Princess Against the World

Chapter 7415 That’s it-15

Feng Chenglin yelled "Wow!" and flew away instantly as if he was hit by something.

The aurora also fell to the ground and became a soft rope.

Gu Lan: "..."

What is this guy doing?

So good, how could he fly out?

Did he do something just now?

Ling Luoyu: "..."

Poor fat man, it seems he failed.

It seems that she thought too simply.

An artifact like Aurora cannot be recognized as its owner just by casual desire.

While his heart was feeling depressed, Feng Chenglin suddenly jumped up and stood up in a rage.

"Oh, you actually dare to knock me away?! Do you treat me like a sick cat if I don't get mad? You really don't despise me, don't you? Then I'll let you take a good look at it, I don't believe it Already..."

He once again used his mind to forcefully lean towards the Aurora.



Was bounced away again.

This time, even Gu Lan knew what he was doing.

"You want to recognize the master..."

He felt the crisis approaching and immediately stood up to take action against Feng Chenglin.

But Ling Luoyu dodged and stood opposite him.

"Mr. Gu, why are you so anxious? Didn't you also see it? Jiguang doesn't agree with him and is rejecting him... The problem now is that he doesn't know what is good or bad and refuses to give up. He insists on trying again and again. In this case , just let him give it a try. This kind of person will not look back even if he hits the wall. Then let him know what it feels like to hit his head and bleed..."

That's what he said, but Gu Lan didn't want to take risks.

——You can’t take risks like this!

Who can tell clearly what is happening in this world? What will the final result be like?

Once a miracle happens and Aurora recognizes that guy as its master, then all his current efforts will fall short and be wasted.

So, he doesn't want to take risks! !

"No! It can't be like this!"

No matter what, he had to kill this guy first to avoid future troubles before making other plans.

However, Ling Luoyu stopped in front of him again.

"Mr. Gu, please think twice before you act..."

Gu Lan took a step back suddenly and shook his head in hindsight: "Miss Ling, are you telling me that everything you said before was a lie? You and this person are not the same at all. The so-called first meeting, you have known each other for a long time and have a close relationship, so you are helping him now and want Jiguang to recognize him as the master?"

Ling Luoyu was not embarrassed or panicked by being poked: "Mr. Gu, these are just your personal conjectures. I can understand your persecution delusion. After all, in this space, among the three of us, no one trusts the other. !!”

"Then get out of the way and let me kill him!"


"You're still protecting him!"

"Mr. Gu, if he were to kill you now, I would still protect you, because now in this space, the three of us are like a triangle, stabilizing each other and restraining each other. Once it becomes a triangle again, Two people may end up hurting each other just like before..."


Gu Lan looked at Feng Chenglin.

While he and Ling Luoyu were talking, Feng Chenglin was still doing his own thing.

He is still forced and wants to invade Aurora with his own thoughts.

Unfortunately, every time it ended in failure.

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