Princess Against the World

Chapter 7393 Eye of the Storm-15


The soul blade trembled and slightly expressed its opinion.

Feng Chenglin rolled his eyes: "Are you protesting? You are a dead thing, what are you protesting for? The protest is invalid..."

The soul blade trembled louder this time, as if it was protesting something.

"Okay, I'm sorry, slip of the tongue, you are not a dead thing, you are alive, you are alive..." Feng Chenglin gave it a roll of his eyes again: "But your life is worse than the two of ours." Life is hard, but life is long, right?"

The soul blade was still trembling, obviously protesting.

Feng Chenglin ignored its protests and winked at Ling Luoyu: "Third Young Master, come one?"

Who knows, Ling Luoyu shook his head: "Soul Blade... is no match for it!"

"Ah?" Feng Chenglin's smile froze on his face: "Are you really fake? Can the Soul Blade be... that crackling opponent?"

The soul blade was the most powerful magic weapon he had ever seen in the world, but he was still no match for that thing? !

That thing...what exactly is it?

"When we fought twice just now, I can feel it. This thing is definitely not an ordinary object..."

At a quick glance, that thing was a rope.

With the power of the soul blade itself, it can split even a mountain, let alone a rope.


Judging from the confrontation between them just now, this thing didn't hurt at all.

"Fat man... tell me, does this thing have something to do with the Aurora?"

"This Crackle and Aurora?" Feng Chenglin looked in the direction subconsciously. Although he looked lonely, he still shook his head: "It shouldn't be the case, right? The two of them don't seem to have any necessary connection!"

"You have never seen an aurora, how do you know... they are not necessarily connected?"

"...feeling, feeling okay?"

"But my feeling... I feel that the two of them should be related to a certain extent!"


Ling Luoyu's feeling was a bit unfriendly to Feng Chenglin.

"No way? If there is a connection between the two of them, then we will have really great fun!"

If the crackling they faced might be a type of aurora, then this tornado might also be related to the aurora.

They still haven't figured out what the aurora is.

If it really has anything to do with it...

Well, maybe they will be trapped in this space for the rest of their lives.

"Then what should we do now? We can't fight... we can't fight, and we can't do it..."

"By the way, Fatty, how did you see just now...this thing is next to me? When you saw it, what was it doing to me?"

"As I said just now, the time was too short and its movements were too fast. I just glanced at it and it disappeared. I really didn't see clearly what it was doing to you..."

Feng Chenglin didn't understand why Ling Luoyu had such a deep obsession with what he did.

"No matter what we do, if this thing follows us, nothing good will happen..."

Looking at crackling again, he was sure.

"Look at it, look at the way it looks. It's not a good thing at first glance. It's dark and scary. What kind of evil is it hiding in your bones? Fortunately, we discovered it early and didn't let it die. Bad things succeed..."

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