Princess Against the World

Chapter 7414 That’s it-14

"It's not me who has the final say whether it can like you or not. It's whether this artifact can like you or not. If it doesn't like you, what can I do? If the cow doesn't drink water, why should I force its head to be pressed? Can you force it to recognize its master for you?"

Ling Luoyu's words seemed to have opened up Feng Chenglin's second line of Ren and Du.

He instantly understood what she meant.

——Ling Luoyu, this is to ask him to find a way to compete with Gu Lan for Jiguang, so that Jiguang will recognize him as its master.

But... how to do this?

This was his first time meeting a treasure like Aurora.

Moreover, he had no idea what the procedure was for identifying the owners of these artifacts? !

At the very least, Gu Lan still knows how to use blood. He doesn't even know how to use blood!

At this moment, some people looked towards Ling Luoyu asking for help.

At the same time, Gu Lan also looked at Ling Luoyu.

With his scheming mind, it was not difficult to guess what Ling Luoyu's words were implying.

But what is she hinting at?

Is it hinting that that guy wants Aurora to recognize him as his master?

Ling Luoyu understood the confusion in his eyes and naturally couldn't give Feng Chenglin any hint.

"What are you looking at me for? Am I interested in this thing? I just said it...I'm not interested in it, so you don't have to worry, I will snatch it from you two!"

Feng Chenglin:...

Of course he knew that she would not have the idea of ​​doing this.


At the very least, give him some hints and tell him what he should do!

Now that his eyes were darkened, even if he wanted to start, he didn't know where to start.

You can't just hold Aurora with both hands and ask it if it wants to recognize him as its master! ?

What's more, Gu Lan had just said that he had entered the Aurora's space.

But now, he is standing outside the Aurora Space.

It's very clear that this thing doesn't want to accept his decision.

For things like contracting with artifacts, it must be that the man is affectionate and the concubine is interested.

At the very least, we have to be in love with each other, right? !

But now?

He and Ji Guangming were facing each other, one wanted to be willing, the other was resisting!

Even if he wants to overpower him, he still has to find that key point and enter the Aurora's space, right? !

You can't shave your head because your head is hot, and you should take it for granted and enter its space, right? !

In other words, even if the overlord forces himself on him, he must have the capital to force himself on him! !

At the very least, to some extent, he had to crush the Aurora so that he could enter its space.

Wait a minute……

Feng Chenglin's mind suddenly moved:... Overlord forcefully attack? Enter the space...



Why doesn't he give it a try and enter the Aurora's space?

Success or failure, right or wrong, no one knows anyway.

Even if he failed, no one would notice the fact that he was rejected by a divine weapon, right? !

Besides, even if it fails and Bill finds out, so what?

With his level of cultivation, it is only human nature to be rejected by a divine weapon.

After all...among the three people, his cultivation level is the lowest.

Failure means failure, and shame means shame.

It's better than not trying anything and just regretting it, right? !

After comforting himself, Feng Chenglin made up his mind.

No matter what, let’s try it first and then talk about it.

What if I got lucky and succeeded like this? !

At the moment, holding the aurora in both hands, I tried my best to empty my consciousness and wanted to enter the aurora.



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