was not to protect herself, but to trap that thing.


A black lightning was trapped in the barrier, crackling and jumping, and it looked like a twisted black python.

Feng Chenglin yelled "Wow!" and was pulled down by Ling Luoyu. He vomited several times, even the gall, and his face turned pale.

While wiping his mouth, he looked at the lightning that was still twisting and jumping in the barrier, and frowned.

"...What the hell is this?"

"I don't know, it's the first time I've seen it..." Ling Luoyu bit his finger and walked around the small barrier a few times: "Fat man, tell me... is it alive or dead?"

"It must be alive. Look at it dancing so happily and joyfully..."

Before he finished speaking, he glanced at Ling Luoyu, took a breath and scratched his head.

" clearly doesn't look like this living creature!?"

In their understanding, living creatures should refer to grass and small animals.

At least something that can breathe, pant, live and die.

But what about this thing in front of you?

It looks like... a black rope!

It's just a rope that can jump!

This thing... no matter how you look at it, it doesn't look like it's alive!

But if it has no life and is a dead thing, then what does it mean when it is jumping so joyfully?

"Third Young you think it's alive or dead?"

"I can't tell, I don't feel anything..."


It's over, something that even Ling Luoyu can't feel is definitely not a good thing.

"Then..." Feng Chenglin glanced at the soul blade suspended in the air, raised his eyebrows, and smiled a bit: "Shall we give it a try?"

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