Princess Against the World

Chapter 7413 That’s it-13

"...What do you mean?" Gu Lan became angry instantly.

Do you think he is stupid?

Can't you hear the words referring to Sang and Huai? !

Feng Chenglin raised his head seriously: "I don't mean anything. I'm teaching it how to recognize its master... These artifacts are just like children. They need to be taught. If you don't teach them, they will die." He is innocent and has a lively temper. He can do whatever he wants as soon as he thinks of it. Isn’t this... If you don’t recognize the Lord, then you don’t recognize the Lord and dump you? I’m teaching him now..."

He talks so much nonsense that no one would believe it.

Gu Lan can't get it by cheating.

Unless he wants to completely break up, he has to endure this breath.

She swallowed her anger and allowed him to talk nonsense.

After all, Ling Luoyu was still watching.

Now, he has no ability to offend her.

Seeing that Gu Lan was silenced by the rebuke, Feng Chenglin continued to fool around a bit more.

"Then again, you have to figure out for yourself what kind of master is worthy of your recognition. Don't choose a messy master in a daze, and then deny the master with a petty temper..."

Gu Lan immediately glared over.

Feng Chenglin chuckled and looked up with a smile: "I am making an analogy, for, where is education?"

Gu Lanxin said that your education is nothing.

It is clear that he is blatantly criticizing Sang and Huai.

"Actually, think about it, what do you mean by saying that you don't recognize the Lord, then you don't recognize the Lord? If you didn't want to recognize the Lord at first, then if you had the ability, don't show him the space. Now show him the space. You don’t recognize your master, what do you mean? Could it be still want to climb the wall and find another master?"

Ling Luoyu:......

Does this damn fat man want to instigate Jiguang to rebel?

To identify the owner of the artifact, you are looking for an opportunity, but to a large extent, you must also find a powerful host to become a symbiote.

Therefore, it was not unreasonable for Aurora to choose Gu Lan from the very beginning.

Because Gu Lan's own aura should be the strongest among the three of them.

Artifacts like Aurora are spiritual and will follow their own instincts to find their master.

As for whether the contract can be successful later, that is a matter for later.

Therefore, the running-in between the artifact and its owner is still very important.

If you don't get it right, you will end up like Gu Lan, who saw that the egg he got was smashed to pieces in the end.


Under such circumstances, one thing is not lost - an opportunity.

Ling Luoyu looked at Feng Chenglin calmly.

Now, among the three of them, she already has the realm of chaos.

Theoretically speaking, Aurora may not have any more contract with her.

Then, Feng Chenglin has a great chance to be recognized by Aurora.

If it recognizes it as its owner——

For Feng Chenglin people, it shouldn't be a bad thing.

However, the driver also needs certain abilities at his own level.

I just don't know if Feng Chenglin has such ability.

Ling Luoyu lowered his eyes and chuckled calmly: "I said, you guy... to identify the owner of the artifact requires the right time, place, and people. It's not like you said, if you want to climb the wall, you can just climb it. Wall... If a divine weapon can be easily identified as its owner, then it wouldn’t be called a divine weapon!"

Feng Chenglin's eyes widened and he was very unhappy: "Do you look down on me?"

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