Princess Against the World

Chapter 7416 That’s it-16

Now, his body is covered with dust.

His nose was bruised and his face was swollen, and he was quite embarrassed.

This is a relatively good result.

Gu Lan no longer had the previous nervousness and panic: "But you just said that for Aurora to recognize its master, it requires the right time, right place, right people, and the right people. Do you think...that guy, does he have the right people and people?"

Ling Luoyu followed his gaze and looked at Feng Chenglin, his eyes more playful: "What do you think?"

"I don't think he has it!"

"What a coincidence, I feel the same way!"

"...If that's the case, why do you keep letting him do this, trying again and again?"

"...If that's the case, why can't we let him do this and try again and again?" Ling Luoyu turned his eyes and smiled: "It won't succeed anyway, so let him accept the feeling of frustration for a while!"

Gu Lan: "..."

This sounds right.

But speaking of it, it feels wrong! !

"Miss Ling, psychologically speaking, I feel that you are much more tolerant of him than you are of me... So I have always had the illusion that the two of you are definitely not as simple as the first acquaintance!"

"Because for me, his sense of threat to me is much lower than that of you..."


"To be fair, if one of the three of us has to die and only two of us can survive, I think you must choose him and you..."

Gu Lan's eyes moved for a moment but he didn't answer.

Ling Luoyu continued to laugh: "Mr. Gu, don't feel embarrassed, because this is also my choice!"


"After all, in terms of cultivation, you can completely crush him. If something happens again, he will never be a threat to you, but I am different... Once a life and death decision occurs, I may kill him You...this is the feeling between the two of us!"

At this point, the two of them should feel the same.

Therefore, there is no need for Ling Luoyu to hide his true thoughts.

Just like Gu Lan, if there was a fatal crisis between her and Feng Chenglin at this time, and Gu Lan had only one choice, he would definitely protect Feng Chenglin and take her as an opportunity to get rid of her! !

The two opponents, who were equally matched in cultivation and equally matched in scheming, tacitly understood each other and wanted to kill each other.

Gu Lan felt a little embarrassed when he was told about the central issue. He lowered his head, coughed and smiled: "I didn't expect that in Miss Ling's heart, I turned out to be such a person. I was really sincere and paid for it by mistake."

"Mr. Gu, can you say something less disgusting?"

"What I said was true..."

"Whether it's true or not, we all know it in our hearts anyway. Mr. Gu, there's no need for us to be so polite here, right?"

"That's natural. Being too polite would seem too..."

Gu Lan smiled calmly and slowly raised his head.

But the moment he raised his head, his smile suddenly froze. Looking behind Ling Luoyu, his eyes changed obviously.

"...What? What's going on? Where are we, where are others?"

He just lowered his head and it was just for a moment. How could he disappear?

Ling Luoyu followed his gaze and looked behind him, his expression changing slightly.

"What's going on here?"

The next second, she understood instantly.

--space! !


This damn fat guy! !

Have you entered the aurora space? !

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